And what are Democrat Party run states? They’re the ones with the most gun restrictions
(Daily Caller) Blue states have 42 percent more mass shootings than red states after adjusting for population, according to data published by Vox, a progressive media outlet, and examined by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Vox published its data after the Orlando terror attack last Sunday, and it suggests that blue states, which tend to have extremely strict gun laws, are ironically much more likely to have mass shootings than red states with less strict gun laws.
TheDCNF’s analysis found that 543 of the mass shootings listed by Vox occurred in blue states while only 330 occurred in red states. If adjusted to account for differences in the size of population, blue states have .381 mass shootings per 100,000 people, while red states have a mere .267.
This all means that mass shootings are “42 percent more likely to occur in a blue state after accounting for population differences.”
The deep blue areas of Washington, D.C. and Maryland led the nation with 2.38 and .998 mass shootings per 100,000 people. Illinois, Delaware, Michigan Rhode Island, and California were relatively close behind and had more mass shootings than the blue state average, according to Vox’s data.
All of them have massive gun restrictions. In fact, California is a gun grabber’s wet dream of gun restrictions, featuring almost the entire wish-list of gun grabbers. Oh, and it wants to implement even more restrictions on law abiding citizens. The only thing missing is banning all personally owned firearms. Except for certain people, such as celebrities and politicians, maybe some union heads. Liberals love their exclusions.
Of course, Liberals will have their excuses
The typical liberal explanation for this is that mass shooters go to red states to buy guns, which they use in blue states. Even progressive Politifact finds these claims “misleading for a varied number of reasons.â€Â This also ignores the fact that there are already roughly 360 million firearms in America, or more guns than people.
It also avoids the pesky notion that, even if the shooters were going to red states to buy guns, the people in Blue states seem pretty pumped up to shoot a lot of people.
Oh, and the numbers of mass shootings by Vox are hyper-inflated, since they consider a mass shooting to be when 4 or more are shot. Law enforcement, including the FBI, considers it to be when 4 or more are killed, not including the (usually) Democrat State resident.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Teach inexplicably typed:
admitting that the entire study is a crock.
BTW, the worst mass shooting in American history just occurred in a Republican state, Florida.
“BTW, the worst mass shooting in American history just occurred in a Republican state, Florida.” by a registered democrat.
In the words of Hillary Clinton……..:”What does it matter?”
This is all about power.
The left wants guns gone so that they can take over America without bloodshed. The right is beginning to know that the Manchurian candidates they have been offering up to run the country are now actively seeking the demise of capitalism while those very candidates and their Manchurian Puppet masters like George Soros an Avowed Socialist with visions of a new world order pull the strings on their little play things to further their agendas of wealth, power and political position around the world…..this is the very reason the Democrats have nearly 1000 SUPER DELEGATES….to insure THEIR MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE gets the nod every 4 years.
So I pose to everyone……..With the total and absolute dysfunction in the GOP….a rudderless ship screaming at full speed for the Plunge over Niagra…………”WHAT DOES IT MATTER?” They are helpless to stop this with their “WE HATE EVERYTHING FROM AIDS to ZEBRAS” and all things in between.
The only message they seem to have is we hate Gays, lesbians, Atheists, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Big government, Taxes, Illegal Immigration, and the list goes on and on and on.
And the answer is……”What does it matter?” Turn out the lights.
Yes, It was Jeffery but in you usual haste to be a smart-ass you neglected to mention the shooter was a damn DEMOCRAT.
Florida went for Obama 50-49.1% in 2012. In Orange County, the location of Orlando, it was Obama 58.7%-Romney 40.4%.
Obama also beat McCain with similar numbers in 2008.
How’s that Republican state thing working now, Jeff?
9 of the top 10 states for per capita gun violence are red states the only exception is NM
Since mass shouting/killings represent only a small percentage of gun deaths
As far as FL being red or blue it has recently been a swing state in national elections but deep red in state elections
So nationally, yeah Teach FL us working out pretty well for the Dems
And after the next SCOTUS gets rid of gerrymandering state elections will begin turning bluer
Currently NC looks like a real nail biter VA and Gl are likely blue
Hoagie unlike those in the GOP few Dems woukd try to make the case that simply being s Dem means that any person is perfect
It us a fact that states with high rates of household gun ownership have high rates of gun violence
This seems like the more guns the more gun violence there is
In the USA there are about 35000 deaths by gun shot each year and well over 100000 wounded
25 veterans kill themselves each DAY 85% by gun
As a veteran and multi tour combat vet how do you feel about that ?
What is wrong with someone committing suicide if it is too painful for them to live? You desire to use the power of the state to keep people in pain??? We don’t need gun laws, we need anti-Muslim attitude and laws.
John, I don’t want to see anybody so down and so unable to cope with life, feel love or face tomorrow badly enough to kill themselves especially a vet who from my own personal experiences in war have give so mush of themselves. It is just so sad. However, the method in which they choose to dispatch themselves means very little. I personal know several vets who killed themselves an one did shoot himself but also two who hanged themselves. Suicide is a lousy topic for gun control because people choose so many ways and sometimes personal ways to kill themselves.
The problem I have with your position, which I respect, is that when you state “It us a fact that states with high rates of household gun ownership have high rates of gun violence” it’s a blanket statement. When you say the “highest rates of household ownership” are you speaking strictly legally purchased and licensed firearms? And when you state the highest rates of gun violence are you including cases where the guns were use to war off criminals, used in law enforcement or use in suicides or just criminal use of the firearms? Because if it’s just criminal use of firearms, which it
should be because that’s what laws are supposed to stop then you’re way off because you can go to google or wiki an see in states like Florida or Texas illegal gun rime is down and keeps going down. Gun runners, ghetto drug dealers and the like buy their guns off the black market and are usually found in inner cities run for decades by democrats.
And again when you quote totals like “35,000” gun deaths and another 100,000 wounded you are including all sources of gun deaths from accidents to homicides. The one statistic you don’t mention is that in 100% of all gun deaths a person pulled the trigger. Now you’re gonna say: “But, but if there weren’t any guns….”. And I’m gonna say: First of all there are, about 35 million and you can’t take it back they’re there. Second each year between 800,000 and 1.2 million vicious crimes are thwarted by an armed resistance. I’d bet you that a lot of people at Pulse would have given every dime they had for a loaded gun. I know I would. An I do know that if a time ever occurs when you really need a gun and don’t have one all the feel-good talk in the world won’t help you cause it’s too damn late.
But I do believe in an American’s right to choose and would never suggest people be forced too own or carry a gun. But I would never dream of forcing them not to either and as an American I assume you would not want to force your will on another citizen either. Some people should not have access to or carry a firearm. You seem to be in that category. Good, then don’t. If you are comfortable relying on other men with guns to protect you that is your choice. I, OTOH have had a CCP for 40 years and you know what? I never shot anybody in civilian life yet. I did however, stop two armed robberies and a rape none of which would have turned out well had I not put my gun in their face or if I were denied having one. I’ve also known a person who died in a hold up at her grocery and her gun was too far away to save her. She had it duct taped in a holster under the counter but she was twelve feet away when the drugged out thief shot her. He got fifteen years. There is our problem. Not the illegal stolen (from a cop no less) gun he used but the fact the guy gets such short sentence. We don’t have a gun problem John we have a criminal problem. Guns in my hands an those of tens of millions of other Americans are no more dangerous than a hammer. Every possible law restricting any criminal from obtaining or using a gun in a crime is itself a crime. What other law have we missed? Tell me.
Shooting was by a gay Muslim Democrat but…….Republicans.