Kenya is basically a typical 3rd World Shithole developing nation, with a poor economy and low economic freedom. There are lots of concerns over property rights and corruption. They have high inflation and high unemployment. On the plus side, their GDP is much better than Obama’s. And they’re totally serious about this whole ‘climate change’ thing
(AllAfrica) Climate change lawsuits are gaining momentum as citizens are increasingly turning to domestic courts to hold governments and corporations accountable for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With the passing of its 2016 Climate Change Act, Kenya is among the few countries globally to directly regulate on climate change, signaling strong political will to pursue low-emission development.
The act allows citizens to sue private and public entities that frustrate efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change.
The law establishes the National Climate Change Council, which has the power to impose climate change obligations on private establishments, including regulations on the nature and procedure for reporting on performance.
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), on behalf of the council, is charged with monitoring, investigating and reporting on compliance. An organisation that fails to comply may incur a fine of up to a million Kenyan shillings ($9,900) and officers risk five years imprisonment if they withhold or gives false information to NEMA.
All this will do is drive business out of the country and into the arms of countries that aren’t punishing people for wanting to live in the 21st Century. I’m sure Warmists in 1st World nations are applauding these measures, and want to implement them in their own countries. As long as it doesn’t effect them personally.
Kenya has a GDP of 153 billion. That places it between Kansas and Iowa #30 & #31 in state ranking. So…WoW! I hardly think it wise for them to turn away any business.
If only they could be more like Zimbabwe…
Well of course the EPA impacts us here personally
But Teach perhaps you can tell us how your Duke Power electric rates have skyrocketed in the last 7 years
Nah you won’t do that
So here it is
In SC Duke Power is asking for the first rate hike in 30 years
So Teach tell us again about your own sky rocketing rates and how you hate Obama for taking away your incandescent bulbs
You must explain what the Duke rates have to do with Kenya. While you’re at it, what do light bulbs have to do with Kenya? Or Obama? Are you living is some kind of bubble?
It’s just more of patricians vs plebeians: the rulers of President Obama’s home country — he may have been born here, and a natural born citizen, but he isn’t an American — are the well-off elites, and their cares aren’t those of the people trying to scratch out a living in the dirt.
dana typed:
This has been the complaint lodged by crazies-on-the-right against two-term President Obama from the outset, led by the crazies-in-chief, Palin and Trump.
John McCain and Rafael Cruz were each born outside the US. Are they Americans?
Please explain how President Obama “isn’t an American”. Be honest, aren’t you really just denigrating President Obama because you disagree with his political positions?
How do you apportion citizenship in your bizarro “world”.
I wrote:
to which Jeffrey responded:
Anyone with ever a sixth grade reading comprehension could understand that I wasn’t making the ‘birther’ argument, but stating that President Obama’s attitudes and beliefs and internal concepts simply aren’t American. He doesn’t appreciate our culture, and he doesn’t respect our institutions; his only moral compass is whatever strikes his fancy that particular day.
A real American is proud to be an American, is proud of our history and our power and our culture. Barack Obama is none of that, and, quite frankly, the left in general are falling into the same trap.