But don’t say they support law breakers or something, because that would be hate
Protesters ‘vehemently disagree’ with program allowing immigration check during arrest
Protestors took to the streets in Raleigh Thursday afternoon in protest of 287-G, a program that allows deputies to check the immigration status of people arrested in Wake County.
Demonstrators on Thursday said they vehemently disagree with the program.
“We as a community coming together with different faiths are concerned because it is clear that 287-G runs contrary to those values we intend to uphold,†said protestor Jenny Bausch. “Implementing 287-G has led to racial profiling, family separation and increased fear within the local community.â€
My values say people should obey the law. Mine say that people shouldn’t come to this country illegally/overstay their visas, meaning they have violated our sovereignty and laws. Mine say if you don’t like racial profiling, don’t be here illegally. Mine say if you don’t want to be separated from your family, take them with you. Better yet, don’t come illegally in the first place. If you don’t want to be fearful, the don’t violate our laws.
Immigration, Customs ad Enforcement has said on record that 287-G is one of its most effective programs.
And that’s why they don’t like it. It works.

All 10 of them…
As a self proclaimed “right wing extremist” I am not at all surprised at your views Teach
However, you must realize that most Anericans do not share those extremist views
NC I think will vote Blue in 2016, what do you think?
Now Teach if the undocumented illegal parents were deported who would then become responsible for the cost of care of their American children who were citizens ?
Would you see those children being at all disadvantaged by that separation from their birth parents?
How many of them do you think woukd end up in an elite private boarding prep school?
Sorry john, but the vast number of Americans support the enforcement of immigration laws. It is not the right whose position is out of the mainstream but leftists like yourself.
The children would have dual citizenship. They can return to the country of their parents and be citizens there or else the US will take care children just as we take care of other children.
The point is that the choice to either stay with the child or abandon the child here in the US is that of the parents, and not part of policy.
Why are you against parents being held accountable for their illegal actions? Why do you want the US to make decisions that the parents should be making? Don’t you think that parents can decide what to do?
If the 287-G program allows deputies to check on the immigration status of those arrested, and they check everybody arrested, how is it racial profiling?