Another group taking a Brave Stance
(WNCN) The fallout from North Carolina’s passing of House Bill 2 continued Monday, with rock bands Pearl Jam and Boston dropping in North Carolina.
Pearl Jam was scheduled to play in Raleigh Wednesday night.
“The HB2 law that was recently passed is a despicable piece of legislation that encourages discrimination against an entire group of American citizens,†the band said in a statement. “The practical implications are expansive and its negative impact upon basic human rights is profound. We want America to be a place where no one can be turned away from a business because of who they love or fired from their job for who they are.â€
Question for Pearl Jam: will the pledge to only play venues that have official written policies that allow the gender confused to use the bathroom of their “gender identity”? This goes for Boston, as well. Of course, no one can be fired for who they are, under existing state and federal law. Facts do not matter to any of these people. Perhaps Pearl Jam might cancel their Chicago concerts, over the way the police, as directed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel (Democrat), are treating Blacks. From Twitchy
Plenty more at the link.
All this concern over state law which restricts state, local, and county governments in North Carolina from forcing the private sector to create accommodations for the gender confused, who, at most, represent just .3% of the population, while telling the gender confused they have to use the bathroom of their biological identity on state, local, and county property. But, there are no penalties included if they do, because the law isn’t about the gender confused: it’s about restricting over-bearing government.
But, hey, this is all fine, because companies and groups and such are currently making Brave Stances, but it’ll all blow over in short order, and it’ll be back to business as usual.
None of the upcoming venues have official policies about the gender confused using the bathroom of their choice.
Interestingly, none of these folks complaining about HB2 are particularly concerned about the way the LBGT community is treated by radical Islam and in Islamic countries. It’s almost like this is just a wedge issue and something to be used politically without any real deep caring.

After all these has-beens have cancelled their shows, NC looks to lose $10.00 in revenue.
That Bill is a definite job killer. Nighthawk please remember that when people try to insult others they usually choose the words that at one time hurt them the most. Did people call you a “has been”?
NighHawk isn’t into “has been” bands he is more of……. a Beibler? Beibler played NC of course he probably is supporting his fellow countryman Cruz also
Most of the PJ concerts are sell out SC tickets are still available starting at 71$
As far as the LGBT community not trying to change things in foreign countries? Well certainly they DO object but as can plainly be seen they don’t have the political power like say the GOP, to have much influence there. Now here in the USA they are getting political power as more and more Americans agree that discrimination against them is wrong.
Sounds like the right wing hate-war on transgendered souls is harming NC more than the transgendered.
Figures. Right wing extremists tend to lead with their emotions rather than their reason. “Ugh! We don’t like queers and homos. Let’s hurt them!”
The best thing about all of this is that these so-called entertainers will still have to pay the venues anyway. And if they don’t, you can bet that they won’t be allowed to play there ever again. In reality, the only ones losing out are the entertainers themselves and their fans. And hopefully, the fans get together and file suit against these morons and cost them even more.
Right. Because nothing says oppression like have to use a bathroom designed to facilitate your gender. Oh, and having to look at a Confederate flag.
You can still fly your Confederate flags on your house and pick-ups and bandanas. You just can no longer have Other People pay for your bigotry. The flag was symmetrical from top to bottom, left to right, because the Confederates had a hard time flying it correctly otherwise.
Rednecks always invoke the power of the State to support their bigotry and whine when the subsidies are taken away.
When we take over we’re going to deport the worst cons to Haiti and Cuba to work on sugar plantations under the careful tutelage of descendants of American slaves.