Democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, have been telling us since the moment Hillary’s illegal server came to light that her emails were inconsequential. Much ado about nothing. A big fat nothingburger. And, heckaroonie, what’s the big deal that she deleted 30000+ emails about yoga and weddings and personal stuff, anyhow? Well, Trump made a statement this morning, which I was actually watching, and listening, and they’ve lost their minds. For instance, the NY Times
Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he hoped Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, essentially encouraging an adversarial foreign power to cyberspy on a secretary of state’s correspondence.
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,†Mr. Trump said, staring directly into the cameras during a news conference. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.â€
Now comes the apoplexy in a news article
Mr. Trump’s call was an extraordinary moment at a time when Russia is being accused of meddling in the United States’ presidential election. His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which American intelligence agencies have told the White House they have “high confidence†was the work of the Russian government.
There are all sorts of examples of this same thing, with Dems and their compliant media being Outraged!!!!!!
Lots of media folks and Dems were saying the same thing. Of course, they were lying. That is not what Trump said. But, hey, they have a Narrative. And you can expect there will be more Outrage in the opinion pages by tomorrow morning, and surely Outrage on CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN, among others.
But, here’s something interesting, per Sean Davis at The Federalist, who first notes this tweet from Team Hillary, echoing their press release
Clinton camp responds to Trump calling on Russia to release emails
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 27, 2016
Davis writes
Sullivan did not explain how the e-mails, which Clinton said were about nothing more than her “yoga routines†and wedding planning for her daughter, could possibly pose a national security risk to the United States. Sullivan also failed to explain how unclassified e-mails “private personal e-mails†wholly unrelated to her work as Secretary of State — Clinton declared in an infamous 2015 press conference that she “did not email any classified material to anyone on my email†— could compromise American security.
If the emails are nothingburgers, then what national security is at stake?

The New York Times has an article with the “highlights” of the press conference.
The actual quotes don’t back up the Times’ reporters / article.
Color me shocked.
The anti-American comrade Trumpski (R-Moscow) said:
Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN), said:
It’s now clear that Comrade Trumpski’s hidden tax returns shows more than just the $14 million he received from Russia.
What kind of lucrative deal has Crooked Donald hatched with Russian strongman Putin? How much does Crooked Donald stand to make from the Russian mob by weakening NATO?
Does Traitorous Donald have information that the Russian intelligence services has US information in their possession that Traitorous Donald can use against his political opponent?
“Businessmen” such as Crooked Donald are only concerned with winning – defined as how much money they can gouge out of others. “Businessmen” such as Crooked Donald will steal lunch money from children to prove how “powerful” they are. It’s all about the perception of “winning.”
Crooked Donald can not be trusted. He hates Secretary Clinton more than he loves America. Shameful performance by Traitorous Donald.
Teach uncritically typed:
No, people are Suddenly Very Concerned with Trumpki’s ties to the Russians.
Saw this from Jim Geraghty. 1) There was nothing secret in HRC’s deleted emails. 2) It’s a “national security issue” if Russia gets them. Pick one, Hillary camp. It’s easy to make a point without being a Drama Queen, J. For most people
It’s kinda fun reading the little guy’s conspiracy theories.
It’s not about emails, it’s about the Republican candidate’s potential treason.
The increasingly unstable Trumpski encouraged a rogue nation to commit crimes against an American citizen, in support of Trumpski’s candidacy. Unprecedented.
As opposed to Clinton’s ties to the Chinese?
If the Russians have the email, why are the Clintons and the liberals panicking?
Could those emails have exactly what Clinton said they did not?
This is what you get when you get people like Clinton who think they are above the law and people on the left that support her not matter what.
(Also notice how Jeffery tries and fails to deflect from the illogical position that the emails are not a worry but if they are released they are a threat.)
No foreign government should be interfering with our elections
If you can’t see that you are blind
Stop it, you’re killing me.
You know what else is funny?
Trump is really, really good at using the state media against itself because this is where a substantial portion of LIVs find out that Hillary’s emails were hacked by Russia.
More reading comprehension problems from the Covian peanut gallery.
It’s not about the emails. It’s about the mentally unstable Trumpski’s ties to Russia. By all means release all 30,000 comrade Trumpski.
He received $14 million from Russia in connection with the Miss Universe pageant. How much more will he receive by weakening NATO? $14 billion?
The treasonous Trumpski doesn’t put America first. Never has, never will. But the far-right doesn’t care as long as their beloved tyrant harasses the “right” people – liberals, Blacks, intellecuals, Latinos, gays, Muslims, Jews etc – in fact all non-white, non-fundies.
You don’t ask for a hostile foreign government to intervene in USA elections
Never mind the Dems reaction Teach look atvwhatvthe GOP is saying about it
Trumpski’s most prominent endorsements are from murderous dictators Putin, Kim Jung-un, two tyrants he admires.
No wonder the Covians adore him.
Thus, the panic…
Trumpski persuaded the Platform Committee to soften their language backing the Ukraine’s defenses against Putin.
What nation does Trumpski support?
Trumpski advocates torture.
Trumpski advocates killing the families/children of terrorists.
Trumpski supports Russia and North Korea over America.
Trumpski advocates Russian spying on US citizens.
Trumpski advocates religious discrimination.
Trumpski hates America.
Isn’t it fun watching Jeffery and John go apoplectic while supporting the criminal Hillary?
The Dems are falling apart over the emails because of what they might show Hillary did. It would also blow her story of nothing classified and how secure her server was.
So instead of dealing with reality, they go after Trump who is asking NATO nations to pay their fair share (by treaty.)
Isn’t it funny that “fair share” only matters to liberals when it comes to taking other people’s money and when they try to make a candidate look bad?
Hillary broke the law and you guys support her.
Trump wonders if the Russians have the emails Hillary deleted and you attack him.
Trumpski advocates torture.
Trumpski advocates killing the families/children of terrorists.
Trumpski supports Russia and North Korea over America.
Trumpski advocates Russian spying on US citizens.
Trumpski advocates religious discrimination.
Trumpski hates America.
Its so funny when the children act out.
Dumbasses. The FBI has the emails.
The Dems are not very concerned about the emails; they are very concerned about Trumpski’s embrace of a nation opposed to America; they are very concerned about Trumpski’s advocating a foreign nation to attack to US citizens.
Trumpski is mentally unstable.
The Trumpski Machine is conflating the DNC hack and the invented furor over 33,000 “missing” emails that the FBI says are not missing.
All the while, far-fight traitors ignore that their the Great White Father is playing footsies with Putin and the Russian oligarchs, interjecting his own greed between America and her relationships with foreign governments.
Why must the far-right lie and lie and lie?
Isn’t it funny watching gitarcarver and the Littles defend the traitor Trumpski?
Excellent Saul alinsky tactics there mr. commie.
However Trump is going to be your new president. You get to endure what the right has had to endure for the last 8 years.
Why you ask?
Because I was watching some interesting interviews last night and a HUGE majority of Bernie Sanders are going to VOTE FOR THE GREENS PARTY CANDIDATE.
Essentially gutting Hillary like Ross Perot Gutted Bush and handed the election to Clinton in 92.
Trump wont win because hes the best candidate….he will win because the DNC proved how fuking crooked ALL POLITICIANS are and the only difference this time around is that the GOP has had their BERNIE SANDERS MOMENT IN 2012…..
What’s even funnier is that president Bill Clinton signed a treaty with Russia in 2000 obligating that Russia help us in criminal matters (Hillary Clinton)and vice-verse. Which is why Trump asked that they turn the emails over to the FBI. Trump has masterfully played the media again
On a day when the media should be fawning over how great and historic the Hag is, again Trump uses the media to take the spotlight off of her and dominate the news cycle.
And the little guy who exaggerates often is literally shitting himself.
“The Republican candidates potential treason..” They already had the emails, genius. How do they have the emails? Totally due 100% to Hillary’s incompetence, which would put the treason on her. But Hillary first said the emails have no national security issues. But now they do? So she was lying, which is perjury. She’s fucked either way
Kinda like Bill and the blue dress.
Dumbasses. The FBI has the emails.
Now Jeffery has to lie. (Or rather he starts to lie again.)
Poor Jeffery likes to cite FBI Director as the final word in Hillary’s criminal activities, but Jeffery conveniently forgets that at the press conference, Comey said that the FBI was still missing work related emails and they were not recovered.
Caught in another lie, Jeffery will now attack others for his lack of morals.
gitty and the Littles lie again (and again).
John wrote:
And I’m sure you said the same thing when the President of Mexico said that Hell, no, Mexico won’t pay for Mr Trump’s wall.
Jeffrey is apoplectic!
Mr Trump already has more money than he’ll ever need; he doesn’t have to do crooked stuff to get more.
What the left don’t want is for solid information to come out that Russia, or any other foreign government, was able to hack into Hillary Clinton’s private server. Then we go from she was sloppy and careless to she actually endangered national security. It isn’t a case of Mr Trump needed the specific information, but simply the knowledge that the Russians were able to get the information.
And it would be interesting to see the reaction of the left were it disclosed that the 30,000 deleted e-mails weren’t all wedding plans and cookie recipes, but classified information. That would simply confirm what even Jeffrey already knows, that Mrs Clinton is a lying scumbag.
But Jeffrey would still vote for her lying ass. We could have Mrs Clinton, on tape, putting a bullet into Ambassador Chris Smith’s head, and the left would still vote for her.
Good lord the left is so stupid.
As our host stated, “If the emails are nothingburgers, then what national security is at stake?”
As for our resident idiot, writing that it’s not about the emails….The stupid is strong with this.
You don’t understand what motivates “businessmen” such as Crooked Donald and his ilk. Their money is a measure of his “value” as a man. Mo’ money means mo’ manhood. That’s why he lies about how much money he has and is one reason he refuses to release his tax returns. It’s why he hates the genuinely self-made Bloomberg, who is at least 10 times richer than Crooked Donald, and made his money by actually developing and selling a product, not by taking advantage his daddy’s money and “working” bankruptcy laws.
It was Crooked Donald who said he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.” He was referring to dana.
If Secretary Clinton had shot someone in the head, she would be in prison and not a candidate, and I would vote for another Democratic candidate. I will vote for anyone but Trump.
And why does Putin want Crooked Donald to be the US President? Why did Putin and Crooked Donald
What if…
What if Crooked Donald (with his billionaire buddy, the pedophile Epstein) did rape that 13 yr old girl 4 times in 1994 as she and her friend claim in lawsuit filed in NY?
What if Crooked Donald has millions in business deals with Russian oligarchs as is now suggested?
What if Crooked Donald does have a quid pro quo with Putin regarding NATO as is now suggested?
What if Crooked Donald hasn’t paid taxes in years?
What ifCrooked Donald has ties to the NY and NJ mob. What if this fact becomes widely known?What ifCrooked Trump University has been shown to be a scam.What ifCrooked Donald’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, is paid by a Russian oligarch.What ifCrooked Donald removed the strong language from the platform condemning Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.What if the national press actually does its job and investigates Crooked Donald and his business deals with the NY/NJ mob and with the Russian mob?
What if Crooked Donald is a transnational citizen with no real love of America?
What if Crooked Donald works for Putin and not American citizens?
Wow Jeffery, you really freaked out in that last comment. Are you okay? I could almost see the spittle spraying from your mouth, the gobs of saliva forming at the corners of your lips and a face as red as a fire engine. Calm down. One more phony “what if” and you’d have popped a circuit. You know Hillary! is nothing but a lying, commie grifter but that’s what makes her so attractive to you.
And we also noticed before the DNC admitted it that there wasn’t one uniformed cop on the convention floor. No room for police among a room full of criminals. That was a smart move. I’d hate to see one of your lovely, kind, compassionate BLM folks end up in a kerfuffle with a Philly cop. Bad optics and all that. So the first day of the convention you democrat commies had no American flags and for the rest no police. Wow. What a party for the American people! I think the entire demoncrat party has slipped into a rut of pathological lying, dysfunction and projection. Good luck with that. BTW, Trump now leads by 7.8%. Buh bye.
I guess the DNC didn’t see the need for police amongst their peaceful gathering.
Note it’s the GOP advocating and supporting a police state.
Much of Crooked Donald’s business empire is funded by the Russians. Why is he so protective of Russia?
Not according to the FBI and her tax returns.
Why won’t Crooked Donald release his tax returns?
I know Jeffery. Yell squirrel once more. Here’s your party:
jeff wrote: “I guess the DNC didn’t see the need for police amongst their peaceful gathering”
USA Today headline: “As Obama speaks, chaos and arrests outside DNC”.
The FBI said that Hillary broke the law, but was not worth prosecuting.
Audits of the CGI Foundation show that less than 10% of the money donated goes to actual projects.
Clinton won’t say how much she took from speeches to bankers. Bill and Hillary took money form the Chinese.
Democrats want people to look away from the corrupt Clintons because given an objective standard, the Clintons are scum.
Apparently not just Dems Bush’s former Head of the NSA and CIA also had major problems with asking Russia to hack for Trump
Having a GOP nominee ask a hostile foreign power to help him get elected is tantamount to treason
Hoagie wants all the hot trannys in the mens room
Luckily that’s not what happened john.
Once again you are simply showing your tremendous ignorance and inability to read.
Tell us, why are you happy with Hillary selling out to the Chinese, but think that emails are treason?
Its actually sad how much Jeffery is so deluded into voting for anybody but Trump because he is so FEARFUL of Trump.
Yet the Democratic left are the biggest fear mongers on the planet….in fact their entire platform is based on FEAR TRUMP….
NOT SAVE THE POOR or help the middle class….
Oh sure they have those things in their platform but all they can talk about is how FEARFUL Donald Trump and the RIGHT ARE….
How if we elect a GOP to the White HOuse we will be lining up Muslims and putting them in the furnaces……..lolololol…….
Quite the scenario their of Jeffery painting a Transparent Donald Trump and his business dealings as evil……when Hillary’s are all done in secret, behind closed doors and are every bit as evil….
The only difference is real evil people do real evil things in the Dark on the night in back alleys and dark rooms…..
People like trump use the LAWS that the DEMS profess to LOVE and put their business dealings out there for everyone to see…..
Fear mongers? Yeah that has always been the LEFT……they have this bizarre irrational fear that the only thing all us every day citizens do is sit around figuring new ways to make all the Democratic BILLIONAIRS MORE MONEY by cutting their taxes………
it would be comical is not so delusional.
Look John, a squirrel. Exactly where did I say that? Are you lying again, John?
You leftists need to learn to make a valid point without lies and exaggerations. It would add gravitas to your argument.