What is a Cuckservative? Let’s take a look at Wikipedia
One definition of cuckservative is a conservative who sells out,[10] having bought into all of the key premises of the left,[11] and is enthralled with liberal values.[6] According towhite supremacist Richard B. Spencer, the president of the National Policy Institute which has been designated as a hate group,[12] the term is a shorthand used to express “a certain kind of contempt for mainstream conservatives”.[13] The phrase is similar to “Republican In Name Only” (RINO).[14] Social conservatives who use the term condemn what they see as Republicans running on socially conservative values to appeal to their base during an election cycle, only to use vote trading to compromise on those values while in office.[13] The term cuckold has a long history as an insult implying that a specific man is weak and emasculated, and may even feel pleasure at his own humiliation because ofsexual masochism. The term cuckservative similarly implies that certain male Republicans are humiliated through their actions while feeling thrilled and excited from their own degradation because of the abandonment of their own moral standards.[3][15]
Those in the self-described conservative media targeted by the cuckservative slur along with various moderate and left leaning news sites decried the term as an anti-Christian,[4]racist slur[11][16] and a rallying cry for white supremacists and neoreactionaries.[17] Some observers, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, say that the term’s usage has been rising among white supremacists in the United States.[3]
So, apparently, it was another term for a RINO, for someone who sells out conservative principles. However, the term itself has been co-opted by the Trump supporters to denigrate those who refuse to jump on board the Trump train. And, apparently, I’m now one of them
Can anyone tell me when Trump has talked about supporting the Constitution? Or re-instituting personal liberty and freedom? Shrinking the size and scope of the federal government? The only time he talks about leaving things in the hands of the States is when it seems as if he just doesn’t want to talk about the issue, so he’s deflecting. If anyone is a “cuckservative”, a term I loathe, it would be Trump supporters, at least those who say they are conservatives. Can’t be Trump, because he has never really had any conservative leanings. At best, some squishy Republican ones. He is most assuredly a RINO. If anyone wants to call John McCain or Lindsay Graham RINOs, well, Trump is way worse.
Someone please explain to me what Trump’s conservative cred is. Explain his Constitutional and personal liberty leanings. I’d love to hear it.

Because they have no shame, the Branch Trumpidians have managed to do a really good job at seizing control of the language of the debate. Donald Trump’s only ‘conservative’ credibility has been on the immigration issue, upon which he had seized, but the promises he has made he cannot keep even if he is elected. He has managed to turn bombast into an illusion of strength, and he just might win the presidency, but if he does so, it will be without any help from me.
And let’s not forget, though he wants to build a wall, he wants to give touchback amnesty afterwards.
Donald Trump. What a conundrum.
Stumpy is a political chameleon, interested in attention, approval and his own celebrity.
If he thought he could have obtained this validation from the Dems, he would have run as a Dem.
Dana: Branch Trumpidians – excellent
Trump’s tax “plan” on his campaign website is decidedly conservative, but does he really support it or is it just more pandering?
[…] Calling people who don’t like him “cuckservatives” […]
I’m a tepid Trump supporter. I’ve been asking Democrat friends for months why they hate Trump because if you look past his shtick he is essentially a Liberal Democrat. However there is one thing that separates him from Hillary and Bernie (not to mention Obama). Trump does not despise the country he is running for President of.
I wish that I could claim credit for “Branch Trumpidians,” but, Alas! I copied it from another source.
Regardless, thanks for sharing it. It’s a good catch.
The term was coined not by a Conservative, but by a Libertarian, Erick Erickson, who has been parading around falsely as a Conservative in his role as a Cruz supporter (you might want to think about that).
I do not use the term and I correct any Trump supporters (of which I am one) from using it.
The only other thing I can say is that, if you want to resist the Trump candidacy, you’re supporting Hillary. Even the guy who stays home casts a vote for her, and more former Cruz supporters are coming to that realization every day.
You do what you want.Just understand the consequences. Who’s the real enemy?
Cuckservative for not supporting Trump?
Don’t know about that but I will say; if, come election time, the question is Trump or Hillary those who don’t vote for Trump are all Damnocrats.
Excellent point.
I understand your point, but there comes a time when principles way over-ride political pragmatism. Yes, refusing to vote for Trump will help Hillary. But, one must have pride in one’s beliefs first. Thing is, we know who Hillary is, and she and her followers will consider Conservatives like me as political enemies. Not adversaries, enemies. But, in the same breath, Trump and many of his supporters also consider me not an adversary, but an enemy. Trump is wooing Democrats and socialists, but not Conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans. He and his supporters immediately assume that if you’re on the right and not a Trump supporter you are an enemy.
Not much incentive for me to vote Trump, eh?
There comes a time when one cannot ignore your principles.
Let’s see who Trump proposes for VP. This will demonstrate what course he will take. A RINO or a conservative or a Demorat.
Of course, President Obama, Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders (in fact, all Dems and liberal independents) despise America, LOL. And of course, billionaire businessmen like Stumpy LOVE America (for the subsidies, tax breaks and easy money).