Democratic party attorney generals wanted to use the power of the government to engage in lawfare and intimidation against those who refuse to believe in anthropogenic climate change. They’ve been receiving a bit of their own medicine, and here comes some more
(New Boston Post) Two national public interest groups are suing Rhode Island’s attorney general, whom the groups claim formed a “secret pact†with climate change lobbyists and other state attorneys general to prosecute those who raise questions about global warming.
On Wednesday, Washington, D.C.-based Free Market Environment Law Clinic and the Energy & Environment Legal Institute filed suit in Providence Superior Court against the Rhode Island Department of the Attorney General, seeking specific records detailing that office’s collaboration with other attorneys general investigating those who disagree with the prevailing wisdom on climate change.
This goes back to the collusion between the 19 Democrat AGs and climate change lobbyists and groups to target Exxon Mobile, as well as lots of private Conservative groups. They demanded tons and tons of material, including emails and documents going back decades, which would include donor information and the names of compatriots, who would then be included in the targeting. It was a massive attempt to chill Free Speech, which Warmists are attempting to criminalize as “fraud”, despite having no actual evidence. So much was simply a fishing expedition.
The suit filed in Rhode Island on Wednesday by pro-energy groups alleges that Kilmartin’s office withheld documents related to his office’s involvement in the effort to coordinate such strategies.
In particular, the suit alleges that Kilmartin withheld evidence of a “common interest agreement†which, they allege, is actually a sweeping effort by the attorneys general to exempt themselves state open records laws with respect to any discussions regarding the topics of energy and climate. The suit claims that the AG’s office violated the Access to Public Records Act, Chapter 38-2 of the Rhode Island General Laws and seeks to vindicate the public’s right to a transparent and open government by asking the court to require Kilmartin to produce the requested records.
The AGs want tons and tons of records, yet, they seem very unwilling to provide their own. Similarly, these same AGs and climate groups are refusing to provide the documents demanded by a subpoena from the House of Representatives. What do they have to hide?

Those documents going back decades for Exxon???? Are those ones concerning the research papers that Exxon’s own scientists said that burning fossil fuels will cause global warming ?
Free speech is of course protected
Being paid by someone in the furtherance of fraud isn’t protected by the 1st Amendment
Teach that evidence of “fraud” is amongst other places in Exxon’s own corporate files
They have been defrauding investors for decades by not giving them full disclosure
Sorry, retard, there is no evidence that the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming therefore no fraud was committed.
john has no clue as to the meaning of “fraud.”
John, you have confused Exxon with the demoncratic party who has been defrauding Americans for decades. BTW John, do I see you for my Obamacare refund since my premiums have doubled when I was promised they would go down?
FRAUD could be defined as:
Vote for me just one more time and I will END POVERTY.
Vote for me and I will REPEAL OBAMACARE.
Now thats fraud…..Exxons of the world powering the world and giving the world a standard of living unparalled in the history of mankind is hardly fraud or being deceptive to their shareholders.
Actually, if could be defined as that but it is not. Courts across the country (including the Supreme Court) have ruled that promises to gain votes are not fraudulent. The Courts have even ruled that lying about your history to gain votes (such as in the case of Stolen Valor) is protected speech.
Weird, huh?