Everyone who thinks this speech will be condescending, lecturing, and scolding, and tell us WE need to do better, plus, oh, yeah, pass more gun control laws so shootings in Democratic Party controlled cities with tons of gun control see less shootings, raise your hand
Obama, Traveling to Dallas, Seeks to Console and Reassure
President Obama will travel to Dallas on Tuesday to mourn the deaths of five white police officers gunned down by a black Army veteran, his latest effort to help bridge one of the starkest divides in American society.
He huddled with his speechwriters for much of Monday, hoping to find words that would not only console the officers’ grief-stricken families but also reassure a nation fearful that racial divisions are worsening after the Dallas slaughter and the killing days before of black men by the police in Louisiana and Minnesota.
It’s interesting how those racial divisions have gotten so much worse under Mr. Obama. And, really, having Obama speak has a high chance of simply adding fuel to the fire.
Mr. Obama approached the effort with the frustration of a man who has poured his heart and soul into similar speeches, only to later feel that nothing has changed and no one is listening. This will be the 11th time in his presidency that he has sought to comfort a city after a mass killing, and the second time in a month that such a killing grew out of bias.
Is this a front page news story or a thinly veiled opinion piece, because it sure reads like the latter. If anything, he should be frustrated mostly with Black people in Democratic Party run cities, who are killing themselves off willy nilly. Heck, five Blacks were shot by another Black in Baltimore during a candlelight vigil for another Black man killed yesterday.
Meanwhile, the family of Kate Steinle is still waiting for a call, being that their daughter/sister was murdered by an 5 time deported illegal alien convicted of multiple felonies, who shot her with a gun stolen from a federal agent in a sanctuary city.
Former President George W. Bush, who lives in Dallas, will also speak at Tuesday’s memorial, a rare event in his post-presidency. While in office, Mr. Bush faced his own set of problems with the nation’s racial divisions.
It will be an interesting contrast in speeches. Say what you will about GWB, the man can give a good speech that shows that he cares, that he understands, that he empathizes, much like Bill Clinton was always able to do. He attempts healing and to erase divisions. Mr. Obama stokes them from his lofty perch, looking down his nose at everyone for “failing him.”
In every speech on policing and race, Mr. Obama has tried to strike a balance, acknowledging bias in the criminal justice system but saying that it is not an indictment of all police officers.
Let’s be real: there may be biases in the criminal justice system, and with some police officers. But, we need to ask why that is. Might it have more to do with the conduct of the Black community than the system and the police? Might they be the cause? And, might the treatment of Blacks by the Democrat Party in their cities make the situation worse? Yes.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

TeachSpeak for “That’s what we get for electing a Negro” or “Life running the plantation was so much easier when ‘dem darkies knew their place”.
It’s interesting that most regular Teach defenders are out of the closet racists and feel free to express that sentiment publically.
Besides a Negro Kenyan Muslim President that terrified the far
whiteright, what else might contribute to worsened “racial divisions”?Also contributing are videos of officers shooting Black men and manhandling Black women. Before the ubiquity of the cell phone video, it was often a dead Black man’s word and those of a “lying” Negro witness against that of a white officer.
Also contributing is the overall tenor of the times: The working classes (including working class Blacks, who have suffered the most) have had it with the wealthy white power structure that has gutted them over the past several decades.
One attribute the old and new Conservative movements have in common is their core support of institutional racism. The “tax the poor to free the wealthy”, so-called “right to work”, crumbling infrastructure, stop and frisk, shipping jobs overseas campaigns all hurt Black communities disproportionately, either by design or spillover. Conservatism is and has been a political movement devoted to maintaining the white Christian status quo.
The article you linked did not say the shooter was Black.
Officers are more likely to use force against Black suspects. Based largely on personal experince, Blacks do not trust the police or the justice system.
A white man shot and killed two officers and wounded another in St. Joseph MI.
“I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter.â€
Of course. It’s particularly hard considering the killer said he wanted to kill whites, and particularly white police officers.
Obama’s confusion is understandable.
Yep, it’s a mystery.
Yep, another mystery.
“there MAY” be biases????
Or there ARE biases ?
teach let’s remember also why there are so many Blavks in cities, because they fled rural racial terrorism
Are you suggesting that now they should leave those Dem cities and move to your suburbs?
My God, haven’t these people suffered enough?
In a paragraph so poorly structured I had thought John had written it, Jeffrey wrote:
If I am understanding the author’s meaning correctly, he has just said that police officers — regardless of their race? — are more likely to use force against black suspects because, in their personal experience, black suspects are more likely to be problems.
If that is what Jeffrey meant, has he not just said that a tendency to use greater force against black suspects is reasonable?
Our esteemed host wrote:
Why, why, why, you must be a raaaaacist for asking that, and I denounce you for it!
Ya think?
Gebhard threw a 50-pound concrete planter through the window and entered the Lakeshire residence as the officer’s wife, mother-in-law and two young children struggled to escape…
Nice to see that Sen Cruz and former POTUS Bush were also there
dana accuses Teach of being racist for typing something racist.
diana is an idiot.