Marc Morano of Climate Depot has an exclusive interview with Bill Nye, who has signed on to participate in the American release of the movie Climate Hustle, which is interesting, considering the movie is anti-Warmist, and the deck is stacked against Nye. What’s his angle? Anyhow, during the interview, we get
Morano: “We interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RJK Jr., the environmentalists. He said climate ‘deniers’, his words, Energy CEO’s belong at the Hague with three square meals and a cot with all of the other war criminals. What is your thought on that and do you think some of the rhetoric on your side — as I am sure both sides — gets too carried away. What is your thought on jailing skeptics as war criminals?â€
Nye: “Well, we’ll see what happens. Was it appropriate to jail the guys from ENRON?â€
Morano: “Interesting.â€
Nye: “So, we will see what happens. Was it appropriate to jail people from the cigarette industry who insisted that this addictive product was not addictive and so on? And you think about in these cases — for me as a taxpayer and voter — the introduction of this extreme doubt about climate change is affecting my quality of life as a public citizen. So I can see where people are very concerned about this and are pursuing criminal investigations as well as engaging in discussion like this.â€
Morano also asked Nye about the “chilling effect†of threatening investigations and jail to scientists who dissent on man-made global warming claims. ‘
Nye responded: “That there is a chilling effect on scientists who are in extreme doubt about climate change — I think is good. The extreme doubt about climate change people – without going too far afield here – are leaving the world worse than they found it because they are keeping us from getting to work. They are holding us back.â€
There is a growing movement amongst members of the Cult of Climastrology to restrict the free speech of climate skeptics, much like there is a growing movement among the greater Progressive membership to do the same with all speech they disagree with. This applies to even criminalizing speech that the groups do not like. In this case, Warmists are trying to say it is the same as the tobacco industry. A big difference is that they didn’t want to jail tobacco users or restrict their ability to speak out in support of a position. Here, they are. How soon till we are treated to the whole microaggressions and triggering whinefest, as with other issues Progressives disapprove of?
Video of the interview is available at the link, along with highlighting other Warmists engaged in intimidation and belief in jailing skeptics. Do not forget that Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential contender, has as part of his official climate change stance the notion to “Bring climate deniers to justice.” Other elected Democrats, such as Sheldon Whitehouse, also advocate limiting free speech and even criminalizing “climate denial”.

The extreme doubt about climate change people…
ie – The people that understand the IPCC Reports have doubts
Well, of COURSE Nye wants them jailed. He knows he has no actual facts to defend his lies, so what else can he do?
Amazing, isn’t it? How the Institutional Left derides and mocks Judeo-Christian religion, and yet they treat things like ‘climate change’ EXACTLY like religion, basically requiring faith, or belief absent proof, to accept it?
Because make no mistake, if Nye, Tyson, Obama, or any of the other scammers behind this wealth redistribution had actual facts to back them up, they would use them early and often. They would rub the opposition’s noses in it every chance they had — because after all, science is SUPPOSED to be comprised of rigorously tested and challenged hypotheses, correct?
And yet, and yet, the Left NEVER EVER wants to engage in a public exchange on this. Facts, like math, simply exist. They do not lie, they do not have agendas — and they can be proven through retesting.
And if the science is indeed “settled,” why can no one tell me when and where the next tornado will strike tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month from now?
But I am asked to believe that this same “settled” science KNOWS, not suspects, but KNOWS that disaster is coming if we don’t stop using cars, air conditioners, and every other modern convenience (well, except for our Leftist betters, of course, THEY can do all they like — see Al Gore or Barack Obama for proof of that).
Pull the other one, Lefties — it plays Jingle Bells
The esteemed Mr Nye said:
Note the difference here: Mr Nye isn’t just calling for the imprisonment of the CEOs of energy companies, something the J Boys would defend as the punishment for fraud, but for threatening legal consequences to scientists who might have no financial interests involved, for using the threat of jail to prevent anyone from even doing any research which might upset the apple cart.
And look at his ‘justification.’ Mr Nye claims that these people are “leaving the world worse than they found it” and “holding us back.” If we can imprison people for “leaving the world worse than they found it,” then we ought to be able to jail the entire left, for leaving us a world in which crime is rampant, in which homosexuals can get ‘married,’ in which pornography is ubiquitous, normal marriage is devalued, and drugs are everywhere.
Lock ’em all up!
” they didn’t want to jail tobacco users”
Well of course SOME were arrested weren’t they? Their behavior is rather strictly regulated now, isn’t it?
And so are non users who profit for fraud connected with the use of that drug such as advertising agencies. They can no longer say misleading facts like ” Chesterfield is the brand mist doctors recommend”
You of course as a nicotine user/addict CAN say whatever you want your speech is not regulated by the government, and it will not be as a climate truther.
Fossil fuel companies and their subsidiary companies and agencies should not be able to defraud their customers or investors that their are no dangers in burning carbon
And The Pause continues !!! We have now had the 3rd month in a row of record breaking temps.
And of course Bill Nye never actually called for jailing, did he? I didn’t see him use that word, did you?
I’m not a real scientist…, I just play one on TV
-Bill Nye
John said:
From the article quoted by our esteemed host:
Exactly what “chilling effect” do you believe Mr Nye meant in response to that question?
The Roman Catholic Church gave up on the Inquisition centuries ago, but it seems that the Church of Climatastrophe now sees it as a useful tool.
The man who wouldn’t drown kittens wrote:
Well, he did have a guest appearance on The Big Bang Theory, with other actors who play scientists on TV.
Fossil fuel companies and their subsidiary companies and agencies should not be able to defraud their customers or investors that their are no dangers in burning carbon
Nice strawman. That is not what is being said, but you go right ahead believing that.
BTW john, Hillary Clinton asserted the other day that most of the guns involved in crime come from Vermont.
That is factually inaccurate and has no basis.
Hillary is running for office – a tangible benefit under the law.
Are you for prosecuting Hillary for fraud?
Secondly, as the AG’s lose this case, are you for prosecuting them for the violation of civil rights?
Of course he wants them jailed. Every time he debates a climate hoax denier he gets his ass kicked.