Why, you ask? She’s not sufficiently pious to the belief that people who are gender confused should be allowed to use whatever bathroom, locker room, and shower they want whenever they want (and that little problem of bad people taking advantage of the idiotic policies)
(Washington Times) Miriam Ben-Shalom was invited to serve as grand marshal of the Milwaukee Pride Parade, but that was before event organizers noticed the lesbian activist’s outspoken opposition to transgender-inclusive bathroom policies on social media.
Event organizers said Ms. Ben-Shalom’s criticisms of the transgender movement disqualify her from leading the parade.
“Her mindsets don’t line up with ours at this time,†Brent Holmes, who coordinates the parade, told FOX6.
Ms. Ben-Shalom is a renowned figure in the gay-rights movement. She was the first gay military service member to be reinstated after being discharged over her sexuality, and her activism includes twice chaining herself to the White House fence in protest of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.â€
Free Thought and a difference of opinion are Wrongthink, and is Not Allowed
“If I have to march in lock step to some political line, then to heck with it,†she told FOX6. “Because I don’t march in lock step.â€
She is actually very concerned with pretenders raking advantage if these foolish policies. Of course, she also thinks that transgender women are not really women, making her a Heretic to be metaphorically burned at the stake. Because a real bonfire would release to much carbon pollution.

The problem isn’t so much that the left expect everyone to march in lockstep; it’s that they expect everyone to march in goosestep.
Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that a “lesbian activist” would be as much opposed, if not even more, to allowing men into the women’s public restrooms and locker rooms than normal women. After all, most normal adult women are used to being seen undressed by some man, while a “lesbian activist” probably would not.
Yes, there’s a new hierarchy of “victims” in the liberal playbook. This lady obviously didn’t get the message on the proper way to think.
Yeah, and conservatists support diversity of thought. LOL.
Can you name a Republic that recognizes the reality of global warming?
That questions gutting Social Security and Medicare?
That questions cutting taxes for the wealthy?
That favors “comprehensive” immigration reform?
What pro-choice speaker will headline the GOP convention?
Jeffrey needs education:
Well, Donald Trump once said that he did, but answering your question does not concede that global warming is real.
Almost all of them; they all want to get re-elected!
Again, Donald Trump once did.
Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Mitch McConnell. Of course, your notion of “comprehensive” immigration reform means: open the borders! I favor “comprehensive” immigration reform, too, that “comprehensive” reform being to seize all of the accumulated American property of everyone here illegally, and deport their then-impoverished asses back to from wherever they came. That would truly be comprehensive reform.
Jl wrote:
The “lesbian activist,” once near the top of the Victim Hierarchy, being but 1.6% of all woman, has been pushed down the list by something like 0.03% of all women, who aren’t even women.
Number One Victim Status would be enjoyed by anyone who was a minority of one.
Nah, the little guy is amusing enough as is.