Update: News is reporting at least 73 murdered. Also, the truck was supposedly chock full of guns and grenades.
It might be worth considering that had just identified the real leader of the previous Paris Islamist terrorist attack.
(Fox News/AP) A large truck drove into a crowd of people who had gathered for a Bastille Day fireworks show Thursday in the southern French city of Nice, killing at least 30 people and injuring 100 more in an apparent terror attack, officials said.
A police official told France’s BFM TV that the driver of the truck was also dead. A witness, Wassim Bouhlel, told the Associated Press that he saw the truck drive into the crowd, then witnessed the driver emerge with a gun and start shooting.
“There was carnage on the road,” Bouhlel said. “Bodies everywhere.”
The Telegraph is quoting the Nice prosecutors office, which said that there are 60 dead, as are many other outlets. The UK Express is reporting the same. Also
French officials have confirmed that they are investigasting a terrorist attack and there are unconfirmed reports that there are gunmen on the loose in the city. French TV channel iTele tonight reported that a gunman “holed up in a nice restaurant downtown” had been “neutralized” by police.
Police have identified the driver, who was killed during the incident, and it is believed to have been a man who was known to security services. Separate reports emerged tonight that police fear four different trucks are involved, raising fears of a massive organised terror attack.
The police supposedly shot at the truck.
Le camion qui a foncé sur la foule pic.twitter.com/h4QuBabJMx
— Nice-Matin (@Nice_Matin) July 14, 2016
“The truck that drove into the crowd.”
There’s plenty of video, especially at the Express link, which is pretty horrific. Soldiers are also deployed all over the area.
What’s the over/under on the person or persons involved being someone who would yell Allahu Akbar?
ALERTE : incendie au pied de la #TourEiffel !! Video : pic.twitter.com/aUkmzlpyV2
— Alexis THIEBAUT ???? (@alexisthiebaut) July 14, 2016

Another terrorist attack for American conservatives to celebrate! You must be so happy.
–that sorry little who exaggerates often
Hey, go fuck yourself, asshole.
Every time one thinks that Jeffery can’t spew something more vile and hateful, he manages to do so.
I didn’t type:
Your leader did.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove has more links to the coverage of the attack. It’s so awful, I just wish that leaders of the Western world were doing more to take out ISIS and their followers so we would stop getting news like this every time we turn around. Today it’s France, where will it be the next time? […]
Probably sand lutherans. They’ve been a problem lately.
Go fuck yourself, little guy.
Your just bothered that Allahu and god are the same imaginary guy.
— ChristyBlinky, Infidel Queen
What’s the over/under on how many times looseshoes will mention himself in his inevitable speech?
Every one should thank Obama for this carp, and don’t forget Hillary too. Those that voted for that scrum should understand that this blood is on them. Jeff’s comment show the typical liberal nut.
Let’s invade Iraq !!
That hasn’t always worked in the past but maybe it will this time
Anyone having second thought about that Iraq war?
How will Trump stop terrorist attacks in France?
This was an attack by an assault truck. We must have a serious conversation about common-sense safeguards against these dangerous assault trucks. These assault trucks capable of mowing down people at 50 per second and they’re easier to get than a book. These assault trucks should only be available to the military and not for civilian use.
Making jokes about dozens killed. Nice. Typical conservative christianist. Good lord, you’re horrible.
–that little cowardly guy who exaggerates often celebrating along with the other muzzie shithead terrorists
Give it a break and go assfuck your grandson or something.
Conservatives have a warlord sense of humor
Actually he also had military type guns and grenades
I suppose you think neither of those should be banned either
You appear to be a lonely and bitter old man who has only an old dog for companionship
So a leader of the GOP wants a religious purity test.
the vile little puppy who fantasizes about being assfucked by Donald Trump
The purpose of revolution is to cause chaos so confused people fight each other.
The CNN scroll blurb said that Donald Trump called for a war on Da’ish, while Hillary Clinton called for an “intelligence surge.”
One of those policies would kill terrorists; the other would not.
No, you idiot, he wants a security check. Sharia is a political system which opposes ours and those who are followers have declare war on us. It’s very similar to leftism where they want the death of Americans, Christians and Jews. Since you seem to share their views, I thought you would know that. Why, do you want these people here killing your family, friends and neighbors? Why are you leftists so enamored by murdering moslems yet constantly spout hate about your Christian countrymen? You seem to have more in common with people who hate and would kill you than people who would love and help you. Very odd.
By the way, if you thought my previous comment was a joke, that is exactly how you sound when you talk about assault weapons that aren’t assault weapons. There is nothing funny about the inability to identify the problem, ISLAM, because it interferes with your political agenda. That’s how absurd you sound when you blame the inanimate object for the action of the killer. Are they “less dead” because he used a truck and not a gun? And as usual, a man with a gun stopped him.
“Another terrorist attack for American conservatives to celebrate! You must be so happy.”
Unbelievable, even for you jeffrey.
Another heart breaking terrorist attack and you immediately use it for political gain.
Get help. You need it.
We’re not surprised you and Teach use this tragedy for shits and grins, and to score political points. It’s hilarious because they’re French, right? Hardy har!
Newton’s response is symptomatic of what happens when frightened conservatives panic. His first thought is to suspend our Constitution and deport citizens with WrongThink.
How would Newt’s “test” work? “Mrs. Johnson, do you support Sharia law?” Idiots.
Should the West just formally declare war on Islam and start purging? It would give conservatives a new purpose.
And Mr. Trump would use our military to invade several more nations, now including Tunisia, in an attempt to kill off ISIL? That’s his plan??? Invading Iraq turned out so, so well.
Since reports say many of the dead are Muslim, do conservatives subtract that number from the total?
The solution to conservatives celebrating terrorist attacks is for conservatives to stop celebrating terrorist attacks.
Seems the only one celebrating or making political points is you Jeffery. In case you don’t realize it Islam has already declared war on us. Your failure to understand that is perplexing. Moslems have the same love for America that communists do: zero.
Save it jeff. You’re vile and beneath contempt.
It’s typical: a terrorist who was probably Muslim, and probably deliberately killing people to advance some Islamist goal, slaughters over 80 people, and Jeffrey’s reaction is to attack American conservatives.
One of us is not surprised.
You know, Jeffrey is such a caricature of a liberal that sometimes I wonder if our host just sock-puppets this stuff, to generate conversation. I mean, it’s not like Jeffrey bears any resemblance to reality.
Dana care to explain again how you missed out on Vietnam?
Or why you aren’t over in Iraq right now fighting ISIS ?
A moslem democrat kills people in Orlando and it’s the guns fault. A moslem kills 80 people in Nice and it’s the conservatives that are causing problems. There is something about the mental disease of leftism that precludes the victim from connecting dots.
The murderers were responsible for the murders, not Islam. Our fight is with violent Islamic extremists, just as in the 80s and 90s our fight was with violent christianist extremists. We didn’t end the clinic attacks by banning fundamentalist christianists, did we? Even conservatives should understand this.
Almost every murder in the US is committed by christians, but not by christianity. See?
Almost every crime in the US is committed by christians, but not by christianity. See?
The conservative response (e.g., Newt’s) is a calculated political ploy and is counterproductive to propose and would make the situation worse if enacted.
The American right is following the ISIS plan. They want you to declare war on Islam.
Newton now claims his words were taken out of context.
Good lord…
Total bullshit, like everything that little coward writes.
Keep sucking that ISIS cock.
That’s it Hoagie let the rage out don’t bottle it up
And let the homophobia out to
Were you sexually abused is that where that rage is coming from?
Why is it that the problems all seem to be coming from rightwing religious conservatives ? These people who think that sex is bad and that they have done obligation to the sky God to enforce their beliefs on others ?
And Hoagie why aren’t you over there fighting ISIS right now ?
Your life seems pretty well shit anyway?
Don’t be getting any funny ideas while driving your truck, retard.
Somewhere, a monastery is missing an idiot.
John, I’m sure you think using the chickenhawk card is clever and wins you a lot of debates.
It isn’t. It’s stupid.
I also note you haven’t condemned the terrorist attack in Nice. Instead you use it to make political points against those you disagree with. Just as jeffry did in the very first comment to this topic.
What is wrong with you?
Newt is a lot of things, but “coward” certainly isn’t his worst trait.
Keep sucking that ISIS cock, little guy.
John is unintentionally humorous:
Duh! This happened in France, where those things are banned. I guess that means that he didn’t have those weapons, right?
John wrote:
Hoagie is a Vietnam combat veteran; he’s also over 65 right now.
President Nixon ended American combat involvement in Vietnam just as I was coming of military age. I could have been drafted, but wasn’t. If I had been drafted, I’d still have missed Vietnam.
Only a compete fool can compare a crime committed by a person who is Christian with a terrorist attack committed by a moslem in the name of Allah for the advancement of Islam. If you’re not intelligent enough to understand the difference between a crime and an act of war then you shouldn’t comment at all.
Islam does not believe in Nation States or Mans Laws and instead simply divides the world in to two parts ‘Dar es-Salaam’ the ‘Place of Peace’ where Islam and Shariah rule and ‘Dar al-Harb” the ‘Place of War’ where KAFIRS (unbelievers) rule and where Muslims are OBLIGED to perform JIHAD , either by DECEIT or by VIOLENCE , until Islam and Shariah does rule.
Once that happens the KAFIRS are given three choices 1) Convert (or as they put it REVERT to Islam as they believe EVERYONE is born Muslim and only led astray by their parents and society) to Islam 2) Pay the JIZYA TAX and become Dhimmies Second Class Citizens in your own country 3) DIE.
Needless to say Feminazis, HOMOS , JEWS and Bruce Jenners only get option #3.
Which of course means you cannot allow a SINGLE MUSLIM to come and live in your country if you value your FREEDOM.
According to French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who said this in a speech:
When did Jeffery start writing speeches for the French? How about every Western country surrender to the barbarians because we can’t deport enemies? If Jeffery lived in 1941 would he be against deporting Nazi’s?
Jeffery you need help? Perhaps a mortician?
Would you deport citizens whom you consider “enemies”, as Newt proposed?
Should we also deport violent fundamentalist Mormons such as those associated with the Bundy gang, or just Muslims?
Bonus question: Can you describe what you think “shariah” to be?
Hoagie typed:
To do so obviously violates our Constitution as much as banning all firearms, so are you pushing to repeal or change the 1st Amendment?
Before you thoroughly drown yourself in your own ignorance Jeffery, red this article by an expert on Islam and Sharia. I have studied the Koran since I was 14. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read it through and outlined it.
We should no more allow moslems in America today than we would have allowed Nazi’s here in 1942. You are so afraid of Christians, why? What do Bundy and Mormons have to do with the Theocratic State of Islam?
Hoagie admits
I propose the US government interrogate you to determine your fitness to live among us.
I love christians! In fact, I’ve loved several (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), but never at the same time.
Yet, I am cautious regarding fundamentalists of any religious persuasion. Given the opportunity, fundamentalist christians would impose their own version of christian sharia if they gained power, just as would fundamentalist Muslims.
If you were king of America would you ban abortions? Would you ban gay marriage? Would you deport all Muslims? Would you be so kind to list the top 10 things you’d change by law in America?
Your link was to an American Thinker article.