A few days ago I ran a post excerpting Todd Starnes, who asked the question “Do the rights of boys who identify as girls trump the rights of girls who are born girls?” Starnes also included in his piece a quote along the same lines
Fox Business anchor Trish Regan asked a profound question on her show this week regarding the transgender bathroom controversy that has gripped the nation.
“What about the civil rights of women who don’t want men in their bathrooms,†she asked. “Do their rights matter at all?â€
I’m afraid the answer to that question is no – the rights of women do not matter.
And any woman or young girl who complains about sharing locker rooms or shower stalls or bathrooms with a biological male — risks being labeled a transphobic bigot.
And that’s exactly where the US Department Of Justice went in regards to their countersuit against North Carolina
(Breitbart) Attorney General Janet Lynch argued May 9 that any one person’s desire to choose a male or female “gender identity†is more important than Americans’ right to sexual privacy in shared public facilities, such as bathrooms and school locker rooms.
“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,†Lynch declared Monday, without setting any definition or limits on her demand that people have a right to change their “gender identity.â€
This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them – indeed, to protect all of us. And it’s about the founding ideals that have led this country – haltingly but inexorably – in the direction of fairness, inclusion and equality for all Americans.
This unprecedented federal power-grab over the nation’s civic culture — and of the nation’s toilets and bathrooms, K-12 locker rooms and showers, and of retail stores’ changing rooms — is likely intended to boost progressive anger and political action before November 2016.
Take note, biologically female women, you have just been thrown under the bus by Democrats yet again. Democrats take the side of hardcore Islamists over women’s rights, and now take the side of the gender confused over women. Democrats could care less about young girls being exposed to young boys who think they are girls, mostly thanks to insane parents filling the little boys head with crazy ideas. The Democrats want to pander to and patronize the LGBT community for political purposes, so, the rest of you women need to just suck it up and deal with the loss of privacy. And pee on the toilet seat and floors.
McCrory is getting support from mainstream groups. “If the White House can dictate the bathroom policies of America, what could possibly be beyond their reach? … The governor rightly asserts that the Obama team can’t simply rewrite a 50-year-old law [against sex discrimination] to suit their agenda,†said a statement from the Family Research Council.
Remember when Democrats said they wanted the federal government out of our bedrooms, which meant they should be out of our private lives? Ah, good times, friends, good times. Now they want to dictate everything that occurs. Liberals should remember that their private lives could be next.

This was a non-problem until NC Republican radicals decided to attack and harass the transgendered.
Why? Because transgendered were causing problems in bathrooms? No, since no one knew they were even in the next stall peeing.
Why? Because male predators were dressing like women to sneak in and assault girls? No, not one example.
Why? Because Republican radicals want to harass
women, Blacks, Muslims, gays,transgendered folk? Bingo.The right can hate all they want, after all, it’s the mucilage that binds you. But you cannot use the power of the State to harass minorities or the powerless.
There was one of the typical left side/right side disagreements on CNN early this morning — sometime around 0400 — and this
utter moronadvocate from the left stated, unequivocally, that “transgendered women are women.” And that’s part of the problem: the left actually believe that bovine feces.Bruce Jenner was born male, competed athletically as a male, married women as a male, and then, in his sixties, decided that he was a woman. He had a whole lifetime’s worth of experiences as a male, and he had no experience in being a woman, yet the left can think that he can get fake boobs and promise to get castrated sometime, and that makes him a woman?
The left have always tried to claim that they are the intellectual ones, the educated ones, but they have managed to prove that they are really just plain stupid.
I wonder if this is the step too far that the left has taken.
Sure, they can couch their rhetoric in the lofty terms Lynch used. But this is nothing more than goofy liberal insanity wanting to allow men to use womens locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms and vice-versa.
And good point Teach, reminding us when the left always complained about the govt in our bedrooms.
Dana describes perfectly why Republican radicals are attacking and harassing the transgendered.
The Family Research Council is not mainstream
Remember when the GOP was the small government party, now they want a full gender check done on all who wish to use a public bathroom
Teach women are overwhelmingly self identified as Dems and will continue to do so regardless of makes telling them it is not in their best interest. In fact how many women want to be told by men how they should vote on any gender/sex issue?
Thrown under the bus ??? Ted Cruz (and other GOP elected) wanted women who were raped to be forced to give birth
Normal Americans oppose the NC law forcing bathroom identity checks, 57% to 38%. Even Republicans are split 50:50.
We get it. In an attempt to shore up their pitiable record with women, Radical Republicans think they’re getting on the good side of female voters by attacking and harassing the transgendered. Nope. But they ARE shoring up their far-right radical base, as exemplified by Teach and his minions.
NC will lose this nonsense that the Radical Right has rained down on their citizens.
Conservatists oppressed Blacks and lost, oppressed women and lost, oppressed gays and lost and are now oppressing the transgendered and will lose. When in power, Conservatists use the power of the State to oppress their opponents – always. Right Wing Authoritarians (RWAs) use the power of the State to enforce their orthodoxy, which is Caucasian, Conservative, Christian and straight.
Jeffrey wrote:
Yes, I do, because we refuse to go along with their delusions. Why the left actually go along with the delusions of the mentally ill is the unanswered question. Are y’all really that stupid?
We’re smart enough, and have enough empathy, to recognize that some people are suffering. Your goal is to make them suffer even more. You disparage them as defective. We’re not sure what part of your religion teaches hate of those that are different – or perhaps it’s genetic with right-wing radicals. Teach disparages them as gender confused, when all they want is to pee in peace.
We get it. You don’t approve of people who suffer from gender dysphoria, and you look for ways to have the State enforce your bizarre beliefs. We get it.
How does Caitlyn Jenner peeing in bathroom stall damage you?
How will you enforce your discriminatory laws? Will you station “genital checkers” at bathrooms and check what you find in their underwear against the papers they’re required to carry? Maybe you can get a law passed to tattoo an M or an F at the birth of each baby so the bathroom police can more easily check.
You will be relieved to know that you’ll be able to hate them even after your hateful laws are voided.
We shudder at the thought, but try to imagine you had a transgender child – would you disown them? How WOULD you handle it?
jeffrey gets it! Except that he’s wrong as usual. But that was an entertaining rant displaying yet again how remarkably unhinged he is.
“Conservatists oppressed Blacks and lost’
Says the person voting for the party of the KKK who’s referred to our black friends and neighbors as darkies and worse here on Pirates Cove.
“Oppressed women” says the person who supports Hillary and her serial abuser/rapist husband.
But it’s easy to see why you bring up all of these peripheral issues because the main issue of this topic is idiotic. You think it’s just great to have men using women’s bathroom and showers.
The question is why and I doubt I want to know the answer.
-the confused little guy who exaggerates often and tends to forget the Whitehouse sanctioned assault on the Tea Party using the IRS
We’ve seen the Right attempt to claim civil rights as their own. No one’s buying it. Conservatives oppressed Blacks, period. Conservative Dems, conservative Reps, conservative independents. But conservatives. Liberals favor civil rights. It’s just the way it is.
Conservatives are about oppression. Accept it, embrace it, it’s who you are. Conservatives are about hate. Accept it, embrace it, it’s who you are.
Conservatists don’t consider any issue without assessing how it will harm those they hate.
It was the radical right that brought this non-problem to the forefront. It’s useful idiots such as you and Teach that have moved the argument to “men in women’s rooms”. Why? Because the truth of the issue doesn’t fit your argument.
How will the State conduct their “genital checks” at public bathrooms? We assume they’ll wear latex/nitrile gloves and just reach into the front of the garment and palpate the genitals. Will that be good enough or will you require visual proof?
Will it be based on complaints?
“911, What’s your emergency?”
“The person in the stall next to me may have a penis!”.
How did citizens work this out before the NC legislators decided to attack the transgendered?
-the confused little guy who exaggerates often and believes, like all leftists, in made-up ‘rights’ that are neither civil nor rights
Accept it, embrace it, it’s who you are.
jeff, get help. You’re so blinded by partisan hatred it’s amazing. Conservatives oppose this, conservatives oppress that…….it sounds like the ravings of a typical liberal brainwashed college student hiding in their parents cellar looking for a safe space.
As to this issue, it came about when Charleston passed their LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance.
Any rational person supports that. It was the bathroom section causing the turmoil.
How did the citizens work it out prior to the Ordinance? Common sense. Something you are lacking.
As for liberals favoring civil rights…..get a clue. You and your ilk hide behind that phrase, all the while trying to shut down dissent, criminalize opposing views, and destroying the lives of those who disagree with you. You embrace totalitarianism.
As for genital checks, something you bring up so often it starts to get weird, apply for the job is that floats your boat.
leave it to our two resident whackos to completely miss the point of why we are against letting men in women’s restrooms/locker rooms/showers. Again, it isn’t the true transgender that we care about, it’s the perverts that will use such policies to gain access to these places unquestioned. So, either these two aren’t married or have any female relatives or they just don’t care about women or children. I’m betting the latter.
And Bruce is a perfect analogy here. He is a man pretending to be a woman yet he still proclaims to like women. Is this what you really want sharing a shower with your wife or daughter?
And it wasn’t the fear or desire to oppress the LGBT community that made the NC law a necessity, it was because every city, town and community in NC was setting their own policies and was creating a confusing mess throughout the state. Now they have one policy that everyone knows about and can act upon.
Yeah Teach let’s keep the government out of bedrooms AND bathrooms
Jeffrey tries to explain:
Are they suffering? Yes, I’m sure they are. Unfortunately, part of your solution to the ‘transgendered’ suffering is to place a burden on normal; people, and there are a whole lot more normal people than there are ‘transgendered.’
That is why you are getting pushback. Few people would really care about a solution which did not burden others, but what the left have concocted is one in which the needs of the few outweigh the rights of the vast majority.
Wait, you think that Bruce Jenner is a woman, and you claim that my beliefs are bizarre?
It’s pretty obvious that Bruce Jenner using a public women’s restroom does bother a lot of people, to the extent that they see damage. That’s why even liberal Houston, which is governed by Democrats and which twice elected an openly lesbian mayor, voted with a 61% majority to overturn the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, and it was all due to the burdensome bathroom provisions.
My wife and I would get him help! We wouldn’t go out and buy him a dress. How hard is it to understand that?
Mr M wrote:
They never got over the shower scene from Starship Troopers, and thought it was actually an instruction manual. And, actually, it does sort of fit the left: the society depicted was a militaristic fascist state, which is what the left really want. Oh, most of them don’t realize that that’s what they want, but every policy of theirs is designed to impose their will on everyone else. Dissent is not to be allowed, and criminally investigated where it exists. Heck, the left, which not so long ago was saying that what people do in their own bedrooms is nobody else’s business, now want to regulate how people have sex.
That’s good. And if the “help” told you your child suffered from gender dysphoria, and the best approach was psychotherapy to help your child understand what they were going through, but NOT an attempt to force them to act their anatomically assigned gender, what would you do? And what if the “help” uniformly had the same answer? What if the “help” told you that the best interest of the child would be to let them assume their identity, and for you to support them.
What if they told you that your child was almost certainly going to live their adolescent and adult life as the other sex, regardless of what you and wife believe? And that forcing your child to abandon their identity now would almost certainly cause them to suffer more now and as an adult, not to mention to cause estrangement. Would you have the courage to act in your child’s best interest?
Do you really think the parents of these children didn’t avail themselves and their children of “help”?
Would you only accept “help” that confirmed your own beliefs?
Perverted men already go into places they shouldn’t to molest both girls and boys.
Jerry Sandusky was “all man” and showered with boys at Penn State. Dennis Hastert didn’t have to sneak into girl’s restrooms to find victims.
The “men in the ladies room” argument is a red herring. The right set out to bash the transgendered and it has backfired.
-the confused little guy who exaggerates often and comments from personal experience
It is NOT a red herring. It is happening and you would know if you bothered to look past what the left feeds you. You also miss the point that while transgender have been using the bathrooms of the opposite sex they haven’t been using showers and locker rooms. Also, by allowing them to use whatever bathroom only makes it easier for perverts to enter these places because people will not be allowed to question their presence, and if they do, they will be labeled homophobic and bigots and probably face a civil suit.
Jeffrey tries to construct an impossible case:
Then I’d find another doctor.
The problem is simple, really: no amount of hormone treatment and surgery can turn a male into a female, or vice versa. It just doesn’t work, and we know it doesn’t work. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and admit that some things simply cannot be done. Telling someone that yes, you can be changed from one sex to another is simply lying to the patient, telling him what he so desperately wants to hear, but it is still not true, and will never be true.
Thanks for answering honestly if not directly.
Tennessee lost another major convention. Of course this is good news for states that don’t enact discriminatory policies.
Nashville Convention & Visitors Corporation president Butch Spyridon told the Tennessean he was not surprised by the ACA’s decision. “This cancellation is the second one and is likely just the tip of the iceberg when you consider all the other groups that won’t consider us now.”