So says hyper-alarmist and Soros monkey Joe Romm
Almost Everything You Know About Climate Change Solutions Is Outdated, Part 1
Almost everything you know about climate change solutions is outdated, for several reasons.
First, climate science and climate politics have been moving unexpectedly quickly toward a broad consensus that we need to keep total human-caused global warming as far as possible below 2°C (3.6°F) — and ideally to no more than 1.5°C. This has truly revolutionary implications for climate solutions policy.
The 1.5C schtick is the primary driver of Romm’s article, in which the arbitrarily picked 2C is no longer acceptable. Because we are utterly and completely dooooooooooomed otherwise. Hence, what is being offered up as “solutions” to keep the world to 2C are no longer acceptable (even though all the taxes and such would have no real effect).
What’s more important for readers is that if indeed Sivaram and Revkin are joining all the nations of the world in acknowledging that 1.5°C is the preferred target for humanity, then we are in a “hair on fire†moment. Yes, R&D remains as important as it always has been in providing options for the post-2050 world (which must go carbon-negative to achieved stabilization of 1.5°C).
What the warmists, including Romm, are proposing is a carbon neutral, and even a negative carbon, world by 2050. How do they do this? With trillions upon trillions in “investments”, along with tens of billions in R&
But as the Climate Analytics paper makes clear, in the 1.5°C case, the sine qua non of climate policy must be to divert substantial investments toward urgent, hyper-rapid deployment of carbon-free technologies — focusing first on the power sector. This underscores the central point climatologist Ken Caldeira made in 2012: “Globally, deployment costs will be in the trillions of dollars, while R&D costs might be in the tens of billions.â€
Say, wouldn’t it make more sense to invest in R&D more, in order to create the types of clean energy and infrastructure that would be viable, long lasting, and environmentally clean, as well as reduce said CO2 emissions? It would if this were truly about the environment. But, it’s not. It’s about political force and control. About increasing the size and scope of Government
But in the 1.5C case, in fact, government policies must do much more than “level the economic playing field between clean and dirty energy.†In the 1.5C case, the playing field must be rendered free of dirty energy ASAP. So government policies must enable an orderly but rapid shutdown of coal plants (and then gas plants) while simultaneously replacing them with a combination of renewables, nuclear power, and energy efficiency. So, you can’t just have any CO2 price — you need one that starts out at a moderate to high level and rises quite rapidly.
The only way to do that is to empower Government to authoritarian levels. Strangely, the Warmists never seem to understand how these government dominance schemes will negatively affect their own lives. But, this is what they want. Fascism. Authoritarianism.

These idiots would have us living in caves and then they’d outlaw fire. And after all that the weather would still change and they’d still have no clue why.
When the Saudis see the end of fossil fuel use it must tell you something Teach
Satan’s monkey Teach, typed:
Yes. So you agree. So why the vitriol?
Teach centralized power production is the norm now
Roof top solar is decentralized production that you control not the government
We understand how frustrating it is to have the smart people saying these big words. Rest assured fire will not be banned, and no one wants you living in a cave.
We do recommend reading more, even taking a science class or two at the local
communistcommunity college.So here’s the bright spot for science deniers – the rest of world is going to save your asses as outlined by the physicist, Dr. Joe Romm. Businesses, governments and citizens are making the rapid transition away from fossil fuels and to renewables for you! As we keep the global average surface temperature below 2C, you’ll be able to crow – “We told you it wasn’t warming!” – it’s a win-win for both Normals and Deniers!
-the silly little guy who exaggerates often and also the sucker of Satan’s barbed cock
Save our asses from what, J? All the bad stuff that hasn’t happened as predicted? If you’re lucky, we’ll save your asses from having to own up to falling for the biggest scientific hoax ever. So Mr. physicist Joe Romm, what’s the proof that warming will be detrimental to life here on earth, besides what your crystal ball says?
Whatever happened to that sociopath drowningpuppies that used to comment here? Did he finally get arrested for his illegal “activities”?
Or, maybe Symantec’s DoucheBlocker actually works!