I had the tweet saved, saw drowningpuppies mentioned this, I’ll leave you to hit the link

I had the tweet saved, saw drowningpuppies mentioned this, I’ll leave you to hit the link
Won’t matter. You’ll note David Gregory isn’t in jail, and HE broke the law on national television.
Laws are for little people (read: not Leftists).
CBS, with Ben Rhodes brother as President has nothing to worry about.
Acethepug is exactly right and this will be one of the true legacies that Obama leaves behind – laws do not matter.
If she lied on her application, she should be punished. As AcethePug mentioned, don’t hold your breath waiting for it to happen.
Now I understand she how she broke the law. Ny mistake. I thought she bought the gun for herself (that was not made clear in the original report) while getting the info for a story. I did not know “she intended to immediately transfer the ownership of that firearm” which is the textbook definition of a straw purchase. She needs to be arrested, fined and the station needs to be fined and her boss arrested for encouraging (conspiring) her to break the law.
David Gregory OTOH should be exiled to Syria with a cross tattooed on his forehead, wearing a pigskin jacket with a pooped on Koran duct taped to his genitals. Report on that David!