Recently, liberal groups were aghast that Congress did not pony up as much money as they wanted in order to deal with Zika. But, they weren’t as upset about this
(Daily Caller) Â The Obama administration has taken $500 million appropriated by Congress to fight the Zika virus to fund the United Nations Green Climate Fund, which gives foreign countries money for green energy projects.
“The threat to adults from Zika is relatively small, but the threat to pre-born children is very high,†Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford wrote in an oped for The Daily Signal. “Our national priority rightly focuses on protecting the life of these young children in the womb, since each child has value, no matter their age or size.â€
Lankford sharply criticized the Obama administration for using Department of State funds meant to fight infectious diseases to fund the president’s global warming agenda. Moreover, the U.N. agency Obama funded recognizes Palestine as a state — making it possibly illegal to pay into the Green Climate Fund.
Of course, Obama doesn’t care. As Senator Lankford noted
While I understand that intelligent people can disagree on the human effects on the global climate, it is hard to imagine a reason why the administration would prioritize the U.N. Green Climate Fund over protecting the American people, especially pregnant women, from the Zika virus.
For the same reason liberals put Islamists over women. Put the gender confused over women. Put this group over that group. Certain people must suffer for their Belief in AGW. Never themselves, of course.

Another day, another traitorous act by TFG…
Cocker Man
Congress has an approval rating 1/3 what Obama has they should be taking care of their own business instead of criticizing him
And you were so stupid you bought a Cocker bred to AKC show standards instead of a working gun dog
When will the GOP Congress do its job and fund money to fight Zika?
Why hasn’t this already been done ?
-fucking retard
Read very slowly
The Obama administration has taken $500 million appropriated by Congress to fight the Zika virus to fund the United Nations Green Climate Fund,…
Reading comprehension is your friend, John. But in the end president zero takes money from a real disease and gives it to an imaginary problem.
Three months ago Obama requested $1.9 billion to fight Zika (the CDC agreed). Republicans fiddled. Because of a Republican Congressional blunder, Obama found almost $600 million that he could use from another appropriation (from an Ebola fund and others). This caused the predictable right-wing media shit-storm (waah! waah!). The shit-storm included references to abortion and climate change.
The Republican House recently approved $622 million.
Some are challenged to walk AND chew gum at the same time; our House can’t walk OR chew gum at any time.
Isn’t it interesting that Jeffery’s own link says the White House says it will veto the spending bill for Zika?
Isn’t it interesting that Jeffery shifted the goalposts away from the fact that Obama took money from fighting Zika to the UN Climate fund?
Because the spending bill is much less than needed.
I am just repeating what FOX News said.
Isn’t it interesting that you’re a liar?
So the statement that Obama is vetoing the spending bill is accurate.
No, you didn’t.
A lie of omission is still a lie.
Funny how you left out the part where Obama was going to veto the spending bill.
Obviously not, but at least I am not a rapist.
I’m pleased to find out you’re not a rapist. But can you prove you’re not a rapist? Why should we take your word for it? Sounds like a lie of omission to me.
Have you ever denied fellating big Black men? Another lie of omission.
Omitting something is a lie? LOL. You’re dementia is getting worse.
You’re venturing into Kleagle-dum and Kleagle-dee levels of stoopid. (Although, in your defense, you appear not to be a white supremacist like Teach and those two).
It’s interesting (not really) how you missed the FOXNews title that I linked that mentioned Obama would veto the bill.
Here’s the problem with you (and especially Kleagle-dum): You’re both starved for any human interaction. So you troll.
You occasionally (although with less frequency) try to make an argument. Your Fluffer never does, and I largely ignore him/her/it.
Of course YOU didn’t mention the veto and only said that the Republicans looked bad.
You only use what you want and ignore the rest.
In this context, yep.
The problem is not a failure to make an argument, the problem is that you won’t recognize anything outside of your own beliefs. You don’t address anything that doesn’t fit into your world. Instead, you launch into name calling, shifting the goalposts and lying.
If you are the example your kids follow, I am sure that they are as morally bankrupt as you are.