House Dems Have A Sad That GOP Will Bring Up A Gun Control Bill That Protects Due Process

Democrats have been agitating for a gun control bill that uses all those government lists, but, they seem very unhappy that Citizens will get Due Process

House Dems may get gun vote, but on a bill they oppose

House Democrats, responding to reports that Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., will schedule a vote next week on gun legislation, are already dismissing the gesture.

Ryan told Republicans on a conference call Thursday that he planned to bring legislation to the floor that would prevent individuals on the no-fly list from buying guns, according to multiple news reports. The speaker did not specify which measure he planned to proceed with, but Democrats believe it will be similar to a proposal they voted down in the Senate last week, saying it was unworkable.

That provision, sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and supported by the National Rifle Association, would have allowed the attorney general to stop gun sales to people on watch lists but only after proving probable cause before a judge within three days, a timeframe and standard of proof that Democrats say is unrealistic.

“House Democrats will keep up our efforts to push for the majority to allow a vote on gun violence legislation, but bringing up a bill authored by the NRA just isn’t going to cut it,” said Drew Hammill, spokesman for Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Democrats are showing their cards in that they’re getting what they want, the ability to use those lists. They just do not want, to repeat, Due Process, which means they cannot arbitrarily throw citizens on those lists and deny them their Rights. The bill is not written by the NRA, but, they do approve of it. Furthermore, one has to consider that the ACLU is against the bills Democrats have been pushing, since they deny Due Process.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why Democrats get upset when they’re accused of hating the Constitution.

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4 Responses to “House Dems Have A Sad That GOP Will Bring Up A Gun Control Bill That Protects Due Process”

  1. Liam Thomas says:

    Denying someone their constitutuional rights is: after proving probable cause before a judge within three days, a timeframe and standard of proof that Democrats say is unrealistic.

    Now I dont want evil people to have guns either but I also am not willing to suspend the constitutuion in order to see this fulfilled.

    This is just further proof how far into the communist camp the Democratic party has eased themselves comfortably. With zero teaching on Communism in the public school system now and communist professors all over college the Communist party of the world has almost completely done their jobs.

    Just another few years now. Because we all know Hillary Clintons first job was working for a Communist Law firm.

  2. jay says:

    “With zero teaching on Communism in the public school system” I’m not sure what you mean by that. There’s plenty of teaching about communism in our public schools. They just don’t call it “communism”, they call it “protecting the workers”, “common sense”, and “things you will be required to say you agree with to pass this class”.

  3. captainfish says:

    right Jay. Teaching of the horrors of Communism is now the teaching of what is normal and ideal.

    Sadly, with Speaker Ryan at the helm, I fear a “compromise” with the anti-gun democrats will be made and more of our freedoms will be eroded. Where we should be removing further restrictions to gun ownership and gun carrying, democrats\communists still want to take the means and the right of self-defense away from citizens.

  4. Hoagie says:

    I think they’re tired of talking about gun laws and believe they should just be confiscated and get it done with. Then they can focus on all the cool penalties they can impose on people caught with firearms. After all the communists/socialists are experts at doling out punishment. They’ve had many years and many death camps to perfect their trade.

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