In the rush to start fishing expeditions in violation of 1st Amendment Rights, some of the Warmist AG’s have opened themselves up, including Vermont’s
(Watchdog) Vermont’s Attorney General is being sued for withholding public records related to a multi-state investigation of groups opposed to climate change policies.
On Monday, two nonprofit legal centers filed a lawsuit to force Attorney General William Sorrell and Assistant Attorney General Scott Kline to turn over documents from private email accounts that discuss climate change “deniers.â€
The complaint, filed by attorneys for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute and Free Market Environmental Law Clinic, says a request for documents was made on May 10 but not responded to by the extended deadline of May 24 — the longest extension allowable under Vermont law. (snip)
In an interview with Watchdog, Schnare said he thinks Sorrell and Kline are covering up their interactions with environmental groups interested in advancing climate change policies and silencing opponents.
“We don’t know all that we will find once we pry loose the public records the Vermont AG should release, but we believe it will further expose the collusion among the AGs and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and an assorted group of plaintiffs’ attorneys.
Here’s the thing: the public has a right to bring some sunshine on the workings of government. Government doesn’t have the right to go on fishing expeditions against the private sector. Feelings are not a Constitutional reason to demand private entities to turn over their private documents.