Monthly Archives: July 2016

Fossil Fuels Using Dems Target Skeptic Groups And Senators

You can bet the ranch on the fact that every Democrat in the Senate uses vast amounts of fossil fuels to get from their state to Washington, D.C. And you can bet that most of them travel in fossil fueled vehicles daily to get to work both in D.C. and when they’re back in their […]

Good Grief: Democrat Corrine Brown Claims Persecution Because She’s Black

She also manages to compare her ordeal to the recent tragedies (Daily Caller) Rep. Corrine Brown, a Democratic congresswoman currently facing a bevy of corruption charges, claimed Monday that she is being persecuted by malicious prosecutors and likened her ordeal to the murder of police in Dallas. Brown was indicted last week on a host […]

Obama’s Traveling To Dallas To Bridge Racial Divides Or Something

Everyone who thinks this speech will be condescending, lecturing, and scolding, and tell us WE need to do better, plus, oh, yeah, pass more gun control laws so shootings in Democratic Party controlled cities with tons of gun control see less shootings, raise your hand Obama, Traveling to Dallas, Seeks to Console and Reassure President […]

Hotcoldwetdry Causing Clouds To Shift Towards The Poles Or Something

Obviously, the only cause of this must be Mankind’s carbon pollution output. And it’s totally ominous Global Cloud Coverage Shifting in Ominous Sign of Climate Change When politicians talk of climate “uncertainty,” they’re often casting doubt on things that are well understood: Warming is happening, and humans are responsible. When scientists talk about climate uncertainty, […]

If All You See…

…is a fossil fueled vehicle that will cause forests to disappear, you might just be a Warmist The blog of day is The Other McCain, with a post on the new SJW “Ghostbusters” movie.

Thank Goodness, We Now Know How To Properly Indoctrinate Kids On ‘Climate Change’

This is so they aren’t turned into terrified emotional wrecks How to Teach Climate Change Without Terrifying Your Students After a year in Bertha Vasquez’s class at George Washington Carver Middle School, 13-year-old Penny Richards says she reads climate news while she rides the bus to school. Richards and 20-odd seventh graders sit transfixed as […]

Common Dreams Blames Dallas Police For Dallas Police Being Shot And Killed

You just had to know that far left nutjobs would blame the police. But, really, one has to wonder how widespread this thought is amongst lefties/Progressives Dallas Police Shooting: Blowback from Impunity and Structural Racism Five police officers in Dallas are dead after a shooting, which took place toward the end of a peaceful demonstration […]

A Brutal Preference Poll For Trump

Things like this are rather ominous, but not unexpected with this candidate PEW: White women with college degrees (%): McCain -3Romney -1Trump -31 — Adrian Gray (@adrian_gray) July 10, 2016 While Trump has done better in a few metrics, many of them are very bad Men Overall McCain D+1 Romney R+10 Trump R+6 Women […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled motorcycle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Powerline, with a post wondering if Blacks are more heavily involved in police shootings. It’s motorcycle week.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day here in America. The Sun is shining, birds are singing, I got so sunburned the other day I’m not going to the beach. This pinup is by KO Munson, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 American Power covers the current […]

Pirate's Cove