Much like with abortion on demand, solar and wind have enjoyed little to no regulation. A few years back, North Carolina required that abortion clinics be treated like the medical facilities they are. Things like requirements for medical standards and inspections made abotionistas very, very mad. Now we get this
(News and Observer) Green energy advocates are aghast at the latest energy proposal in the state legislature to regulate wind farms and solar farms, a bill they say would turn North Carolina into the nation’s most hostile state for renewables.
The legislation, introduced last week by two Republican state senators, would impose a host of financial hurdles and safety precautions, in some instances stricter than North Carolina’s standards for coal-burning power plants and nuclear power plants.
One of the lawmakers who sponsored Senate Bill 843, Sen. Bill Cook of Beaufort County, said the more renewables projects proliferate, the more they prompt complaints about safety, appearance and adverse effects on property values that must be addressed in a comprehensive fashion.
Many citizens are very concerned about the projects, particularly wind, because of the noise, the flickering sun from the blades, these giant turbines in view, and falling home values.
The bill would require a wind farm or solar farm to be built at least a 1 1/2 miles away from a neighboring property line. Even at that distance, a solar farm would have to be concealed behind a perimeter of hedges and native landscaping. A wind farm could not generate more than 35 decibels of noise, as measured from the neighboring property, which is equivalent to the volume of humans whispering.
It seems like a common sense measure in protecting the personal health and property values of citizens.
“This bill is massive new regulation and essentially a ban on wind and solar in North Carolina,†said Brian O’Hara, who handles business strategy and government affairs for Chapel Hill-based Strata Solar, the state’s largest solar developer. “Under the permitting regime suggested by this bill, not a single solar farm developed in the state would have been built.â€
So, what he’s saying, along with other Warmists, is that wind cannot comport with simple regulations. Warmists are part of a movement that loves loves loves government regulation, yet, they are unhappy when it applies to themselves. Go figure.

Great Alinskyesque lawfare by the radical right! #4. Make the opposition abide by their own rules!
And a movement that hates hates hates government regulation, yet they are happy to use the power of the State to harm their financial donors’ competition.
How about a rule requiring that the sounds emanating from a thoroughfare exceed 35 db (the sound of a whisper). LOL
We should all be interested in the issue of reasonable vs unreasonable standards. What we see right now in NC is America writ large state-by-state. Pure right-wing authoritarianism.
If you want to see how a minority can control the majority, look to NC.
Those regulations may be “simple” but they also are extreme
John, I doubt that the locals would consider those regulations “extreme,” judging by how the locals here are reacting to a proposed wind farm. Everybody’d love to have all of that solar and wind power captured . . . as long as it wasn’t captured in their neighborhoods!
-that little guy who exaggerates often
-that retarded guy who texts while driving
Neither complained about Deblasio.

Hello, hypocrites!
Jeffrey wrote:
Actually, there are ever-increasing regulations, requiring the installation of sound barrier walls to reduce the noise from the freeways.
I just happened to recall this morning my reaction, back in 1973 — or whenever it was — when President Nixon proposed reducing speed limits to a maximum of 55 MPH, to improve fuel economy. My reaction then was, “If the government wants to improve fuel economy, they should just ban automobile air conditioners, since AC drops fuel efficiency by more than a mile per gallon.” Of course, at the time, my car was a 1962 Ford Fairlane, with no AC!
Why, I wonder, don’t the warmists propose banning car air conditioners? After all, such would dramatically increase fuel efficiency; even when the AC isn’t on, the serpentine belt drives the compressor!
Oh, but wait, that would leave even the warmists hot under the collar — pun very much intended — and would impose on them, too, and we can’t have that. We can’t meet for wine and brie all hot and sweaty.
BIG GOVERNMENT blocking the free market Ursuping property rights and dictating to individuals what they can do with their own property. Makes my blood boil That would mean a minimum of 1500 acres to site one turbine
Simpler regulation, just charge them $10,000 for each bird of any type killed…
If the religion of climate was so worried, why don’t they buy cars without air conditioning and practice their religion until they can force us to do so.