The UK Telegraph published quite a few letters, most of which were in favor of Leave, as in, leaving the European Union. This one should have been the lead
SIR – It grieves me that politicians and academic colleagues among the Remainers prefer the arguments of financial gain to the principles of freedom, independence and self-government that so many of our countrymen have cherished for centuries, fought and died for.
These fundamental principles and rights, which are the foundation stones of democracy, cannot be bought or sold.
Keeping them should be the first, overriding reason for all who desire to leave the EU. Failure to leave will mean years of dictatorial rule by unelected bureaucrats and a complete loss of our national self-esteem, pride and history, which are condensed into the word sovereignty.
Sir Norman Browse
Alderney, Channel Islands
We’ll see what happens once the voting starts in less than 16 hours. This very much is about the principles espoused by Sir Browse versus the Big Government fascistic nature of the Progressive big wigs in the EU.

Off topic – but what are your thoughts on Johnson/Weld. Not perfect candidates – but lesser of Three evils? P.S. Brexit
thoughts – don’t care to hear other countries give me their thoughts on what the US should do – not going to give them my 2 cents on what I think they should do.
I’m not a fan of Johnson. He calls himself a libertarian, but he seems more of a Standard Big Government Republican. Govt grew tremendously under his time as NM governor, both size and cost, and there were all sorts of eminent domain abuse, civil asset forfeiture, he doesn’t seem a big fan of the 2nd Amendment, he was against freedom of association, and so much more. He often comes down on the side of secular Democrats than Republicans. Except for pot legalization. And he has a big financial stake in seeing it legalized.
He’s very much for forced government coercion.
Not sure about Weld, haven’t researched him, as he is Johnson’s running mate.
I know how you feel about other countries. I hate when they get involved in our elections, so we shouldn’t get involved in theirs. Just loved the answer.
What I found mind boggling was that Obama was actually threatening the UK if they left the EU that the USA would basically not be there friend any more and almost suggested they would no longer be a most favored nation status under his R E G I M E.