The NY Times’ Frank Bruni is Very Upset about HB2, and is, obviously, Blaming Republicans and a hilarious, clueless manner
The Republicans’ Gay Freakout
OUR infrastructure is inexcusable, much of our public education is miserable and one of our leading presidential candidates is a know-nothing, say-anything egomaniac who yanks harder every day at the tattered fabric of civil discourse and fundamental decency in this country.
But let’s by all means worry about the gays! Let’s make sure they know their place. Keep them in check and all else falls into line, or at least America notches one victory amid so many defeats.
That must be the thinking behind Republican efforts to push through so-called religious liberty laws and other legislation — most egregiously in North Carolina — that excuse and legitimize anti-gay discrimination. They’re cynical distractions. Politically opportunistic sideshows.
Well, not, that’s very interesting, considering that it was the city of Charlotte, NC, run by Democrats, which initiated this whole thing with their passage of a gender confused bathroom law. The NC law, HB2, did a few simple things, one of which was to restrict local cities from forcing private businesses to allow transgenders to use the bathroom, locker room, and showers of their “gender identity”. If a company wants to do this, they are welcome to do so. It is their choice.
I thought liberals approved of choice. No?
As for the real issues, yes, we have them. So, why are so many Democrats, like Frank Bruni, so utterly concerned with a law that simply reaffirms freedom of choice for private entities as to who uses their bathrooms? Mention the danger from ISIS and radical Islam, and liberals mostly shrug and say it’s much ado about nothing. Gender confused in bathrooms? 5 alarm fire!
BTW, if the public educations system is “miserable”, whose fault is that? It’s not Republicans who run it, are the majority of teachers, and control unions.
And the Republicans who are promoting them are playing a short game, not a long one, by refusing to acknowledge a clear movement in our society toward L.G.B.T. equality, a trajectory with only one shape and only one destination.
A confused man wanting to use the ladies room (bathroom, locker room, showers) is not equality, it’s a privacy issue, among others, especially when some who aren’t TG will take advantage to spy on women (and vice versa for confused women). But, enforcing compliance is super important to Leftists, rather than fixing our infrastructure.
THE party’s anti-gay efforts not only undermine its pro-business stance but also contradict conservatives’ exaltation of local decision making. The North Carolina law was drafted and passed expressly to undo and override an ordinance in the state’s most populous city, Charlotte, that extended L.G.B.T. protections against discrimination to transgender people who want to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. The law went so far as to forbid any municipality from instituting its own anti-discrimination protections, lest they contradict the state’s.
Wow! That is one seriously convoluted, and deluded, argument. First, Conservatives understand the primacy of the States and the People, as the 10th Amendment notes. Furthermore, as noted above, HB2 reaffirms that it is the choice of the businesses as to whether they will allow the gender confused to use the bathroom of their gender identity.
Let’s also note again, Democrats loved when the federal government said that state law could not be primary, when it was Arizona’s (and other states’) illegal alien laws. HB2 simply reaffirms, as with all states, that state law takes precedence over local law. This all goes to show that Liberals aren’t concerned with law nor deeply held beliefs, they are interested in feelings based on the moment. It’s a great government model, is it not? /sarc
One thing related I do want to note. I’ve mentioned Fullstream Brewery in Durham in at least one post, as complaining about not being able to build gender neutral bathrooms, and they’ve been big complainers in many local news articles about HB2. I reached out to them, and, according to the company, they’ve had a policy in place for 5 years allowing transgenders to use the bathroom of their choice
@WilliamTeach yes indeed. See the 3rd paragraph.
— Fullsteam (@fullsteam) April 3, 2016
So, there is at least one company who does this, and, if they want to, that is their choice. Government should not stop them, and HB2 reaffirms that it is the choice of the private entity. Some may not like it, and they can choose to not engage in commerce with that business. HB2 is most assuredly pro-business, rather than Government telling them they must do something.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

ConservativesFreedom-confused Americans lie to themselves. The freedom-confused pretend to protect little girls from men wearing dresses in government bathrooms, yet ignore freedom-confused preachers in dresses who actually DO assault little girls and little boys in christian churches. Curiouser and curiouser.Why not just admit that you despise gays and the transgendered? Does your disdain for LGBT folk stem from your religion, or does it more deeply ingrained, much like the endemic racism of the freedom-confused?
It’s clear that the national problem caused by intersex individuals choosing where to pee is about as serious as the freedom-confused people’s faux concern about voter fraud. We get why the freedom-confused want to suppress opposition voters, that seems rational, if undemocratic… but gays and transgendered? The harassment of them by the freedom-confused is counterproductive to your movement goals. A super majority of young folk support LGBT rights.
An aside: Just saw a story where a senior citizen in Wisconsin doesn’t have a birth certificate (she was born in Germany in a concentration camp) and the state won’t issue her a voter ID. Besides the freedom-confused powered voter suppression brouhaha going on in WI (300,000 suppressed), how would the freedom-confused decide where she should pee without a birth certificate? Maybe she was born with a penis but her parents disguised her as a girl to survive, and she has lived her entire life as a woman! Would the freedom-confused mafia force her to get a birth certificate to pee?
Are you OK with being lumped together and labeled “freedom-confused”? Seems more appropriate than christian fascist, conservative, christianist, jihadi for jesus, right-wing, far-right extremist etc.
The North Carolina law is about far more than bathrooms, but essentially legalizes discrimination against gays and trans people.
Do you really believe there’s a significant risk of men in dresses assaulting girls in State-run bathrooms but little risk in the bathrooms of private businesses??
If it’s a risk in State run bathrooms and showers, why isn’t it a risk in the bathrooms of WalMart and the JumpZone?
If the goal of the freedom-confused is to stop the epidemic of inappropriate pissing shouldn’t they be concerned about privately owned bathrooms too? Doesn’t it make sense that there are more privately owned toilets than State-run ones and the men-in-dresses problem is worse in the privately owned toilets?
We think the NC freedom-confused legislators were just making a gratuitous statement of hate, without regard to doing the people’s business.
Please explain your reasoning.
The sun rises, the wind blows and Jeff still has his cranium attached to his rectum.
No Jeff we don’t ignore the laws. Conservatives and Christians want these perverts tried and if convicted thrown in jail. These men in dresses you are referring to were protected not only by the church but also by leftist politicians who want to keep a muzzle on the church when it comes to illegal immigration and the Affordable Care Act. Not even the Nuns get an exemption for birth control while Pepsi and McDonald’s receive one.
Jeff the state had to make a compromise with businesses so they won’t boycott the state, what good that will do. If Walmart and JumpZone want to have open restrooms then they assume the risk of lawsuits by the parents of those children who been violated by these perverts.
Whose we Jeff, you and NAMBLA. The only hate I see here is by the Democrats who hate children born and unborn.
Golf clap.
LOL. So it’s liberals’ fault that conservative christians assault chidren? NO evidence of transexuals bothering kids in restrooms, and thousands of children sexually assaulted by conservative christian ministers, yet conservatives let fly at transexuals and defend their christian conservative brethren. I bet you’re in favor of continued subsidies for the churches! It’s your right to hate gays and transexuals, but you cannot use the state to discriminate against them.
Sounds like it’s you with your head up your descending colon. Looking for your significant other’s manhood?
suckingpuppies is a charter member of NAMPLA. The golf fwap you hear is what suckingpuppies does when he spends Sunday googling “sexy puppies”. He’s gross that way.
“Whose” we… LOL
“Freedom confused preachers who actually do assault little girls and little boys in Christian churches.” Little girls? Since when? Boys probably are the victims 99% of the time, unless alter boys are now alter girls. “voter suppression-300,000 supressed”. Proof of that, please.
No Jeff I’m sure of my manhood but it is the trangendered leftist as yourself who can’t figure out if you have a dick or a cunt. In your case I’m sure your a countersunk cum licking asshole as the rest of your inferior breed.
If a leftist cum licking asshole as yourself believes in separation of church and state then the church should keep all of it’s money since the church money doesn’t belong to the state. If a cum licking ashole as yourself wants to get his fudge packed that’s your thing, that’s between you and whatever deity you pray to.
Jeff, Bubba is calling, he has a sausage he would like to hide up your ass.
If you meant “alter boys” and “alter girls” as a pun during a discussion of transexuals, kudos! Is it really important whether christian priests and preachers sexually assault little boys vs. little girls? They clearly assault too many.
Wound a little tight today huh? I bet you’re a Trump supporter. Come back when you can act like a grown up.
The nausea that I had reading Jeff’s stuff was pretty bad. But this is what I came away with obfuscation, dissimilation, paranoia, ideation, racist comments, bigotry, and an overwhelming degree of ignorance. Jeff is one messed up guy.
But an amusing little guy nonetheless
Yes, it really is important, because they assault boys far and away more than girls. Keep gay priests out, molestation basically goes away!
What did I type that nauseated you? Are you really that frail?
Perhaps more boys are assaulted in church because more boys are available; you yourself say there are many more altar boys than altar girls. In the non-church population far more girls are assaulted than boys. Or at least more girls report being assaulted. And almost all assailants are men, presumably straight men. Keep straight men locked up and sexual assault goes way, way down!
So either christian churches attract perverts who prefer boys or the churches attract perverts who are pedophiles or hebephiles and just have more access to altar boys.
Or, to continue on that train of thought, keep young black men locked-up and homicides go way, way down! Blacks commit about 50% of all homicides with just 13% of the population. I like this game!
Fraud would drop to almost nothing if we locked up all middle aged white guys. (Note- The Big Short: either read the book or watch the movie). Anyway, sounds like men are the problem! Murders and fraud and rapes, oh my!
Do you think men are naturally more dishonest, cruel and violent than females?
[…] But the big problem is: […]
No, actually black men are more of a problem. 2013-blacks committed 560,000 violent crimes against whites, while whites committed 99,400 violent crimes against blacks. Again, note blacks are only 13% of the population. Most interestingly, blacks had a higher hate-crime percentage than whites, nearly 25%, about twice their population percentage. For rapes, whites had rates about their population percentage, while black rape rates we almost 3 times their population percentage. As far as interracial rape, basically it’s exclusively black on white. White on black rape was a statistical zero. Liberals love everything to be about race, so there you go.
Jl: No, actually black men are more of a problem.
Whites are more than four times more likely to be violently victimized by a white than a black.
Jeffrey wrote:
At least in the parishes in which I have been a member, there are more girls than boys working as altar servers.
Nope, you are wrong. Your stat is crafted to get by the fact that blacks are excessively violent. Blacks are 7 times as likely to commit a violent act that a white. World wide, they are 5 times. That translates to 700% more likely to do something harmful to an individual. But, have at it, I encourage you to walk around in a black neighborhood at night, no one will do anything to you. In my experience I have been sniped at by blacks, shot at in my car by blacks, robed in the ER by blacks, attempted assault by black gangs time two, the list goes on. I have never had a white individual do anything harmful to me.
Back to dissimilation and obfuscation. Just can’t help yourself. Do you know the truth at all?
Who wrecked the economy in 2007-2008? That took trillions of US dollars out of the economy, people lost jobs and homes – and are still suffering.
We understand the conservative mindset – you’re more emotional; more afraid – so the fear of street crime far outweighs your concern over massive fraud that transferred trillions from the poor and working classes to the (largely) white elites. This nation – in fact the entire world – is suffering from what the Wall Street bankers and their confederates in real estate did. Who paid for these crimes? Taxpayers, workers, investors, homeowners, renters, and the poor and working classes.
So yes, young Black men (and poor men, in general) commit more than their “fair” share of street crime, but that pales compared to the damage wealthy white men did in the 2000s.
dana typed:
“Data” is not the plural of “anecdote”. It would be useful for someone to research the numbers of boys vs. girls molested, the ages, and the proportion molested compared to the population in churches.
Anyway, j is trying to equate homosexuality with child molestation, which is untrue. Most cases of child molestation are against girls by supposedly straight men, most frequently someone well-known to the victim, e.g., fathers, stepfathers, brothers, uncles, family friends. The proportion of molestation that occurs in churches is not much different from molestation in the general population, it’s just we expect a bit more from priests and preachers.
Homosexuality is not the same as pedophilia. Surely, some pedophiles prefer victims of their own gender, but most pedophiles consider themselves heterosexual.
Most rational people say Democrats and liberal policies.
Is that the answer you were looking for?
We aren’t the ones freaking out over political messages written in chalk on college campuses. We aren’t the ones demanding counseling for “micro aggressions” and “safe spaces” where topics cannot be discussed.
Your view of the world is not reality.
As for molestation by heterosexuals, while I don’t disagree with your premise, the fact is that allowing people into private areas would mean that a male molester or pervert could go into a woman’s bathroom without consequences by simply saying “I am transgendered.” That is why the NC law was set up to say that a person could not go into the bathroom of another gender until their transformation was medically completed.
Of course, liberals freaked out over that because it “hurt the feelings” of the transgendered community.
Nice to know that you support rapists and molesters though.
Per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, for 2012-2013, 56% of violent crimes against whites were perpetrated by whites, only 14% by blacks.
Jeffrey wrote:
Actually, data is the plural of a datum, and my statement constitutes a datum, a fact.
You supplied an anecdote. Even a whole bunch of anecdotes don’t add up to data. Why is that? Because your so-called fact is unverified. It’s your opinion. The only “fact” was that you typed your opinion.
If you’re interested enough you could find the actual data, but you’re only interested in advancing your argument, i.e., more boys are molested in church because the molesters are gay.
My alternative explanation was that perhaps the molesters had more access to boys at the time, i.e., there may have been many more altar boys than altar girls. I also noted that outside of churches, proportionally many more girls are molested.
N.B. – Pedophilia and homosexuality are not the same thing.
guttercleaner typed:
I’ve made it clear I oppose you, suckingpuppies, d-boy 1, d-boy-2, jl, Beaner, Teach… so no, I do not support rapists and molesters, I oppose
themyou.It’s fascinatingly transparent to read the arguments here that the Charlotte law opens up bathrooms for men to put on women’s clothing and invade bathrooms to sexually assault women. What bizarre notions you have.
All these years, the only thing keeping far right wing extremist men out of women’s restroom was the law?? Are you afraid you won’t be able to control yourselves if the Charlotte law stands?
What bizarre notions you have. But right wing extremists have always had bizarre notions related to women and sex.
Of course, in your hatred of the NC law, you are supporting rapists and molesters.
Maybe your support it because “birds of a feather?”
Wow, Talk about a strawman argument.
So says the rapist.
So let’s see… support the murder of children, support molesters and support rapists. Yet you want to talk about the morals and ethics of others?
‘Whites 4 times as likely to victimized by whites…”. Which, if true, because…there’s more than 4 times as many whites in the country as blacks. Also, most crime statistics (in perfect PC fashion) link Hispanic and Whites together, skewing the results. Still, in almost every category, blacks commit more crime percentage-wise to their population than any other.
What bizarre notions you have.
Sad, really.
Were you able to get rid of the virus your website was spreading?
-the little guy who exaggerates often and is obsessed with transgenders, dicks, and grandkids
I guess the women of NC should be relieved there’s now a law to keep conservative men out of their bathrooms.
Do you get off watching women poop? Really? What bizarre notions you have.
Did any good old boy Carolinians think to ask what the women the legislators are “protecting” think? Of course not.
The puppysucker gets aroused whenever he hears a Joe Cocker song.
Only in your little world Jeffery is the truth a “bizarre notion.”
I agree, You are a sad individual, but probably closer to “pathetic.”
Nice try liar.
There is a hit from people who are using the free version of Avast, but the pro version shows the site is clean. I’ve spoken with the people at Avast and they scanned the files and can’t find any fault. It’s a false positive but you would know anything about things like that.
But you do know about being a rapist.
Hispanics can be either white or black, though, in this case, are not included in the statistics for white or black.
That is correct, though people are most often the victims of those of their own ethnicity or race. So, to return to your original statement, whites are “more of a problem” for whites, blacks are “more of a problem” for blacks.
Teach asked why Dems/libs are upset that Teabagger legislators harass and discriminate against the transgendered for no good reason other than small-minded bigotry?
It’s because Dems/libs defend the weak, the disadvantaged, the minority positions. Teabaggers comfort the powerful and the rich. Teabaggers support exclusively the white, christian, conservative, straight… everyone else is the Teabagger enemy, and are to be destroyed.
Teabaggers tripled down on the Reagan revolution, and America today is the result of 35 years of conservative policy (tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, deregulation of the corporations, cuts in spending, rotting infrastructure, resource redistribution from working classes to wealthy).
We all knew that the Teabaggers, once in power, would punish those they disdain (Blacks, gays, transgendered, women, non-christians, immigrants) and reward the wealthy, corporations and conservative christians.