What is it that keeps Democrats and Leftists around the world from placing blame where it belongs, namely, an ever growing segment of Islam that is extremist (which the counter jihad movement calls Islamists), with a smaller segment that is willing to perform violence in the name of their religion? They refuse to allow for the separation of the Islamist from the regular Muslim, and deem any verbal attack on the Islamists as full on Islamophobia of the entire religion. And they will blame everything but Islam
(PJ Media)The Un-American Civil Liberties Union has found the real culprit in the Orlando shooting. One guess:
Several American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorneys took to Twitter to blame the “Christian Right†for Sunday’s deadly terrorist attack at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla., which left 50 dead and 53 injured.
Chase Strangio, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s LGBT and AIDS Project, claimed the social and political environment cultivated by Christian conservatives in recent months was to blame for the shooting at Pulse, a nightclub popular with Orlando’s LGBT community.
Watching Twitter, there were more than a few who blamed Christians and Conservatives/Republicans and Tea Party members, and, of course, Trump supporters, and were not shy about blaming all. But, they still can’t bring themselves to blame the Islamists. When Dylann Roof went on a murder spree, the Left was more than willing to blame Christians, White people, the Tea Party, Republicans, all Southerners, and the Confederate flag. Here, they can’t even blame radical Islam.
Of course, guns are too blame. Lefty Twitter and blogs and Democratic politicians were awash with blame on guns. Here’s Dick Durban, for one
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) on Sunday called on Congress to pass new gun control laws following the Orlando, Fla., shooting that left 50 people dead and 53 more injured.
If Congress does not act, Durbin said it would be “complicit in the next killing.”
The killer, Omar Mateen, passed a background check performed by the FBI, but, since, has been investigated three times by the FBI for ties to radical Islam. What gun control will stop this? For many lefties, it is simply banning all private ownership of guns. Of course, Lefties are also blaming the NRA. And “assault rifles” with high capacity magazines. They just can’t help themselves. And they love the phrase “military style”. No, sorry, those are illegal, since they would be automatic.
We don’t need gun control, we need radical Muslim control.
Not too be outdone, here’s Obama, blaming Americans rather than Islamic terrorists
So determined is the president to avoid the subject of Islamist, ISIS-inspired or ISIS-directed terrorism that he concluded his remarks with an astonishing insistence that “we need the strength and courage to change†our attitudes toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.
That’s just disgusting. There’s no other word for it. (snip)
The attack on the Pulse nightclub was an attack on us all, no less than the World Trade Center attack.
To suggest we must look inward to explain this is not only unseemly but practically an act of conscious misdirection on the president’ s part to direct out attention away from Omar Mateen’s phone call.
Unsurprisingly, Obama, a man constantly surrounded by people carrying firearms, including actual military assault rifles capable of firing on automatic with large capacity magazines, went on a tear about citizens owning guns. Did anyone tell him that Pulse was a gun free zone?
When France was attacked by Islamic terrorists, they were unafraid to name the danger, and, rather than take on gun control and blaming everyone else, they focused on the actual problem. Here, Leftists use the occasion to push their put peeves.
One has to wonder if radical Muslim groups are thinking “our members attack, kill, and terrorize in the name of Mohamed and Allah, they tell everyone they’re doing it in their name, yet, those crazy leftist Americans refuse to blame us. We even attack one of their cherished interest groups, the LGBT community, in a horrific attack. What do we have to do to get them to blame us?”
Crossed at Right Wing News.

You can count on it: we’ll still be seeing more stories on the background of Brock Turner, the Stanford rapist, than we will on Omar Mateen, the Orlando killer.
Nonsense. We’ve learned much about the murderous Mateen already.
Countering murder sprees perpetrated by radical Muslim terrorists (and other extremists) will take a comprehensive approach. Better domestic intelligence, restrictions on semi-automatic high capacity military style weapons, shame Trump, shame radical conservative support for ISIS, encourage the cooperation of the Muslim community, better community mental health efforts.
From Florida Today:
So, if this story is accurate, Omar Mateen created a hostile work environment, but was not discharged because his employer didn’t want to be seen discriminating against a Muslim.
Karma is such a bitch!
And you think that he was thus thecagentbif karma for those he killed? That they deserved to be killed because they had bad karma because of their sexuality ?
No doubt you think that he was the agent of thei karma when he shot them ? That Tge victims had bad karma because of their sexuality ? Or as the GOP KtGovbof Tx tweeted after the shouting ” as you sow , so shall ye reap”
Teach no doubt that some of these victims were people you mock for being gender confused and accuse of being potential Rapists
and pedophiles fir wanting to go to piss in a bathroom you think they should not be allowed to use
Radical Islamists are right wing extremists just like the people who attack abortion providers
John, once again texting while driving, wrote:
No doubt, as in no doubt at all?
Given how rare ‘transgenderism’ is, with even the most pessimistic estimate being 0.3% of the population, and 103 total victims, the odds are still two-to-one that none of the victims was ‘transgendered.”
Of course, homosexuals aren’t really gender ‘confused,’ are they? They know what they are, and simply take a non-standard decision concerning with whom they’d like to copulate.
Actual homosexuals would be the people least likely to want to use the facilities meant for the opposite sex. That doesn’t make them normal, by any means, but simply means that they might not be abnormal in that way.
As always, John fails to understand: due to Mr Mateen’s religion, he was treated differently from a Christian employee, who would have been dismissed for creating a hostile work environment.
Don’t want to hear a word about well we investigated but didn’t have enough to charge him with. This is America goddamit!
The Feds have no fucking problem coming up with all sorts of creative ways to indict or charge everyday Americans with ticky tack bullshit.
If the Feds want you they get you, period, end of discussion.
The Obama administration lacks ROE with regards toward mozzies who should come under increased scrutiny.
50 more people are dead because of the incompetency of Obama’s security apparatus and his administration’s disastrous immigration policies.
And these fuckers want to talk about guns, well of course they do, because to do anything else would reveal their malfeasance.
Quack, quack, little guy.
Quack, quack, retard.
“And these fuckers want to talk about guns, well of course they do, because to do anything else would reveal their malfeasance.”
This! Excellent point.
Daddy keeps saying that his son’s crime had nothing to do with religion. He was a good kid. Daddy raised him right:
Hours after his son carried out a horrific massacre at an Orlando gay club, Seddique Mateen posted a video online sharing his own anti-gay views — and calling his son a “good kid.”
“God will punish those involved in homosexuality,” Seddique Mateen said in the video, speaking in Dari.
“God will punish those involved in homosexuality,†link:
If Hitler had labeled the Nazis a religion, then we would be speaking German now. We had a very momentary spark of intelligence in WWII by the internment of the Japanese, resulting in the elimination of activity that would have been dangerous to the average American and the war effort. But, the left labeled that horrible, despite the elimination of terror activity. We need that type of leadership now. I see some of that in Trump. Right now Hillary is going on about helping first responders and keeping the same old crap in place. In other words, when you have been hurt, someone will be there to help rather than the fact that we will address the Muslim problem and eliminate the chance of one of them causing harm to begin with.
Radical Islam ?? That guy was a regular member of that gay night club for three full years he went there often
It wasn’t the sight of 2 men kissing that set him off it was because no one was kissing HIM
quack quack, little puppy, quack quack…
Fair enough. A President is responsible for all that happens in the nation during their tenure.
23 Oct 1983 – Beirut barracks bombing – 241 US Marines killed, 100 more injured (Thanks, Ronnie Reagan!)
11 Sep 2001 – Terrorists fly airplanes into buildings – over 3000 killed (Thanks, W!)
2003-2008 – Over 4000 American servicemen killed in Iraq invasion (Thanks, W!)
Oct 2002 – John Muhammad kills 10 around DC (Thanks, W!)
12 May 2003 – 9 Americans murdered at US Embassy in Riyadh (Thanks, W!)
2 Mar 2006 – US diplomat David Foy murdered by terrorists storming the consulate in Karachi (Thanks, W!)
quack, quack, little puppy, quack quack