Monthly Archives: March 2016

Salon: Say, Liberal Cities And States Are Really Horrible Places For Sexism And Hatred

I’m not sure Salon really thought about it when they re-posted an article from ultra-leftist Alternet regarding sexism and race hate and stuff The 10 most bigoted cities in America, according to Twitter New research measures the frequency that social media users across the country resort to hate speech In many ways, social media provides […]

Conservatives Against Trump Looks To Stop Trump

Red State’s Erick Erickson and a smattering of other Conservatives have banded together, calling themselves Conservatives Against Trump to stop Trump, and has released the following statement as a whole We are a group of grassroots conservative activists from all over the country and from various backgrounds, including supporters of many of the other campaigns. […]

“13 million Americans could become climate refugees” Or something

Dooooooooom (CBS News) More than 13 million Americans could become climate refugees by 2100 if the worst sea-level rise comes to pass, new research suggests. Rising seas caused by climate change could permanently flood hundreds of U.S. counties, according to the study. The hardest-hit county will be Miami-Dade, Florida, where 2 million people could be […]

If All You See…

…is an evil manicured garden for an evil fossil fuels using 1%er, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jammie Wearing Fools, with a post on where Fast and Furious guns have been tracked.

You Really Need To Look At Breaking And Entering From The Thief’s Point Of View Or Something

This is not The Onion. These people are serious (Daily Caller)  Relatives of a teenager shot and killed while robbing a home in Miami are upset with the homeowner for defending herself. Trevon Johnson, 17, spent the final moments of his life last Thursday trying to rob a woman’s house before she killed him during […]

Surprise: ‘Climate Change’ Skeptic Donald Trump Donated To Warmist Group

Donald Trump claims he is not a believer in anthropogenic climate change. He’s even stated that it was created by the Chinese. Back in February, MSNBC noted In tweets between 2012 and early 2015, he called climate change a “con job,” a “canard,” a “hoax,” “bulls**t,” and a concept “created by and for the Chinese […]

Will GOP Hold Strong On Supreme Court Pick?

The pick of Merrick Garland has reportedly split some Progressives, who wanted someone more hardcore Progressive and/or a woman/minority (why? Because. That’s pretty much their rationale). Senator McConnell is reportedly holding strong on the “no hearing till we have the next president” thought. So is Senator Grassley “When they structured our nation, the founders placed […]

Warmists Very Upset House Recognizes Magic But Not ‘Climate Change’

Some enterprising Republican should write up something that recognizes anthropogenic climate change as being on par with magic. Or, links it to the Salem Witch hysteria. This is Climarouttes in action, where virtually everything has to be linked to Hotcoldwetdry House GOP Recognizes Magic But Not Climate Change: ‘Magic Is A National Treasure’ In the […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful open space that should be full of wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post on a KKK Grand Dragon endorsing Hillary. Where was the media interest in this?

Surprise: To Succeed ‘Climate Change” Action Needs Social Equity

It’s almost like the whole anthropogenic climate change movement is all about far left Progressive politics Why Climate Change Action Cannot Succeed Without Social Equity Over 120 cities and counties in California have a climate action plan either completed or in the pipeline.  As cities develop these plans and initiatives to address climate change, it is important […]

Pirate's Cove