Hey, they blame everything that happens today and 100 years in the future on Other People refusing to give up their fossil fueled vehicles and go climate neutral, so, why not stuff in the past? Well, they kinda do that now, regarding hundreds, thousands, and millions of years ago, typically forgetting to mention that all the bad problems were from cool
Climate Change to Blame for Deaths in 2003 Heat Wave, New Study Says
The first attempt by scientists to assess the role of climate change in the deadly European heat waves of 2003 has attributed about half of the 1,050 deaths in Paris and London that summer to the effects of global warming.
Tens of thousands of people, many of them elderly, died in France and other European nations in one of the most notable extreme weather events since the turn of the century. The implication of the study, published Thursday in the journal Environmental Research Letters, is that manmade climate change was largely responsible for the disaster.
“Other studies have looked at how humans have changed the frequencies of heat waves, or they’ve looked at how heat affects mortality,” said Daniel Mitchell, a researcher with the Environmental Change Institute and lead author on the study. “But no studies looked directly at how human-induced climate change has impacted mortality in these extreme heat waves. Our study was the first to directly model that and put a number on how many deaths there were in these two cities for the 2003 heat wave, or in fact for any heat wave. “
Heat waves never happened prior to the Industrial Revolution, ya know. Of course, they did a lot of research on this, took readings, gathered facts….oh, wait
The researchers began by running climate models. The first, “the natural scenario,” allowed them to estimate what the climate of 2003 would have been like without any climate change due to human factors, like deforestation and industrial emissions of greenhouse gases.
The second, “the observed scenario,” included all known climatic forces under which the 2003 heat wave occurred.

Oh my!!!
–Mikey (Nobel prize laureate) Mann
They fail miserably at predicting the future so now they’re “predicting” what happened in the past.
The models have predicted future temperatures quite reliably. You would find this yourself if you bothered to look. Instead you rely on the lies from Teach, Monkeytongue and the demonstrably dishonest Dr. Roy Spencer.
Yeah, rely on Michael Mann.
Good one. Like James Hansen? Actually, they haven’t. They’ve over-estimated the “warming”. Plus, that does nothing to prove the cause of the alleged warming, which is the whole point. How’ve they been predicting catastrophes? Do they use the same faulty models for those? All those that haven’t happened? I thought so.
CMIP3, as you know.
Whenever observations do not match the computer models it is nature that is in error.
WUWT as a citation?? LOL
Uh, yeah!
Prove them wrong little guy although it may be way over your little head.
One of the interesting things to note is that the current crop of climate scientists are for the most part genuine in their beliefs about their methodology.
The problem is that we have a very basic set of data in which to plug in and secondly they rarely account for the massive flux of the oceans.
Thirdly which is my area of expertise they fail to allow for the vastly increasing super plumes that are occurring on land….NOT IN THE OCEAN BUT ON LAND…..
They are called cities…..these super
plumes of heated air rise to upwards of 50k feet where they are dispersed by high level winds….and the winds themselves are ever changing.
In short seven billion people, the massive rise of huge cities using concrete, asphalt and heat trapping infrastructure is a very large and consequential cause of the rising temperatures around the globe.
To create these vast heat plumes requires a lot of energy. What the AGW crowd will not acknowledge is that you can basically shut down the fossil fuel industry today and the temperatures will continue to rise.
For two reasons….we are a warming planet that by design is naturally occurring since the last glacial age ended 18k years ago and secondly we have placed on this planet a exorbitant amount of cities which are themselves natural heat sinks which absorb heat and then redirect it back into the earth in non ultra violet radiation which is then dispersed around the globe on a non stop basis.
This is one of the reasons why engineers and designers are looking at new and various ways to prevent this heat sinking in order to keep cities cooler and more environmentally friendly.
Given the natural set of mechanics the industry will solve its own problems but not before it indeed does continue to warm.
ITS…..TOO…..LATE……Many of us have been warning of this for decades as the simple basic physics of mega cities has been known and understood for a long time.
NONE of this is modeled…..its all simple co2 in…..data out…….yep were all gonna drown, die or suffer catastrophe after catastrophe…..because THAT MY FRIENDS….is what keeps the grant money flowing.
That and radicals that would pay anything to hear what they want to hear.
Saturday morning links
1930s New York made Sunday brunch very trendy 14 Novels of Love Gone Wrong The importance of small talk The Blue Shift of the New England Professoriate My Nomination for Corporate State of the Year: Napa County, California How National Fo
So today’s hypothesis is that concentrated human populations in large metro areas are trapping heat that rises to 50,000 feet and spreads over the Earth, and that this heat retention in brick, concrete and asphalt is what’s really causing the Earth to warm. This suggests that reflective white paint on roads and buildings would stop global warming.
It should be relatively easy for scientists to measure this heat retention by cities and calculate the contributions to the overall heat retention of the entire Earth. Since this is your “area of expertise” can you supply that data for us? Thanks.
Surprisingly, there is some truth to what you type! CO2 is retained in the atmosphere for a long time so even if we earthlings stopped adding more today, CO2 would stay above “natural” levels for some time. On the other hand, your solution of painting roads and buildings with reflective white paint should yield results almost instantly (actually, reflective surfaces ARE a good idea for reducing heat retention of structures – it’s just the effect on global warming would not be great).
In fact, the Earth has been gradually cooling since about 6000 years ago, in fact cooling some 0.6C since the Holocene Climatic Optimum. It has rapidly warmed 0.8C over just the last 100 years of so, according to you, because of the asphalt jungles.
Looks like last June was the hottest one since accurate records began
That damn PAUSE when will it finally end
Hope the Antarctic doesn’t melt.
I believe that drowningpuppies has done a disservice by not including the full quote of what Dr. Mann said to the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee:
Basically, Michael Mann admits that there is no evidence that Mankind’s activities are causing climate change.
My apologies.
Dick Bell,
Basically, what Professor Mann said was exactly what Professor Mann said. See how easy it is to read what he actually said.
On the other hand, you made up some shit that you imagined he said, but didn’t!
In fact, there is overwhelming data supporting the theory that man-made CO2 is causing the Earth to warm.
Translates to ‘overwhelming data’ as proof.
Liberal logic.
Ahhhh any ideas guys on why the Earth keeps getting hotter when the Sun is now cooler than in 1960 ?