Monthly Archives: July 2016

High Flying John Kerry Says Hotcoldwetdry As Dangerous As Terrorism

Good thing he took a long fossil fueled flight to Vienna to tell us this (News and Advance) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says climate change is as dangerous as, if not more than, the threat from the Islamic State and other extremist groups. Speaking on Friday at an international conference on climate change, […]

If All You See…

…is a world flooded thank to Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post wondering why police want to delete the Nice attack video.

U.N Wants Quick Paris Climate Agreement Ratification As Countries Get Cold Feet

The Paris climate agreement was hailed as “historic”, and all these big wigs in government were in total love with it. Well, 7+ months later, the reality is starting to sink in U.N. pushes fast-track ratification of Paris climate deal as countries get cold feet The United Nations has issued a plea for nations to […]

DNC Rather Un-enthused To Release Their Own Donor Lists

Since the Citizens United ruling, Democrats have thundered on about the need for sunlight and transparency when it comes to donors. They’ve caterwauled about secret lists of people and companies donating “dark money”, and they want it stopped. They want to force donors to be exposed. Well, not their own donors, of course. Republican donors. […]

Trump Makes His Acceptance Speech

I’ll admit that I did not watch all of it, just snippets for a few minutes at a time. Reading the transcript, though, is very, very different from having seen it on TV. You truly lose the flavor, which, IMO, seemed angry and bellicose. Perhaps I missed the parts where Donald was soft. Rather than […]

If All You See…

…is a paddle board needed to navigate a soon to be flooded world, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post on the smear merchants right and left.

The GOP Outsourced Judicial Nominations To The NRA Or Something

Democrats have a fevah and it’s more and more gun control, ie, taking a means of personal protection away from law abiding citizens, leaving them at the mercy of law breakers, often emboldened by Leftist gun and legal system policies. And, the NRA drives them bonkers, as we see in this NY Times opinion piece […]

Energy Department Super Enthused For International Agreement To Phase Out HFCs ‘Cause ‘Climate Change’

The Cult of Climastrology has been gunning for the phase out of HFCs for years, slowly ramping up their opposition, and now they are going for an international agreement, as we see from Gina McCarthy, head of the EPA, and Earnest Moniz, head of the Energy Dept, in a post written at the Energy Dept […]

Typical Leftist Protester Sets Self On Fire While Trying To Burn American Flag

Liberals love desecrating the American flag. Walking on it, tearing it, dropping it to the ground, setting it on fire. Of course, they’ll tell us that they really love America, they’re just doing it because they hate everything the country stands for. They’re protesting! Jammie Wearing Fool calls this the feel good story of the […]

Hot Outrage Of The Day: Trump Might Look To Purge Obama Appointees

I actually had a fun little ‘climate change’ story teed up, but, hey, things move fast, especially during a campaign season and a convention week, and this little story amused me Exclusive: Trump could seek new law to purge government of Obama appointees If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek […]

Pirate's Cove