And the law enforcement involved handled this in the correct fashion
(Fox News/AP) The sheriff of a county about 70 miles north of Seattle says a restaurant owner has asked that law enforcement no longer dine there.
Skagit County Sheriff Will Reichardt said on Facebook that after four deputies finished lunch at Lucky’s Teriyaki in Sedro-Woolley Thursday, the owner asked them not to eat there anymore.
Reichardt says the deputies were told that customers didn’t like law enforcement there. The sheriff says his chief deputy called the owner later Thursday and says the request was confirmed along with a request to spread the word among other law enforcement agencies.
The PD says fine, they’ll go elsewhere, but, hey, if the restaurant needs their help, they won’t hold a grudge. Because that’s their job, and they’ll perform it.
(embedding is not cooperating, you can see the post here)
Here’s the wild thing: they did not report Lucky’s Teriyaki to the State for discrimination, much like many bakers have been reported for refusing to bake cakes for gay weddings. Rather than forcing Lucky’s to serve them, the police just said “OK, sparky, have it your way” and moved on.
Of course, now that this has gone viral, Lucky’s might find their customer base shrinking.

What if their customers didn’t like Negroes there? Anyone think that they’d make the same request?
Not a chance in hell. If they did, boy oh boy, the State would jump in with both feet without being asked. Liberal groups would be demonstrating and stuff by the end of the day.
Of course, the state only has a Black population of 3.74%. Seems all those liberals in the state don’t like having Black people near them.
I agree with Dana. All businesses should be forced under penalty of fines and prison to serve everyone whether they like it or not or be ground to dust by the boot heel of government. There is no room in America for hate. The lives of these officers and those of the hypothetical negroes have been permanently and irrevocably damaged by being declined future service and they may require therapy. These injustices must be rooted out wherever they are found. Allowing the market forces to settle the dispute allows too much freedom for an outcome someone won’t like.
The owners of Lucky Teriyaki should be fined, have their business and homes confiscated, their bank accounts seized and sent to a re-education camp until such time as they realize they must “celebrate” and serve everybody except white, male, heterosexual, Christian men.
There should be a national police force established to enforce these laws. Perhaps the FBI or another force established by Loretta Lynn. Peace, out!
not to mention what would happen if they were asked to cater a gay wedding and refusing.
Instead, you have liberal asshats calling out the sheriff’s department for confirming the story on their Facebook page.
“the deputies were told that customers didn’t like law enforcement there”
And who will they call when they get mugged, help up, or shot?
Actually of course they didn’t refuse to serve them
They in fact DID serve them
They simply asked them to no longer return
They never refused them service
Teach if you were half as hip as you think you are you would have figured out the reason
Pot enforcement
That is a border town and is approaching harvest time
Also you disparage them them without really knowing much about them
They had one of the highest voter turnouts in 2012 with 83% of the registered voters casting ballots
They voted against same sex marriage and just 6% majority for Obama
Within the state would be considered rural conservative
But even in consetvative areas pot production rules
Here’s a follow-up story. Owner claims a misunderstanding, but likely a response to bad press. Also free eats for them on Monday.
Wow John. Sit down please, you must be very dizzy from all that spin you put on this.
Telling someone to NOT return to their place of business is the ultimate refusal of service.
So you re okay with a bakery selling a gay couple a cookie and then saying “don’t return” and “please tell your other gay friends not to come here too?”
So the owner who you supported lied.
Birds of a feather.
Another clarification.
John, you understand that I simply repeated the article published om a left leaning news site, right? Furthermore, I never claimed they were refused service.
That’s very wise of them, Jeff.