This has all the hallmarks of the Barking Moonbat left: unhinged environmentalism (as opposed to sane environmentalism), climate change, and plain old wackadoodle, with a throwback to the dirty hippy period
The no-showering challenge: why we should all take part
James Hamblin, senior editor of the Atlantic, recently joined the unwashed masses. As part of his series If Our Bodies Could Talk, Hamblin, a relatively sane-looking man, took on a no-showering challenge to examine the effect of overcleansing the body. He reduced the number of showers he took and eliminated shampoo and soap when he did. (snip)
It’s not just scent or aesthetics, either – although dermatologists suggest that slowing down on soap use can improve acne and eczema. Reducing the frequency of showers (and the number of cleansing products used) has very real implications for our environment. The average shower lasts seven minutes and uses 65 litres of water.
That’s 65 litres of clean, potable water that we’re infusing with suds and washing down the drain each and every day – sometimes more than once.
But, no worries about smell
If this whole thing is giving you the heebie-jeebies as you recall the last time you were pressed cheek to jowl with those who evidently already skimp on the showers – and have clearly not reached the hallowed scent-free stage yet – relax. Many cleansing-reduction enthusiasts still use deodorant if they find it necessary (everyone’s natural scent varies in, er, intensity, and can be affected by a host of factors including diet, hydration and exercise) and hand-washing with soap is still recommended as a vital way cut down on the spread of infectious diseases.
No matter how much these nutters try and justify, they always seem to want to take human society backwards hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

I must say that in Vietnam I switched from my m-16 to the M-60 because the M-16 destroyed my ears while the M-60 had very little effect on my hearing.
I lost a good portion of my hearing in
VietNam and now wear special hearing aids that have fractal chimes in them to drown out or confuse the mind to the ringing I experience.
As for Kick. Neither the M-60 nor the M-16 had much of a kick and both would tear a man to shreds in no time.
I am a person who would not be opposed to 8 round magazines being the norm but here is the problems with that.
1. There are literally millions of 20-30 round clips to be had everywhere.
2. If you give the left an inch. If you concede anything they will then take another inch and another and another.
So for both sides it has become a total standoff on all things political because their is no longer a era of tolerance and a willingness to “compromise” in this country any more. At all. Period.
Look at Obama. The one who promised to get along….His idea of getting along is YOU AGREE WITH HIM or SHUT UP.
If Obama cant compromise how are the rest of the left and right ever going to see eye to eye on anything.
The lines are drawn. Have been since about 1776. They just keep getting etched deeper and deeper in the sand until we are looking at an Abyss in 2016.
Even at my advanced age, my hair is very oily, and if I go even one day without shampooing, my hair looks like [insert vulgar term for feces here.]
Of course, water used in the shower goes back into the environment, after treatment; it’s not like water just disappears.
The M 16 destroyed your ears ?? Didn’t you read Teach’s post about him listening to heavy metal music that is louder??????
About 80% of the people who were in Vietnam were support troops, for some reason i never hear any of them talk about Vietnam why is that ?
Teach I thought conservatives LOVED the good old days ! When baths were on a Saturday night before Sunday church
Dana BIG GOVERNMENT treats your wastewater? Color me shocked
Looks like retard failed his CDL physical and no longer has to type while driving.
Perhaps because they were support troops? I mean what would you like them to talk about, toilet paper requisitions? The agony of paper cuts? The deafening dB’s of manual typewriters?
No it doesn’t, local and state government treats our waste water. However, there are SOME things big government is SUPPOSED to do.
Sarcastic Fool! I love your all CAPITAL stuff. It’s gitchy.
Maybe it’s because you are a fucking retard…
Umm, you swapped your lightweight m-16 for a crew-served 25 pound 7.62mm machine gun? For your ears?
John snarked:
Little government, actually: the water company is owned and run by the Borough of Jim Thorpe, and I get a sewer assessment as part of my water bill.
You seem to think that conservatives who believe in limited government actually yearn for no government. I believe that there are some things that the government properly does: law enforcement, public schools, fire departments, road and bridge construction and maintenance. I also believe that those things are best handled at the most local level of government practicable.
The federal government should be limited to defense, some regulation and easing of interstate commerce, and a few things like NASA and the CDC. The more the federal government expands, the more control it seizes.
I was stationed out of Da Nang Airbase up north. 196th light infantry Brigade. I was a grunt. I was a ground pounder. 30 days in the field….4-5 days in the rear, month after month after stinking month.
Almost every night the 502nd rocket battalion fired Katusha(sp) Rockets at the airbase numbering from one to a dozen. Incidently these are the exact same rockets that are fired at the Israelis even to this day.
Those people who were support troops in the so called rear did not have it as cushy as some would like to believe.
I might also add that other guys used the M-16 and had zero difficulty with the noise. Its a case by case scenario.
If you watch the current 13 hours movie about Ben Ghazi you will notice one of the GRS private contractors used cotton in his ears and a silenced weapon.
Some people are very sensitive to noise while others are not. Even in the late 60’s ear plugs were mandatory on the firing lines during training before going to Vietnam. Now its usually a bit awkward trying to put ear plugs in your ears when your suddenly attacked and are scrambling to save your own life.
Yes sir. I knew that when the war was over for me that 12 month hitch would be over…..But my ears would travel with me for the rest of my life.
There were actually fire fights in which I literally was DEAF for 48-72 hours when I was using both the m-16 and later the m-203 m-16 with under bbl grenade launcher….The newbies get first the 203, then the Radio or vice versa. I volunteered for the m-60 to get away from carrying the radio which was my lot after the 203 was passed on to the next newbie.
We were light infantry so each squad had 1 grenade launcher and one m-60. One shotgun for point and an allotment of 3 grenades and 1 each claymore mine. Our rucksacks weighted nearly 80 lbs when fully decked out with water bladder and C-rations.
Case in point is if you watch black hawk down you will notice one of the machine gunners goes deaf during the battle. This actually happened during that battle and they wanted to get it into the movie to show the effects of war in as many ways as possible.
It was not uncommon for about 1/3rd of my platoon to be literally deaf after a 2-3 hour engagement.
oh and by the way I thought these posts were going in the NYDN Gun Grabber Decides To Shoot An AR-15, Basically Wets His Skivvies article and not in this article. Sorry to hijack this thread with my M-16 stories.