This comes via Eric Worrall at Watts Up With That?
(Grist)  As negotiators headed to Copenhagen in December 2009 to forge a global climate pact, concerned U.S. business leaders and liberal luminaries took out a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for aggressive climate action. In an open letter to President Obama and the U.S. Congress, they declared: “If we fail to act now, it is scientifically irrefutable that there will be catastrophic and irreversible consequences for humanity and our planet.â€
One of the signatories of that letter: Donald Trump.
Also signed by Trump’s three adult children, the letter called for passage of U.S. climate legislation, investment in the clean energy economy, and leadership to inspire the rest of the world to join the fight against climate change.
“We support your effort to ensure meaningful and effective measures to control climate change, an immediate challenge facing the United States and the world today,†the letter tells the president and Congress. “Please allow us, the United States of America, to serve in modeling the change necessary to protect humanity and our planet.â€
You can see the ad over at Grist. Let’s note that it starts out with
“Additionally, we urge you, our government, to strengthen and pass United States legislation, and lead the world by example. We support your effort to ensure meaningful and effective measures to control climate change, an immediate challenge facing the United States and the world today.”
That is primarily directed at Obama, who was heading to Copenhagen. So, why the change in what Trump says he believes? Worrall attempts to link it to Climategate, and ends noting
Was it Climategate which changed Donald Trump’s mind? We won’t know unless Trump chooses to speak on this issue. I suspect though if you have a lot of money, and scam artists are always circling, you have to develop a pretty well tuned BS meter. There is a lot in the Climategate scandal, to shake the confidence of even the most committed climate activist.
Trump has never explained why he is a skeptic, beyond stating that it is a scam foisted by the Chinese, which is ridiculous. And, I’m not sure what Worrall thinks of Trump, whether he is a supporter or not, but, sorry, Eric, it is a weak defense of Trump. Grist further notes
Other than that, Trump has been fairly consistent in his views on climate change — or consistent for Trump. Two months after signing the open letter, he told members of the Trump National Golf Club that Al Gore should be stripped of his Nobel Prize because that winter had been cold. “Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn’t care less,†he said. “It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America’s stupidity.â€
But, what does he really believe? Was there some revelation that changed his mind? I myself was a believer, as I’ve noted many times. I’ve also noted recently that Trump may be backsliding on his supposed climate skepticism. Quite frankly, I do not care if one is a believer or a Skeptic: I care what a government official plans to do about it, and if those actions will cause harm to myself and other citizens.

Trump will say and do whatever appeals to his followers. He’s all about the acclaim, the applause.
Teach can you tell us how/if you have been badly harmed by our governmental policies concerning climate change ?
No matter how bad Trump is, Clinton is worse.
She’s as crooked as her husband’s dick.
“Trump will say and do whatever appeals to his followers”
And this differs from Hillary in what way>
Hillary will steal your eye teeth while you are asleep and everyone knows that. Yet, those who can’t think like Jeff and John will willingly vote for her and put the most corrupt woman in history in the most powerful position in the world.
Imagine, a woman who gave the head of Russia a reset button has a good shot at president. It shows how low our country has fallen under Obama.
As to Trumps positions on climate change, I am sure he was presented with the same crap science that has been floating around and felt action was necessary. Then when he found it was clear fraud, he takes another view.
But, remember, no matter what, Jeff will be doing well as all he has to do is fill out a few papers and he gets money from the NIH, our tax money.
Wonder what else happened in 2009 for him to change his mind?
Climategate perhaps.
I will vote for the Democratic candidate, including Secretary Clinton.
YOU take more tax monies in a year than I ever have, you nasty, fetid old liar you. I have never received an NIH grant.
As I said, my post-doctoral training WAS subsidized by NIH, just as yours was subsidized by Medicare. I’ve been part of the private drug industry since then.
Do you consider the tax breaks and advantages conferred on Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies to be NIH subsidies? Most people consider big pharma to be private businesses. Do you consider the advantages conferred by incorporation by entrepreneurs to be NIH subsidies? Most people consider biotech companies to be private businesses. Mine has certainly never received NIH, NCI, NSF or other gov’t funding – all our funding is from private investors, including me. Even as an adjunct professor I didn’t receive gov’t funding.
You’re just an old, frustrated, white supremacist fool, who claims to take in over 1 million a year in Medicaid and Medicare payments.
As any one can see, Jeff has a lot to hide. It is clear that he received taxpayer money for which he did not earn to subsidize his education and business. Then he tries to turn it so that someone who works and bills in a normal manner is evil. That is rich. Note that he will always vote Democrat, even if the Democrat will destroy the country and continue to steal and support our enemies and those that are not our friends. He will support a platform that will hurt poor and middle class families rather than an individual that has the ability and knowledge to get us out of the worst economic slump in our history, all brought on by Barney Frank and group. What a great person is our boy Jeff.
As any one can see, dave has a lot to hide. It is clear that he received taxpayer money for which he did not earn to subsidize his education. He “treats” patients and bills Medicaid and Medicare for over $1 million a year. That is rich. Note that he will always vote Republic, even if Trump will destroy the country and continue to steal and support our enemies and those that are not our friends. He will support a platform that will hurt poor and middle class families rather than an individual that has the ability and knowledge to get us out of the worst economic slump in our history, all brought on by the Republics. What a great person is our boy dave.
When I was an NIH post-doctoral fellow we made $14,000 a year and worked 60 hr a week. That was for 4 years. Since then, not a penny in gov’t money. Of course, you boast that you cheat taxpayers out of over $1 million a year to this day. I bet you collect Social Security and are a Medicare patient too! Have you ever worked one day in the private sector? Even one day? I’ve used my own money and time to start businesses. You?
And I don’t whine about paying taxes.
Suck my balls, you old white supremacist, you.
Butt hurt much?
There there, little guy, it’ll be okay
Mr. Puppy,
I’m still trying to understand why you know so much about Bill Clinton’s bent penis.
I guess he was considered the “first Black president”, and that’s close enough for you.
It was in all the papers during the Paula Jones sexual assault civil trial.
Ya know the one where the rapist-in-chief had to shell out $850,000 to make her go away.
Or do you just mentally block anything that has to do with the criminality of the Clintons?
The court dismissed the case. Clinton paid her off to get on with his life. It’s nice to have millions, eh.
We understand you have an interest in penises, we just thought you preferred Negroes is all.
So the criminality of the Clintons is just not a big deal?
Or is it just ‘old news’?
Remind us, of what crime was Secretary Clinton convicted?