May 30, 2016 – 1:00 pm
…is a wonderful carbon neutral sailboat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on Memorial Day.
May 30, 2016 – 10:30 am
We can totally eat to cool the planet or something. You’ve heard most of this before, it’s just the “climatarian diet” schtick that is new Eating to cool the planet – are you ready for a climatarian diet? Every year or so you can count on a major report linking what we put on our […]
May 30, 2016 – 7:16 am
Welcome to the wonderful Democratic Party run city of Chicago, with all its liberal values, its gun control, its big government dominance, which celebrated Memorial Day the same way they celebrate seemingly every weekend (NBC Chicago) A 15-year-old girl who was riding in a car on Lake Shore Drive was among the four people killed […]
May 30, 2016 – 7:03 am
It’s always amusing as Memorial Day weekend rolls around and Liberals in the media suddenly become fans of the U.S. military. Until Tuesday. In this case, the Washington Post editorial board has a message A Memorial Day message to the candidates THE COUNTRY’S war dead are a kind of closed society, elevated above us by […]