Over at the Washington Post, their resident (ultra squishy Establishment) Republican, Kathleen Parker, is vexed by the voting system that allowed Donald Trump to become the presumptive GOP nominee, and she has a few ideas
After Trump, the GOP may need a better voting system
(Massive snip to the meat)
To answer my earlier question, the better candidates didn’t win because, obviously, so many of them siphoned votes from stronger ones, giving Trump the lead and all-important momentum. Thus, the constant refrain from Trump supporters that the “establishment†is ignoring the “will of the people†is true only to a point. Trump is the choice of a plurality of the GOP but not of the majority — a distinction with a crucial difference.
At this stage, as the GOP convenes its circular firing squad composed of party leaders, operatives, hacks, flacks, politicos — if you’ll pardon the redundancy — and, yes, certain media, they might better expend their energies considering alternative voting methods that might have prevented Trump’s ascendancy and likely would prevent future demagogues.
One of these methods, already used by a variety of professional organizations to elect officers, as well as by the United Nations to elect the secretary general, uses an “approval†ballot by which voters rank all the candidates of whom they approve rather than selecting just one. Far from new, this idea was suggested in 1770 by French mathematician and astronomer Jean-Charles de Borda, who expressed concern that several similar candidates would split the majority vote and allow a non-consensus candidate to win.
Chatty Kathy offers up several more ideas, all designed to make sure, let’s be clear, that the GOP establishment pick wins. Anyone who thinks she and the establishment would be happy if Ted Cruz won the nomination, raise your hand.
That’s what I thought. They do not want a competent conservative. They would prefer squishes like John McCain and Mitt Romney. How’d that work out? They often do no like the conservatives (or populists) chosen by the voters. Christine O’Donnell. Remember who the NRSC immediately stated they would not help her out?
Parker’s ideas are exactly why Donald Trump was able to whip his supporters up to a frenzy, or, at least, one of the reasons. Namely, complaints about the system trying to shut him down. That it was rigged. That the system was attempting to put an establishment guy in as the nominee. There’s surely a reason Trump went after Jeb Bush first. Not because Jeb polled well with the primary voters (he didn’t, but, he was a much better candidate than portrayed), but because he was a darling of the establishment. Parker wants to change the system so that the establishment pick makes it, rather than the voters picks.

Right Teach the GOP needs more populists like Trump and Palin
Teach moderates of both parties are the group that elects the POTUS
Not conservatives not liberals, moderates.
What moderate woman would vote for a man like Cruz who thinks that women who are raped should be forced to give birth? That us simply to extreme.
“What moderate woman would vote for a man like Cruz who thinks that women who are raped should be forced to give birth? ”
The same women who support serial rapist/abuser Bill Clinton and his enabling wife.
Say what you will, nobody has done more to show what a rotten system the primaries and, especially, the caucuses have become than Donald Trump.
Because it was rigged.
Jeb! was supposed to be the nominee, but the public was saying no more dynasties.
And please stop hiding behind the excuse Trump was able to whip his supporters up to a frenzy. What do you think Glenn Beck and Rafael Cruz were doing? Cruz has hardly shown himself to be either competent or a Conservative, merely someone nobody can trust. He sold himself as the Compleat Conservative, but he was willing to get in bed with the McConnell crowd if it might get him within reach of the nomination.
The real story is going to be written when the blinders come off the Cruz people.
The irony of Stumpy McTrump: America’s Biggest Dick has a Tiny Penis.
In national polls, John Kasich beats Clinton or Sanders. Neither Cruz nor Trump beat either Clinton or Sanders.
A conservatist con-man like Cruz cannot win a free and fair national election. He couldn’t even beat the massively unpopular Donald Trump.
Conservatists would love to just appoint a rock-ribbed conservatist as President-for-life and be done with it.
Rush is as qualified for President as Trump; why not Rush for President? He’s the truest of true conservatives, if not the perfect conservative, and has name recognition, and is smarter than all the libs combined. He’s been married 4 times, so he’s got the typical Republican family values. He’s beaten drug addiction. He’s rich, and he earned it, as opposed to Stumpy.
Dump the Stump, Write-in Rushbo!
-the perverted little guy who exaggerates often and obsseses over transgenders and dicks
Stumpy McTrump now refusing to release his tax returns and blaming it on Obama.
-the perverted little guy who exaggerates often
is curious about Donald’s tax returns AND the size of his dick
What else is Stumpy hiding by hiding his tax returns?
And his long form birth certificate? What else is he hiding?
You are too funny!! I am laughing out loud right here.
VERY GOOD!! Thank you.
OOPS… the above comment was meant as a reply to drowningpuppies! (sorry, my fingers got ahead of me!)
Great fluff job. Just remember, you’re also fluffing all those that he has fluffed before. And some were real dogs.
The real uncovering of corruption is on the Dems side. Hillary has been given the nomination and the leaders aren’t even making bones about the fact that they are not using a democratic format in choosing her. The system and Hillary are totally corrupt and the liberals really don’t care, interesting.