Yes, yes there is
From the link
Are you tired of Activist CEO’s from big companies like Apple, PayPal and Target bullying your state over laws like North Carolina’s common sense facilities protections in HB 2?
There’s an app for that.
It’s time to fight back. You can make your voice heard thanks to the NC Values Coalition.
Go to  and click on the app to send an email to these corporations doing the biding of the LGBT activist groups like the Human Rights Campaign and Equality NC.
Lady Liberty 1885 has the full text of what is sent. Also
Liberals don’t care. They want the itty bitty tiny number of gender confused folks to use whatever bathroom, locker room, and shower they choose to use, regardless of the privacy and protections women and children deserve. Why? Leftists really can’t explain, other than a few talking points they’ve been given.

Good luck with that.
So conservatist men are terrified that male predators are going to dress up like women and go into the Women’s Restroom to watch his lady pee?
And that this is such a problem that you need toothless laws to prevent it. Has the sexual assault rate in women’s restrooms dropped now? From 0 to less than 0?
My daughter and her family used to live in Greensboro, and I always considered NC a beautiful state with lovely people.
Have you guys checked the lead levels in your public water supply? Perhaps your Republican extremist legislature has been slowly poisoning you to make you a little less smart and a lot more compliant?
Rule of thumb: When the rest of the world thinks you’re wrong, you should re-examine your decision. That’s all I’m sayin’
Teach: My apologies!
I thought by “gender confused” you were talking about yourself and your anti-LGBT brethrens and cisterns.
You mean it as a slur against transsexuals! I am so embarrassed. Anyway you can understand my confusion since transsexuals are quite certain about their gender, it’s the conservatists who are confused.
Again, my apologies!
Physician, heal thyself.
Bullying NC
By saying they don’t want to invest their money or good name there?
That law is a job killer and also politically a winner for the Dems
What sponsors do you think are going to want to have their names associated with protests if the NBA holds their AllStar game in NC besides Chick -Fil-A? Do you think that the advertising world is devoid of people from the LGBT group?
Teach headlined:
There’s An App For Dealing With CEO’s Bullying NC Over Gender Confused Law
or, rather:
You Can Email CEO’s Criticizing the NC Law Bullying Transgendered Folk
There. Makes more sense.
Hillary Clinton won’t share a multi-stalled public restroom with a woman, but thinks that other women should have to share public restrooms with men!