It’s going to be quite amusing when all these college kids enter the civilian workforce and find out Things Don’t Work Like They Want
Most College Students Want Free Speech On Campuses — But Not When It’s Hate Speech
College students want free speech on their campuses but want their administrators to intervene when it turns into hate speech, though they disagree on whether college campuses are open environments and on how the media should cover campus protests, according to a new Gallup survey on the First Amendment released Monday.
About 78 percent of students surveyed said that colleges should allow “all types of speech and viewpoints,†while 22 percent noted that “colleges should prohibit biased or offensive speech in the furtherance of a positive learning environment.â€
But students understand the limitations of free speech policies, especially with regard to discriminatory and offensive rhetoric. In recent months, many students of color have called on their college administrators to more fully address racism on campuses, arguing that their campuses do not promote openness and diversity.
“Students do appear to distinguish controversial views from what they see as hate speech — and they believe colleges should be allowed to establish policies restricting language and certain behavior that are intentionally offensive to certain groups,†the survey’s organizers wrote.
What that all means is that they consider any speech that they do not agree with as “hate speech”, which should be banned, and even prosecuted. They really aren’t quite up to speed with this whole 1st Amendment thing
While the vast majority of students surveyed said that the press should generally have unrestricted access to campus protests, close to half said that in some cases, there can be reasons to bar the press, like if protesters think that the reporter may be biased, or whether “the people at the protest say they have a right to be left alone.â€
You may not like the press, but, hey, 1st Amendment!
The survey indicated that students are also concerned about the use of social media, with many noting that they feel that it can lead to uncivil and hateful discussions and that it can be easy to express opinions anonymously. For example, Yik Yak, a popular social network on college campuses, allows anonymous postings. Many college students have reported seeing hateful Yik Yak posts, increasing pressure on the company to crack down on people who use the app to harass others.
Here’s a cool thing, don’t use them. Conservatives are constantly told that if they don’t like a TV show, change the channel.
The survey, which was not linked in the article, is here.

1st Amendment ????
Teach that only applies to when the government tries to muzzle the press
When Bush tried to get the press to back off the torture being done at Abu Gharib that was a first Amendment issue, and didn’t I remember you agreeing that publicizing things like that would put our military in greater danger ?
Most colleges and universities are private and have every right to control what happens on thei property
And those “special snowflakes”??? They are the customers that are paying to keep those schools open and the customers are always right, better listen to them they have a choice where to spend their tuition
Hope these pussies realize there are no “safe spaces” once they leave college, unless they’re in a group discussion with other libs.
It’s an utterly insane, totally deluded comment devoid of any actual facts that makes me wonder if John is and has been pulling our legs. Because that comment is so bat shit insane and stupid that there’s no point in attempting to correct it.
78% said colleges should allow all types of speech and viewpoints. You should find that very encouraging.
Most organizations limit the free speech rights of their members. Public schools and state universities are in a tenuous situation as they are part of “The State”. But the courts have allowed some restrictions on free speech at school.
Private organizations, private schools, businesses can largely control what the members say and do. They can tell you what you can and cannot say and how to dress. You can leave if you don’t like it.
78% said colleges should allow all types of speech and viewpoints. You should find that very encouraging.
Do you agree with the 78% or the 22%?
John wrote:
I’m hoping here that John was trying to be sarcastic, ’cause the last time I looked at the First Amendment, it mentioned more than freedom of the press!
Sometimes I don’t think John knows when he’s pulling his own leg.
[…] William Teach looks at some Special Snowflakes who have no clue what liberty means […]
16% of students attend private universities or colleges; or, in John’s world “most.” Why not go for almost all students attend a private college or university while you’re just making shit up. You really are just a monkey throwing shit at the wall, aren’t you, John.
No. They will make the workplace exist under the same rules, with the assistance of the vast bureaucracies that enforce those same procedures in academia. And when the multicultural diverse tolerant company goes broke, they will blame the usual suspects.
The problem is that at least some of them are defining chalked graffiti supporting Donald Trump as hate speech!