Welcome to the wonderful Democratic Party run city of Chicago, with all its liberal values, its gun control, its big government dominance, which celebrated Memorial Day the same way they celebrate seemingly every weekend
(NBC Chicago) A 15-year-old girl who was riding in a car on Lake Shore Drive was among the four people killed in shootings across the city so far this Memorial Day weekend.
At least 48 others have been wounded from Friday through Sunday evening, marking another bloody weekend in Chicago. Shootings across the city were as follows:
It’s a long list, which, unsurprisingly, fails to note the names and race of those involved. On the bright side, though
In 2015, 12 people were killed and another 43 wounded in shootings across Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. These incidents come as the Chicago Police Department deployed several thousand additional officers to combat violence over the holiday.
So, deaths are down! Hooray, Liberals! Aren’t there massive gun restrictions in Chicago? They sure seem to be stopping criminals, eh?
But, it does say something about Democratic Party run cities that they need a massive deployment of law enforcement to keep people from going on crime sprees. But, it’s unsurprising, what with Chicago seeing a 50% increase in shootings so far this year over 2015.

Teach: The Governor there is Bruce Rauner, a Republican. Crime has increased since his election. Why are Republican-run states so violent?
Do you have a point, stormfront? LOL. Of course you do. They were almost certainly those uber-violent negroes and not decent gawd-fearing white folk like you.
In light of McDonald vs Chicago, how restrictive are Chicago gun laws? In other words, how has loosening restrictions affected the number of shootings?
Jeffrey wrote:
Well, we’d certainly see the names and races, were there a surge of white shooters killing black victims, so yes, it’s probable that the vast majority of those killings were intraracial rather than interracial.
You were most appreciative when you asked what we thought was leading to the problems in our inner cities, and I gave you an answer you thought reasonable. Yet, when our host points out that the media are soft-peddling any racial statistics on this, you immediately jump in with your “Stormfront” label.
This is a huge problem with the left: they have a natural tendency to shy away from discussing the source of a problem if such discussion could, in any way, be critical of: