The Politico’s Nick Gass has a big sad over Donald Trump daring to bring up serious allegations of sexual misconduct and murder against Bill and Hillary. He doesn’t bother reaching out to any of the sexual assault victims himself, and seems rather vexed that Trump would even launch these attacks.
Trump dredges up sordid Clinton accusations
It’s going to be a nasty general election battle.If there was any doubt about the nastiness of the upcoming general election fight between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Trump has obliterated it.
The Manhattan billionaire has launched his most personal attacks yet on the Clintons, dredging up decades-old conspiracy theories and allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of Bill Clinton to kick his “Crooked Hillary†assault into overdrive.
On Monday, Trump released a visceral video featuring the voices of Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick and an image of Bill Clinton not-so-subtly chomping on a cigar. The women describe their allegations of being sexually assaulted by Clinton.
It’s been said it before, but let’s make note of it yet again: in virtually every other case of sexual misconduct, especially allegations of rape, Liberals immediately jump to the conclusion that the accused should be hung up by their privates, metaphorically and otherwise. We see this playing out on college campuses across the country, where students are accused of rape then convicted in kangaroo courts. But, when it comes to Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton enabling the conduct, dismissing the conduct, covering the conduct, well, then, nothing to see here, folks, move along.
Here’s something not considered by the spinmeisters: bringing up these allegations will resonate with the young folks, the ones who are hyper-sensitive in their belief that “no means no”. Yes, no means no, and sexual misconduct is a criminal thing, but, as you’ve probably seen, this rises to a whole new level on college campuses. They might not vote for Trump, but, they won’t vote for Hillary, either.
Salon itself is very upset, and says that the media cannot allow Trump to make this election about Bill. First, is the media to ignore the news, and what candidates say? Are they supposed to become shills for a particular candidate? Not that they don’t already do that to a degree, but, like college kids, the media would have to take this to a new level. Second, the Trump attacks are aimed more at Hillary, for standing by and even enabling Bill’s sordid sexual attacks. Third, Salon, like many liberal outlets, have attacked Bill Cosby for his rape accusation, and most deemed him guilty right from the get go (he most likely is, IMO). But they have never wanted any investigations into Bill and Hillary’s conduct. The accusations against Bill are somehow off limits.
Trump has also brought up the conspiracy theories over the death of Vince Foster. In my opinion, this one is just silly, but, Trump has always seemed to buy into conspiracies. Leave this alone.
The article includes this quote from Rush Limbaugh
“What is so wrong about people being reminded of the Clinton past, or in some cases, being told about it for the first time? I mean, is anything in the past ever out of bounds for a Republican candidate?â€
It’s a good point. Democrats bring up things from decades and decades ago. Remember, they dredged up stories about Mitt Romney hazing a kid and put his dog on the car roof in a dog carrier. Slate, which is Salon-lite, was outraged over the hazing hair cut, all the way back in 1965. So were a lot of media outlets. Same with the dog on the roof incident. Yet, most of these outlets are cool with Bill Clinton sexually assaulting, raping even, women.
Investigating, even just discussing, Bill’s sordid past and Hillary’s conduct in those actions? They are supposed to be out of bounds. Likewise, there is supposed to be no investigation of Hillary’s conduct as Secretary of State, especially Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation pay for play while SoS, nor her email server. You know what’s real important, though? Whether Donald has a hair weave.
If this campaign is nasty, it’s because one of the people running for president is a horrible person, married to another horrible person.
(Let’s be clear. I’m not supporting Trump. But, the Clinton’s are sleazeballs, with Hillary being even worse than Bill)
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Good for Trump.
Let’s see how the left likes having their tactics used against them.
As for the media, they’re already shills for democrats. If they ever had any sense of fairness and integrity, Barry Soetoro would never have been elected.
The problem for Stumpy McTrump is that he has not been vetted in the least. Here is one story you’ll hear over the next 5 months.
Recall too, that the following occurred while he was schlonging his mistress, Marla Maples, whom he subsequently married after raping and dumping Ivana. He later dumped Marla Maples after she objected to his extramarital affairs.
It’s in a legal document.
I wonder if the Clinton campaign has access to this story, LOL? Stumpy will threaten to sue anyone who uses the story against him.
hankUm typed:
LOL. Always the victims… The right, having no policy successes to tout, rely on dirty tricks.
LOL. Without the fawning media, Trump would be in even worse shape. The corporate media have never been a big fan of Hillary Clinton.
Who is Barry Soetoro?
Stumpy was rooting for the housing crash and wants to repeal Dodd-Frank.
Jeffery, funny how you bring that up. Remind me, just how much vetting did President Four-Putt get?
Nice to see you all concerned NOW about vetting. Maybe you should ask where Obama’s physicals, school records, passport, etc, are — you know, since you are all about the vetting.
Yeah, pull the other one, it plays “Jingle Bells,” you hack-shill.
Hank_M, you are too kind. The Media is, in all but name, the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party. And never has it been more blatant than in the Obama Administration — take a look sometime at some of the marriages between Administration officials and media folks.
Jeffry. you really don’t know who Barry Soetoro is?
He knows, he’s playing obtuse, as always.
Trump’s dropping bombs in a target rich environment, always playing offense.
Dems and media aren’t used to a guy who keeps ruthlessly punching away and there’s more to come.
– The Trumpinator
Love it!
acehole: What do you wish the electorate had known about President Obama before he was elected twice by overwhelming margins? Where he was born? His tax returns? What Trump-fueled conspiracy theory de jure interests you? Maybe baby Obama was involved with Cruz’s daddy in the Kennedy assassination. If Obama were running for a third term, America would re-elect him. Same for Bill Clinton. Would George W. Bush fare as well?
30-40% will vote for whomever the Republicans run – Bin Laden (R-Hell) or Stalin (R-Hades) would still get 40% if they ran as Republicans. Trump (R-Cayman Islands) will be lucky to get 45% unless the Republicans cheat.
The Republican policies are favored by less than half of Americans. Let that sink in. If they plan to win national elections fairly, they must change their policies. Just not as randomly (and as often) as Stumpy changes them.
Hillary Clinton is the least liked politician in American, and she’ll beat the Republican.
Even on a day when the IG reveals that Hillary Clinton is a criminal, the Never Trumpers continue to Never Trump.
Trump probably got a 3 point bump after last night’s riot in Albequerque.
So HairWeave is lying about immigrants and healthcare. What’s new?
When Donald Trump takes over the presidency after Obama the little guy who exagerrates often can say orange really is the new black.
That’s genuinely clever.
Here’s an unhappy Trump supporter: