So far, the NY Times Editorial Board hasn’t blamed guns for the Orlando Islamist massacre. There have been plenty of other op-eds that have done that, as well as thinly veiled opinion pieces masquerading as articles. Because the EB knows exactly what’s to blame. No, not hardcore extremist Islam. What, you think they would actually go down that road? Pfffffft
The Corrosive Politics That Threaten L.G.B.T. Americans
Omar Mateen shattered the tenuous, hard-fought sense of personal safety that many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans have begun to feel as the movement for equality has made significant gains in recent years. His bullets and the blood he left behind that early morning were a reminder that in many corners of the country, gay and transgender people are still regarded as sinners and second-class citizens who should be scorned.
Huh. It’s the fault of our citizens.
While the precise motivation for the rampage remains unclear, it is evident that Mr. Mateen was driven by hatred toward gays and lesbians. Hate crimes don’t happen in a vacuum. They occur where bigotry is allowed to fester, where minorities are vilified and where people are scapegoated for political gain. Tragically, this is the state of American politics, driven too often by Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish.
See? They don’t quite know what the motivation was….
…but they can sure tell you that it’s Republicans who refuse to agree with things like gay marriage and the gender confused in bathrooms with young girls.
Yet, that fight remains far from over. Since the marriage ruling, several Republican-led state legislatures and Republican governors and federal lawmakers have redoubled their fight against legal protections for people on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. So far this year, more than 200 anti-L.G.B.T. bills have been introduced in 34 states.
Yet, none of those Republicans do this
Horrible! ISIS stone a 15-year-old Syrian boy to death for the 'crime' of being gay.
— Metro Manila Pride ?????????? (@mmprideorg) June 4, 2016
It’s hard to say how many politicians take these positions as a matter of principle and how many do so because it has proved to be an effective way in the past to raise money and turn out the vote. As the funerals are held for those who perished on Sunday, lawmakers who have actively championed discriminatory laws and policies, and those who have quietly enabled them with votes, should force themselves to read the obituaries and look at the photos. The 49 people killed in Orlando were victims of a terrorist attack. But they also need to be remembered as casualties of a society where hate has deep roots.
The NY Times, like so many other Leftist organizations and individual Leftists, is utterly unable to assign any blame what so ever to the extremist wing of Islam, for which, depending on the study, has anywhere from 10-25% believing in the hardcore version, which believes in things like hanging gays, stoning gays, whipping gays, throwing gays from buildings, etc. 52% of British Muslims want to make being gay illegal. In Muslim countries around the world, well over 3/4ths say being gay is immoral. They want Sharia law, as well. And there is a large percent of Islam that is more than willing to use force to defend Islam.
A good chunk of Muslim countries have laws that say it is illegal to be gay, and good number have law that says being gay is punishable by death.
But, hey, it is so much easier to blame all Republicans with a broad brush, rather than target the segment of Islam that is willing to
You can start here if you’re willing to read about and view pictures of gays being stoned to death by ISIS. Obama’s BFF’s Iran loves hanging gays. Glenn Greenwald wants people to “stop exploiting LGBT issues to demonize Islam and justify anti-Muslim policies.” Certainly, there have been some attacks done in the name of Christianity against gays, yet, the vast majority of Christians find the attacks abhorrent. Hating gays in Islam is formalized.
Why is it so difficult for Leftists to assign blame to the hardcore extremist portion of Islam? Leftists have certainly prioritized extremist Islam over LGBT.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The NY Times never disappoints.
We have an american muslim, registered democrat who pledged allegiance to ISIS who murders innocent people during Ramadan, and the NY Times blames republicans.
The left remains in the gutter, ever ready to politicize any tragedy for political gain.
Teach perhaps we should clean up our own house first before trying to tell other countries what they should do
And after that perhaps we should begin working on those African Chritian countries that also victimize gays. Since we give them billions and are not addicted to their AGW causing fossil fuels we might have a better chance of changing their policies
Perhaps the GOP Congress might do something about that, it might raise their dismal approval ratings
They better do something fast if they expect to hold the Senate
Teach perhaps you might consider visiting Indonesia to see how the vast majority of Muslims feel about gays
In Iraq under secular Saddam I don’t recall this as being a problem, it was all about those phantom WMD
It figures that John would ignore those countries where homosexuals are jailed or executed, to try to attack the United States, where they can do whatever they want.
It figures that Dana would choose to overlook the fact that many of our allies and countries that we have given billions in aid to ALSO kill gays
I believe that we should hold our friends to higher standards than our enemies
I believe that “moderate” christians should be speaking out more to stop christian African countries from allowing gays to be killed
The religious right sees being anti gay as a way of protecting family values and not a gross violation of human rights
Here is a nice video of a pastor praising the killings in Orlando, saying Orlando is a little safer now.
oh look here is another nice christian pastor applauding the mass killing
Fringe christians that no one pays attention?
Here are 3 GOP POTUS candidates appearing at at a conference hosted/led by a pastor on record for calling for death for gays (the Biblical punishment)
To be clear, Huckabee, Jindal, and Cruz aren’t responsible for Swanson’s statements. But they are responsible for agreeing to attend and speaking at an event created and hosted by a man with a history of calling for gays to be put to death.
Yeah Dana and “it figures” that you never had the jam in your sack to denounce the TX Gop party for having a party plank demanding that TX reinstitute sodomy as a felony
so where are the “moderate” christians speaking out against bills like this? or demanding that the US stop the 800 million dollars per year aid to Kenya unless the stop persecuting gays. If you actually wish to stop persecution of gays on this planet start with the countries that we give money to, they will probably stop quicker than telling the countries we bomb
Let’s not forget that the Orlando shooter was a registered Democrat.
He’s one of yours, John.
John is simply doing what the left always does. He’s using this muslim terrorist atrocity to go after his real enemies, conservatives and Christians.
John wrote:
Actually, I never heard of that. Clarence Thomas dissent in Lawrence v Texas stated it best: that he believed the anti-sodomy law was silly, and that, were he in the legislature, he’d have voted against it, but that it wasn’t the Court’s function to overturn it.
To me, consensual homosexual contact between adults isn’t something which should be legally prohibited, but that doesn’t make it either right or moral.
Imams preach death to homosexuals in Mosques. Muslims kill homosexuals. Liberals blame Christians
White guy kills 9 blacks in Charleston. The whole south must atone and bury their history. Muslim kills 50 gays in a bar. It’s the religion on peace. Liberalism is a mental disease
[…] the NY Times Editorial Board was blaming Republicans, Conservatives, and anyone who is not a Muslim that has a problem with gays, gay […]