Personally, I love some good winter weather. I love watching the snow fall. Bundling up on a cold winter night with a fire going. On the flip side, I dread having to drive in slippery conditions with people from all over the country and world who think they know how to drive in this stuff, especially in a real wheel drive vehicle with a short wheel base. Standing outside bundled up freezing my buns off, getting windburn on my face. So, milder winters are nice. Not for the ‘climate change’ crowd, though, with the UK Guardian being very upset (via Watts Up With That)
US weather ‘preferable’ for most thanks to climate change; but there’s a catch
A large majority of Americans have enjoyed more pleasant weather due to global warming over the past 40 years, research has found, but there is set to be an unpleasant sting in the tail as temperatures escalate further this century.
Vast areas of the contiguous US have warmed considerably during winters without becoming unbearably hot during the summers, making the climate generally more agreeable to the public. A new study has found that 80% of the American population lives in areas where the weather has become more “preferable†since 1974.
According to the analysis by Duke University and New York University, 99% of Americans live in places where the average January temperature has increased, with just 60% in locations where the July temperature has risen. Rainfall and humidity changes have also, largely, changed by a favorable degree for many Americans.
This shift to more temperate conditions means that “virtually all Americans are now experiencing the much milder winters that they typically prefer, and these mild winters have not been offset by markedly more uncomfortable summers or other negative changes,†the paper found.
That sounds like a good thing. Human society did much better during the other Holocene warm periods than during the cool ones. Not that we can do much about it, since most of the warming is caused by nature. But, hey, doom!
But the situation is set for a radical reversal in the years ahead, the paper warns, with 88% of the US population set to experience temperature and weather trends that are extremely unfavorable by the end of the century.
If greenhouse gas emissions aren’t curbed, summer temperatures will start to rise rapidly, meaning far less comfortable living conditions for millions of Americans. The changes in the climate will also bring about cascading problems affecting ever-increasing numbers of people, including sea level inundation, drought,health problems, food insecurity and extreme weather events.
One has to wonder exactly why the summer temps haven’t been rising to match rising winter temps. Wouldn’t you think that if the temps were rising this would cut across all seasons? I’m sure the Warmists have excuses for that, as well, just like all cults generate excuses that prop up their beliefs.
Rising temperatures have so far been a “poor source of motivation†for the public to vocally demand policy responses to climate change due to this trend, the research, published in Nature, contends.
They seem rather upset that agreeable weather isn’t causing people to demand that government tax them and institute more and more controls on their lives, controls and taxes that Warmists refuse to institute in their own lives.
“Policymakers cannot rely upon Americans’ experiences with the weather to catalyze change,†Egan said. “They will have to look elsewhere to convince them that this a major problem.â€
Perhaps “policymakers” should be listening to The People, rather than forcing their own narrow, cultish views on them.
And, yes, the doomsaying does continue on and on and one in the article. And continues on to the LA Times, a place known for mild, agreeable weather.

Our deluded host wrote:
And that’s ’cause you live in Carolina, where the snow will be gone, gone, gone in two days. Try it up here in the Poconos, where the snow comes, and stays around!
He then quoted:
By the end of the century? No one is responsible for such a prediction, because no one producing scientific papers is likely to be around at the end of the century!
Misleading, incompleted, biased and false. And all in one sentence!
Two falsehoods in one sentence! Teach in on a roll!
Federal taxes and regulations apply to all, including liberals. It’s just like when the conservatives conspired to invade Iraq and use Other People’s Money to pay for their misadventure (except they lowered the taxes on their benefactors and paid their contractors out of Other People’s Money – so the common folk get doubly screwed).
The People are neither as smart, as dumb, as altruistic or as selfish as all our biases tell us. We rely on our elected officials to help with the tough decisions. In some places (e.g., NC) the elected officials screw it up and get smacked around a bit.
Makes sense if you don’t think about it! If the mean global surface temperature is increasing at 0.2C/decade shouldn’t 1 PM 4/21/2016 in Raleigh NC be exactly 0.2C warmer than 10 years ago??? If not, why not?? Shouldn’t the entire planet be warming at exactly the same rate everywhere at the same time? And of course any attempt to explain the complex nature of the Earth’s climate is met with a derisive, “Excuses!”.
These are the two researchers of this “science” topic:
Patrick J. Egan
Associate Professor of Politics and Public Policy
• Areas of Research/Interest: Public opinion and institutions in American politics; the formation of political attitudes; LGBT issues and politics
Megan Mullin
Associate Professor of Environmental Politics
Primary Appointment
Environmental Science & Policy Division
-the little guy who exaggerates often and never provides any scientific proof while calling other people liars
Jeffrey wrote:
Remember when Liberals’ favorite Senator, Elizabeth Warren, who tells us that taxes must be raised on the top producers, famously declined to pay a higher state tax rate voluntarily when she had the chance.
Perhaps you’ll also remember when another high tax advocate, John Kerry, bought his 76-foot luxury yacht from a New Zealand boat builder rather than an American, and then berthed it in Rhode Island, to avoid half a million in Massachusetts state taxes.
If taxes are raised, count on the left to do everything they can to minimize their tax bills. That, after all, is what they already do!
Cons consistently call for liberals to voluntarily pay higher taxes. In fact, Rinse Repeat of the GOP recently called for Secretary Clinton to pay higher taxes retrospectively!
The laws apply to all as do the loopholes slanted to the wealthy.
Friday morning links
Vanilla Mania – Do we need the real thing or can we do with a number of molecules? NY real estate: Regulatory Arbitrage, Rent-Seeking and the Deal of the Year New Land, Expansionism, and Affordability – A Sketch-Theory of Why Suburbia and
It is easy to explain why global warming raises the temperature of the cooler regions more than the hotter regions:
The average temperature of the Earth is determined by the radiated energy of the Earth being equal to the incoming energy. The increase of radiation is proportional to {(T+delta[T]/(T)}^4. The smaller that T is, the larger effect of increasing the temperature, so a rise in the average temperature has a greater effect on the coolest temperatures, than the hottest temperatures. The only constraint on the coolest temperatures is that they must remain cooler than the average temperature, so the hottest temperatures do increase, but nowhere near as fast.
Because the cooler temperatures rise faster than the warmer temperatures, there is less potential energy difference to drive extreme weather, which is shown by the decrease in both the frequency and the severity of extreme weather events experienced in recent decades.
As the average temperature cools, there is not enough energy radiating from the coolest regions for the highest temperatures not to fall, too, but the difference between hot and cold does increase.
This is why the interglacial periods do not start off with a mass extinction, despite the sharp rise in average temperature: Most Life is in the warmest region, but those temperatures change the least. When it gets colder, there is much loss of habitat as merely cool regions become very cold.
[…] whether it is mostly/solely natural, mostly/solely man induced, or somewhere in between, has people happy with the weather. They find it agreeable and preferable. this has made the Cult of Climastrology very unhappy, […]