…is evil ice cream which comes from evil moo cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Gay Patriot, with a post that there are some things you can’t fix.
It’s ice cream week!

…is evil ice cream which comes from evil moo cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Gay Patriot, with a post that there are some things you can’t fix.
It’s ice cream week!
Another democrat friend of the little guy gone wild…
Fifty dead, fifty-three injured by a murderous radical Muslim, and you’re playing politics. How Trumpish. Have you no sense of decency?
Our condolences to the family and friends of the victims.
Of course its political. What if this guy had turned out to be a radical right wing whack job?…..Politics. The press would be all over this like stink on a turd…but since hes a radical muslim…it will of course be the GOP and Donald Trumps fault for not playing nice with these guys….
Obama tried. He failed. Its time to man up and realize we are at war with these people not molly coddle them because its another group your side can get votes from.
The left should be incensed….Not only did he murder Americans but they were GAY AMERICANS at that and ISIS claims responsibility.
But of course in the coming days it will be spun by the communist press as Donald Trump and the right stirring up the muslim community who is at fault.
Not only a registered democrat but a muzzie terrorist and the little guy along with president loose shoes want to allow more of these phony refugees to invade the country.
So when Obama made the incident political, of course Jeffery is silent on that.
And an NRA-loving, LGBT-hating brethren of yours. Not to mention a member of a fundamentalist religion similar to yours.
We understand how afraid you are at all times.
Another reason why everyone, even homos, should carry at all times.
FBI interviewed Mateen twice in 2013 because of inflammatory statements made in front of co-workers. Also interviewed in 2014 because of ties to extremists.
I agree with you, Obama rushed to a podium to get in his political licks, just think only a few more months of that jerk. We can only hope that the Republicans get control and reverse the damage.
How should we handle American citizens who make “inflammatory statements”? Or who have “ties to extremists”?
Would you take away their right to have firearms? Place them under 24/7 surveillance?
Would you detain them indefinitely?
What would you do?
Mr. Trump suggested we force all Muslims to register with the Federal gov’t.
Is that a good idea?
Kinda makes you wonder how this muzzie terrorist passed a background check.
Also, makes you wonder why we have Dept. Of Homeland Security (other than for the affirmative action hirings).
How many more Americans must die for political correctness?
Thank goodness the LA authorities stopped James Howell, 20, of Indiana, whose car was filled rifles, ammo and explosive materials. Howell told police that he intended to “harm the Gay Pride event”.
According to Lt. Saul Rodriguez:
The conservative meme is that this story was made up by authorities to take the heat off violent, radical Islamists, whom the FBI really like.
One technical question: Why do mass shooters prefer AR-15 style semi-autos for murdering large numbers of folks? I have 3 Remington Model 700s that conservatives tell me are the same as the AR-15 styles, yet mass murderers always seem to use what libs call “assault” rifles.
What’s the advantage of the AR-15 style for murdering large numbers of people?
How would you handle an American citizen who made “inflammatory statements” or that had “ties to extremists”.
No its not a good idea nor is it constitutional. But perhaps the doors should be shut to Muslims. Or extremely careful proceedures to allow them into the country legally.
If someone had EBOLA would you let them fly on your plane and mass exodus into your country?
The murderer in Orlando was born in New York, thus an American citizen. Is the idea that we stop any new Muslims from immigrating therefore stopping… what exactly?
Maybe they should be allowed to remain in the Army like muzzie terrorist Nidal Hasan and let him shoot up Ft. Hood or allow muzzie terrorist Omar Mateen to pass an FBI background check so he can shoot up a gay disco.
Got any more stupid questions there, little guy?
The officers said that the other complainants and witness stories were consistent and none seemed intoxicated. Two of them referred to an incident earlier in the day in which Howell had pointed his gun at his boyfriend. A report was taken after this incident as well.
Thanks Obama.
An Audi TT is always a chick’s car. And the occasional hairdresser or junior congressional aide on frappuccino runs. I wondered where this particular chick and her car was from, so I went around to the back side of the car and her to see what I could find out.
From the back side, we can tell she’s a rooskie!
What would you do with an American citizen who makes “inflammatory statements”? You forgot to answer. Arrest him? Kill him? Tail him? Keep him from getting firearms?
What would you do? And remember, your actions should be constitutional.
Should it be against the law for some America citizens to make inflammatory statements? Does it depend on who is in power?
Listen, we understand that you are terrified. There is much to fear. But will you violate our Constitution to feel safer? Do you think the Constitution should only apply to certain Americans?
I understand why you would want to avoid answering. It’s a hard question, especially in an open society such as ours.
How do prevent every crime before it’s committed?
+1 to you, JG.
The murderer’s first background check by his employer was in 2007 and he passed. Why didn’t Bush catch him then?
Do you advocate more regulation, more thorough background checks, more funding for DHS and the FBI?
Pastor Stephen L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona says that this is “good news†because “there’s 50 less pedophiles in the world.â€
Does this qualify as an “inflammatory statement”? Should we keep an eye on this guy and his contacts?
When a muzzie starts talking up ISIS to his coworkers, there’s a pretty good chance he’ s a fucking terrorist.
Could you be any more obtuse, little guy?
So if a Muslim “talks up” ISIS, what is your next action? Should we enact laws to make it a crime for a Muslim to “talk up” ISIS?
Anyway, I’m not surprised that you’re absolutely lost here, and refuse to answer even simple questions. You’re frightened and frightened people lash out.
Could you be any more obtuse, little guy?
You’ve touched on most of the leftist memes…
Trump, Bush, Christians, conservatives, white heteros, global warming, confederate flags, etc…
But you keep dancing around what happened.
Another muzzie terrorist has committed mass murder here in the U.S. and the government knew who and what he was but someone told the FBI to stand down and close the file on this guy.
Why is that, little guy?
Now you’re just making stuff up.
The FBI was told that an American citizen was making “inflammatory statements” about terrorism or something. The FBI investigated. You now claim there was a conspiracy involving the “government” ordering the FBI to “stand down”.
The question you refuse to answer is, “What should the federal gov’t do when an American citizen makes “inflammatory statements”?
As wet-your-pants frightened as you are, you have just enough of your wits about you to know not to answer that question, and to change the subject to a nonexistent order for the FBI to “stand down”.
Another question: Why do mass murderers prefer assault-style weapons when they need to murder 10 to 50 kids or adults? Why not use a Winchester Model 94 or a Remington Model 700 or a semi-auto Model 750? The tool of choice is always an assault-style rifle with a cache of high-capacity magazines, a rifle that conservatives use to protect their families from other guys with assault-style rifles with a cache of high-capacity magazines.
Anyway, what mechanism do you propose for christies neutralizing muzzies, who happen to be American citizens, who make “inflammatory statements”?
Mr. Trump suggests different laws, and even completely separate legal systems, based on religion, race, parental nationality and gender. Do you agree that we should have a multitiered legal system where white christies have more rights than others?
Jeffrey asked:
Well, everyone has to register with the government, in that children are now issued a Social Security number at birth. And with all of the data mining that the government does, yeah, they know who’s a Muslim.
Me? I didn’t have to ‘register’ as Catholic, but all that the government has to do is look at my income tax forms, where they will see St Joseph’s Catholic Church in my charitable deductions.
Jeffrey wrote:
Given that he stated that such punishments should have to go through the due process of law, I wouldn’t call it inflammatory. And I would imagine that the homosexual lobby does keep an eye on what he says, or you’d never have heard of his statement in the first place.