Obviously, the only cause of this must be Mankind’s carbon pollution output. And it’s totally ominous
Global Cloud Coverage Shifting in Ominous Sign of Climate Change
When politicians talk of climate “uncertainty,†they’re often casting doubt on things that are well understood: Warming is happening, and humans are responsible.
When scientists talk about climate uncertainty, they’re usually talking about the clouds.
Actually, they’re usually talking about computer models. And doom
Some of that uncertainty was lifted Monday, and the news isn’t good. A new study inNature analyzes almost 30 years of weather observations to show that clouds and cloudiness are changing in the way scientists would expect in a warming world. Continental storm tracks—think jet stream—are shifting poleward, leaving populous subtropical latitudes uncovered. And the clouds that are forming more often aren’t the low-lying, reflective ones that cool the planet—they’re the huge cottony anvils that rise high in the sky, trapping more heat.
“Cloud changes most consistently predicted by global climate models are currently occurring in nature,” the authors write. “As cloud tops rise, their greenhouse effect becomes stronger.”
Yeah, it’s rather easy to say “we looked back, and our models totally agree with what happened.” Of course, none of this proves anthropogenic causation, that the changes are mostly or solely caused by Mankind.
The corrected data should help improve their confidence in cloud studies..
In other words, changed to match the preconception. Not. Science. Cult.

Teach would love to hear from you why you think that Earth is getting warmer.
Deniers have no opinion on what is causing the Earth to warm, other than an absolute certainty it’s Anything but Carbon Dioxide (The ABC Doctrine). Cult.
Climate Astrologers have no opinion on what is causing the earth to warm other than an absolute certainty it’s CO2. There-fixed it for you
You, Jeffery and other warmists like to use the logical fallacy that if something is not known, it must be what is hypothesized.
Under that theory, the idea that the world was flat would have been considered correct. Atlas holding the world on his shoulders would have been correct. The theory that the earth was the center of the universe would be correct.
What we do know is that the data and conclusions put forth by warmists are incorrect. Not having an complete alternate theory does not change that one iota.
The Warmist Cult likes to deny logic and science.
Nonsense. The Theory of AGW is supported by overwhelming evidence, in addition it makes scientific sense from a physical perspective.
Deniers deny from an ideological perspective and project their cement-headed science denial onto others.
By all means propose a new hypothesis. Laim has hypothesized that undersea volcanoes are warming the Earth, that and the concrete and asphalt in cities. Of course there is no evidence to support these hypotheses.
Even most deniers now admit that the Earth is warming after denying that simple fact for years. Almost all deny the link between greenhouse gases and warming.
Anyway, you should probably bone up on hypotheses and theories. There are no alternate theories complete or incomplete. I described Laim’s testable (and unsupported) hypotheses.
Why is the Earth warming? Deniers blame magic. Scientists understand that greenhouse gases are the cause.
well JL we know it is getting warmer, at least most climate truthers have stopped saying it isn’t
Exxon says the warming is caused by CO2 on its website
Exxon has known about this through its own research
Most Americans believe
Thanks for trying to support the Warmist Cult in spite of the evidence.
As I said, your position that unless there is a known cause means that your hypothesis is a logical fallacy. That alone says that you are not interested in science at all.
And yet more and more scientists are starting to question the theory the Warmist put forth because it doesn’t match the data and it doesn’t match the science.
You can keep screaming and whining that it does because cultists like you aren’t interested in truth.
(By the way, have you ever seen anyone say the earth is warming due to “magic?” No you haven’t. So once again you lie to make a point that is ridiculous.)
No. You are wrong.
If not by magic or greenhouse gases, perhaps you can proffer an alternative cause?
That’s a dumb lie even by your low standards.
There ya go. Return to the same logical fallacy that you have to rely on.
Except for the fact that what I said is true.
But keep rockin’ the cult Jeffery.
And the Earth is warming rapidly from the CO2 produced from burning fossil fuels.
But keep rockin’ your cult of ignorance, gc/Hoagie or whatever name you’re going by today.
Teach typed:
No, it doesn’t have to be the cause, it’s just supported by all the evidence.
Do you have evidence supporting your alternative explanation?
Wonder why Antarctica isn’t melting.
The computer models predicted it would.