There are a couple media attacks on Donald Trump occurring. One is about him acting as his own spokesman. Really? Is this really like a grade A scandal? Let’s compare it to Hillary using an unsecured email server in contradiction of the law, exposing national security information to any who cared to hack it. They’re also upset about Trump refusing to release his taxes. That’s a line that they should be concerned about, as should Team Hillary, because it will get people wondering why Hillary won’t release her Goldman-Sachs and other speech transcripts.
What is concerning, though, is this
(Politico) Donald Trump’s campaign is considering hitting his Republican enemies where it hurts: Their wallets.
As Trump moves to work in closer concert with the Republican National Committee apparatus, some campaign aides and allies are pushing him to block lucrative party contracts from consultants who worked to keep him from winning the nomination, according to four sources familiar with the discussions.
“The Never Trump vendors and supporters shouldn’t be in striking distance of the RNC, any of its committees or anyone working on behalf of Donald Trump,†said a Trump campaign official.
The blacklist talk — which sources say mostly targets operatives who worked for Never Trump groups, but also some who worked for Trump’s GOP presidential rivals or their supportive super PACs — strikes against a Republican consulting class that Trump has assailed as a pillar of a corrupt political establishment. It’s a sweet bit of turnabout for Trump aides and consultants who in recent months were warned that their work for the anti-establishment billionaire real estate showman could diminish their own career prospects.
It should concern Republicans that, even before Trump is the official GOP presidential nominee, he is already showing authoritarian convictions, looking to punish his “enemies”. This is shades of Obama, who talked of punishing enemies and rewarding friends. Who has used his bully pulpit, and the power of the federal government, to punish his enemies….well, domestic ones, not enemies of the United States…and reward his friends. Is this where Donald wants to take the GOP? Punishing the actual Conservative base, along with some Libertarians and plain old Republicans, simply because they refuse to get on-board the Trump Train.
Many Republican voters are concerned about Trump’s big government, domineering, authoritative stances. This blacklist talk certainly givers credence to their concerns, and sure won’t help in bringing them around to vote for him. But, then, Trump doesn’t seem interested in Conservatives of any stripe, including those who revere the Constitution. He’s more interested in wooing Democrats and Bernie Sanders supporters. Maybe there’s a reason for #NeverTrump.

Have the media ignored the email server story? LOL Have the media ever ignored any Clinton misdeed, real or imagined? LOL
Has the FBI ignored the server story?
The media are making tons of money off Stumpy’s clown car campaign. It’s how the market works.
But a few of them are getting off their lazy arses and actually looking into the man-baby who would be king, and it’s not pretty.
Stumpy is a liar, crook, racist, misogynist, narcissistic chameleon who will do or say anything for approval. By comparison he makes Sarah Palin look like Winston Churchill (although with great legs).
Stumpy’s foot-stamping refusal to release a single tax return until after the election, and his lame excuse for it, is not the same as Clinton’s private speeches. Stumpy is hiding that he hides income to avoid taxes using overseas shelters – all likely legal, but it’s embarrassing for a billionaire running for prez as a populist to not pay taxes – Clinton is hiding that the said nice things about the crooked Wall Street Banks for lots of money. Hillary should say she’ll release a speech for every year that Stumpy releases a tax return.
So now Stumpy’s team wants to use the RNC to financially harm those that opposed him. This should not surprise anyone who’s dealt with this petulant, thin-skinned, man-baby.
There was one person the Republicans could find who can’t beat Clinton, and they found him! (Maybe two, Cruz probably couldn’t beat her either). Kasich, Bush, Christy, Rubio all would have the Dems in a panic for their party. Trump has them (and all Americans) in a panic for their country.
Since some of my articles are tagged #NeverTrump, I s’pose I’ll come under attack! :)
I want Trump to prove that he pays taxes
Go get yourself a dictionary. This is in no way authoritarian, it’s just politics. Politicians reward their friends and punish their enemies, that’s what politics is all about.
You are wrong. It is authoritarian. AND politics. AND business. But it’s the bad side of politics and should be eliminated, not made even worse by the likes of Stumpy McTrump.
Shouldn’t politics be about serving the citizens and engineering compromises? That you think politics is rightly about raw power and rewarding some while punishing others is a problem.
This is simply common sense. Why would you put your political enemies in a position of power over your campaign?
[…] William teach highlights another troubling tactic from Team Trump […]
Mr. Teach, what you are saying is then, that you should give your bank accounts to a Hillary Clinton voter, your power of attorney to a Bernie Sanders voter, and trust them to look out for your interests, otherwise you are showing authoritarian rule, in not trusting people who have repeatedly shown they will rob you and destroy you.
It is naive for you to equate that Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush interests in looking out for 2020 for their candidates to defeat Donald Trump, should be allowed anywhere near the 2016 inner workings.
Here’s the thing: when did conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans become “enemies”? What you’re saying is that Trump considers them, the base of the Republican party, enemies, while the people Trump’s wooing, Democrats and Bernie Sanders supporters, are now friends. Seriously? Think about that. Trump supporters used to have common cause with conservatives and Republicans, but now consider them enemies, simply because they won’t roll over and worship Trump.
Should elected politicians, and those who want an office, actually treat American citizens as enemies? They are public servants, not rulers. I bet most Trump supporters were appalled by the way Obama treated his enemies, such as with the IRS targeting. Now that Trump wants to do it, and to fellow Republicans, it is seemingly OK.
I find myself wholly in agreement with Jeffrey. It is wrong. We shouldn’t tolerate it from any elected official or someone who wants a position, whether they are Obama, Hillary, or Trump. Dem or Republican.
Again, should Trump be considering Conservatives and Republicans enemies? What party is he representing?
No, I will not vote for Hillary. But, Trump is giving me lots of reasons to do something I have never done in my years of voting, either choosing a 3rd party or refusing to check a box for president, even knowing that it helps Hillary. I often say that principles are great in politics, but so is pragmatism. There comes a time when one can only look past their principles so much, especially when the guy who will be your Party’s presidential nominee considers you an enemy.
[…] Blacklisting conservatives who tried to stop him from winning the nomination or who worked for his … […]