The NY Times has a long, long, long, long, tediously long missive on “gun violence” on their front page, which states that America is just not listening to the drumbeat. Heck, it’s in the headline: A Drumbeat of Multiple Shootings, but America Isn’t Listening. The article starts out with a discussion of a shooting that didn’t capture the attention of America in the Democratic Party run city of Cincinnati, unlike the mass shootings by he nutjobs in South Carolina and Oregon.
But what took place at 6101 Prentice Street on Aug. 21 may say more about the nature of gun violence in the United States than any of those far more famous rampages. It is a snapshot of a different sort of mass violence — one that erupts with such anesthetic regularity that it is rendered almost invisible, except to the mostly black victims, survivors and attackers.
In a Democratic Party run city. Weird. The Cincinnati shooting involved all Blacks.
Seeking deeper insight into the phenomenon, The New York Times identified and analyzed these 358 shootings with four or more casualties, drawing on two databases assembled from news reports and citizen contributors, and then verifying details with law enforcement agencies.
What’d they find?
They chronicle how easily lives are shattered when a firearm is readily available — in a waistband, a glove compartment, a mailbox or garbage can that serves as a gang’s gun locker. They document the mayhem spawned by the most banal of offenses: a push in a bar, a Facebook taunt, the wrong choice of music at a house party. They tally scores of unfortunates in the wrong place at the wrong time: an 11-month-old clinging to his mother’s hip, shot as she prepared to load him into a car; a 77-year-old church deacon, killed by a stray bullet while watching television on his couch.
Where is this happening? Mostly Democratic Party run areas.
The shootings took place everywhere, but mostly outdoors: at neighborhood barbecues, family reunions, music festivals, basketball tournaments, movie theaters, housing project courtyards, Sweet 16 parties, public parks. Where motives could be gleaned, roughly half involved or suggested crime or gang activity. Arguments that spun out of control accounted for most other shootings, followed by acts of domestic violence.
This is an important point: so many shootings (and stabbings and such) have nothing to do with gangs and drugs: so many have to do with “respect”. Someone gets disrespected in a minor way, someone looks at someone else’s girlfriend, someone leaves a barbecue early, or owes someone a few bucks, and it turns violent.
Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black. Some experts suggest that helps explain why the drumbeat of dead and wounded does not inspire more outrage.
Why is there so little outrage? There’s little outrage for extended periods of time in Black communities by Blacks. They’ll run a “take back our streets” march or something (which often features gunplay somewhere within half a mile or even a few blocks away), but, nothing changes. There just doesn’t seem to be that much outrage when Blacks are killing and shooting (and stabbing) Blacks, what is known as Black in origin crime. 50% of the murders are committed by a population that is less than 14% of the overall US population, and the majority occur in Democratic Party run areas.
Maybe there’s so little outrage because so many involved are hoodlums and criminals. There’s little outrage if a White or Asian or Hispanic is killed when they’re a hoodlum. One has to also wonder why Democratic Party policies are enacted which keep Blacks in poverty and a position for all these shootings to occur.
Michael Nutter, a former Philadelphia mayor, who is black, said that society would not be so complacent if whites were dying from gun violence at the same rate as blacks.
But, they aren’t. Neither Whites nor Asians nor Hispanics are whacking each other at the rate Blacks are whacking each other. Not even close.
No one worries more about black-on-black violence than African-Americans. Surveys show that they are more fearful than whites that they will be crime victims and that they feel less safe in their neighborhoods.
Most parents Mr. Abdullah meets are desperate to protect their children but are trapped in unsafe neighborhoods, he said, “just trying to survive.†And some are in denial, refusing to believe that their sons are carrying or using pistols, even in the face of clear evidence.
Welcome to the reality of the Democratic Party plantation. They used to be overt about advocating for the keeping down, and even killing, of Blacks, back when they enacted Jim Crow, segregation, and other policies. When they were part of the KKK. Now? They just keep them in crummy conditions in Dem Party run cities. That’s the Democratic Party comfort zone. Perhaps, one day, Blacks will realize just how bad the Dem’s policies are for Blacks.

Ohio is a Republican run state, not Democratic. Why are Republican run states so violent?
Illinois has a Republican governor and Chicago has a lot of murders.
Birmingham, Tucson, Phoenix, Miami, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Wichita, Baltimore, Louisville, Boston, Detroit, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Camden, Tulsa, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Charlotte, Dallas, Houston, Memphis, Milwaukee… all under Republican governors. Why can’t the Republicans get a handle on violent crime in their states?
Maybe they can cut taxes on the wealthy and make sure schoolkids have guns to cut crime in their states.
So Crooked Teach, you think American Black men and women aren’t smart enough to know who has their better interests at heart. Maybe that’s one reason they support liberals/Dems. Also, liberals usually don’t refer to Blacks as “shoe shine boys”.
Racism is as much a part of conservatism as any other characteristic.
Conservatives have a deep-seated belief that Blacks people are inferior.
Let’s put the blame where it belongs…
Lack of tranny bathrooms.
But I still blame white people for not doing enough to help out.
Oh, my. J once more with his lib talking point “cut taxes for the wealthy”. Of course there were never just cuts for the wealthy, but for all income brackets. “conservatives believe black people are inferior.” Good one J. Yes, that’s why we don’t think they need special consideration when trying to get a job, and we don’t believe they need a couple hundred points added to their SAT scores, or that we think they’re perfectly capable of obtaining an ID like any other group. Next to the word “projection” in the DSM is Jeffery’s picture. “Black people like shooting each other..” Yes, blacks commit 53% of all homicides while having only 13% of the population.
How’s that affirmative action president working out for you?
Word on the street is you like fellating big Black affirmative action men, just as dave fellates big Black shoe shine boys.
The reason that there’s so little outrage when one black thug kills another black thug? It’s simple: the media refuse to give it attention, because to do so could be seen as criticizing the black community. When a white guy kills a black man, then the media can jump on the bandwagon, and publicize the incident entirely out of proportion, because that can’t be seen as criticism of the black community.
You’re a funny little guy who exaggerates often.
jl wrote:
Why, it’s raaaaacist to think that just because black Americans are equal, they don’t need and deserve Affirmative Action preferences, because their great-great-great-grandfathers were enslaved, and if you don’t support Affirmative Action, you, personally, are a racist.
If you think that blacks, who are just as equal as anybody else, can compete evenly, you are forgetting our history of racism, and thus competing as equals is just not fair enough.
One of the police officers who was involved in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray was just acquitted. We await Jeffrey’s condemnation of the outcome of a fair trial.
Watch out D.
That funny little guy who exaggerates often may go out into the streets of East St. Louis searching for the word that’s out on you.
The word’s out on the street that the affirmative action president cares so much about black people that he went to Viet Nam to be on the Anthony Bourdain show.
What a guy!
I agree with the comments of Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake on the matter.
Poor supersensitive, little dp. We guess the microaggressions got to him. It’s getting tougher and tougher for Kleagles such as Double Penetration and Crazy David (Duke) to practice their 1st amendment right to be racist swine.
Ah, yes, the little guy who exagerrates often resorts to insults like all good little lefties do when they have nothing meaningful to say.
What a miserable little life you must lead.
Accept it. Embrace it. That’s who you are.
Little Kleagle-dum that does nothing but hurl insults, and who never has anything meaningful to say, gets his widdle feelings hurt when called out.
He’s part of the pair, Kleagle-dum and Kleagle-dee.
King Kleagle Teach must be proud.
Hey Stormfronters,
Any of you want to take a shot (figuratively)?
Why is there so much crime in mostly Black neighborhoods?
Please support your hypotheses with evidence and/or reason.
Jeffrey asked:
It’s simple: it’s because an enclosed culture has been created there, in which marriage is devalued, honest work is seen as a fool’s game, and kids are being reared by aunts and grandmothers, with no fathers around.
Here are the statistics on children from single-parent households, and while unwed motherhood is growing rapidly among whites, it has reached alarming percentages among blacks. When children aren’t reared properly, it’s no surprise that they make lousy adults.
Thank you. Well reasoned.
So that’s one of the reasons that the little guy who exaggerates often is such a louse.
So your big Black, loose-shoed, affirmative action “friends” rear you as well as force things down your throat?
People obsessed with political parties like to blame negative stuff on political parties. Perhaps the violence problem lies elsewhere. Perhaps racial genetics play a strong role.
The monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) is responsible for breaking down monoamine neurotransmitters such as Dopamine and Serotonin. Low activity MAOA is associated with higher rates of violence. And black male populations have more members who possess low activity (high violence) variants of MAOA.