We already know about the big, 8 foot tall 4 mile long fence around the Wells Fargo Center. How about this?
We also know that American flags are missing from the Dem convention. And Democrats broke the law as they trotted illegal aliens up on stage. Photo ID is required for access to the Dem convention. Oh, and Michelle Obama is suddenly proud of her country for a 2nd time. Does anyone think that Democrats will spontaneiously break into a chant of “USA USA USA”?

That “wall” isn’t as high as the current border fence it looks like 36 inches
Teach that wall around the DNC is a fence that was put up by the police for crowd control
Teach why do you think a wall can not be scaled with a ladder or tunneled underneath ?
The demoncrat convention had all the flags for the people it represents: BLM flags, PLO flags, rainbow flags, communist flags, Cuban flags, Mexican flags, ISIS flags, Iranian flags and code pink flags. Regular Americans need not apply.
I love the contrast of the stage in the two conventions. Republicans=Proud Americans, demoncrats=ZERO. That about says it all about how much demoncrats “love” America.
Did Teach say that? You lying again John? Of course they can be scaled or tunneled but they still stop most people or they wouldn’t use them, right? Or do you expect 100% success at everything? Dumbass.
Err, uh….
Tonight will feature the Mommas of da Movement.
You know the mommas of Trayvon, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and several other thugs who were killed by white oppression.
Followed by the BLM Panthers who want to bust some cracka heads, murder the police, and kill whitey.
So you think it’s fine to separate American citizens from the political process with a fence, but you are against one that stops illegals from entering the country. Huh.
Remember folks, this election is about our kids and their future.
Of course, now that my hubbie has dumped another $10 Trillion in debt on the heads of our kids, and imported millions and millions of new third-world welfare dependents that our kids are going to have to support, and wrecked our health care system, the future will probably be grim for most of our kids.
But hey, Barky and I are going to get multi-million-dollar book deals soon, and then we’ll go out on the speaking circuit and make a few million more, and maybe we’ll set up our own “charitable” foundation so we can scam even more money. Plus we’ll have the presidential pension, the millions a year in “administrative” expenses from the taxpayers, and of course, the millions of dollars worth of free security that a lifetime of Secret Service protection costs.
So my kids will do fine. Not only will they be rich, but because of their skin color, they will also get the many affirmative action preferences that made it so easy for an unqualified person like me to get into Ivy League schools (and also to get my one and only lawyer job, although my black skin didn’t make me competent, and I was fired after just a few years. Luckily, I had my hubbie’s political connections to fall back on, and was soon given a 6-figure, no-work job that was specially designed for my lack of talents).
So really this election won’t affect me or my privileged, pampered kids. We’re already set for life, thanks to this raaaaacist country that is constantly trying to keep us blacks down. But the rest of you rubes better vote the right way, because life for YOUR kids is really going to suck. LOL.
Posted by: Michelle Obama
Gee, it’s almost like liberals are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Now they have replaced the blue wall with a clear wall so it doesn’t look so darn wall-like. And the new one is stronger. Better to keep out the unwashed, with friendlier appearance for those pesky cameras.
Teach why do you think a wall can not be scaled with a ladder or tunneled underneath ?
Easy…..From a geological standpoint building a tunnel is quite the undertaking and requires extreme effort…..
As a result the areas that are conducive for a tunnel are only in certain spots.
In addition crossing the border using a tunel would by the very nature of a cramped space slow down the influx of illegals drastically.
Right now they just wander over the border by the 100’s-1000’s per day with ease while the border patrol watches them.
AS for a ladder….30 feet up……30 feet down
again…it drastically cuts down the number ABLE to make the climb and get in illegally.
Its about logistics.
And don’t forget that what little “wall” exists at the Mexico/US border extends 6 feet into the ground making a tunnel much more difficult to build.
And that wall only covers about 1/3 of the border.