Monthly Archives: July 2016

NY Times: In Name Of Diversity And Stuff, You Rubes Need To Get Used To Terrorist Attacks

Liberals worship their talking points of diversity and multiculturalism, to the point that they feel a deep, abiding need to defend the indefensible. And they’ll do and say anything to defend it Our Best Defense Against Terrorists How we react to terrorism has become a measure of who we are, as individuals and as a […]

GOP Platform Proposes To “Get Rid Of National Parks And Forests” Or Something

Hey, who doesn’t like national forests and national parks? Personally, I think it’s great that we have them to protect the environment along with special places. However, there’s something a bit unhinged (shockingly) from this Jenny Rowland article in the Climate section of Think Progress GOP Platform Proposes To Get Rid Of National Parks And […]

NY TImes: Hurricane Activity Has Been Quiet, But, EVERYBODY PANIC, IT’S COMING SOON! Or Something

There is so, so much nuttbaggery in this op-ed by Adam Sobel, I don’t know where to stop. Virtually the entire damned thing could be fisked, but, hey, I’m trying to run off to the gym before this t-storm (caused by my neighbor driving her fossil fueled mini-van) hits (NY Times) THE United States coastline […]

If All You See…

…is a lake shrinking because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on government destroying private medical practice.

Say, What Would It Take To Make Warmists Take Personal Action On Hotcoldwetdry?

It’s funny that this question has to be asked time and again. It simply highlights that so few Warmists are willing to make more than token changes in their own lives to match the cult-like beliefs they espouse for Everyone Else What Would It Take to Make You Do Something About Climate Change? Bad news […]

Washington State Eatery Asks Law Enforcement To Stay Away

And the law enforcement involved handled this in the correct fashion (Fox News/AP) The sheriff of a county about 70 miles north of Seattle says a restaurant owner has asked that law enforcement no longer dine there. Skagit County Sheriff Will Reichardt said on Facebook that after four deputies finished lunch at Lucky’s Teriyaki in […]

Bastille Day Terrorist Reportedly Of Tunisian Origin

This all probably means he’s a Quaker, NRA member, and an original TEA Partier, ya know (Sputnik News) The driver of the truck that killed at least 80 people in Nice on Thursday evening was a 31-year-old resident born in Tunisia, according to French newspaper Nice Matin. The report from Matin, per Jihad Watch, says […]

Breaking: Scores Dead, Injured In Nice, France Terrorist Attack

Update: News is reporting at least 73 murdered. Also, the truck was supposedly chock full of guns and grenades. It might be worth considering that had just identified the real leader of the previous Paris Islamist terrorist attack. (Fox News/AP) A large truck drove into a crowd of people who had gathered for a Bastille […]

We Have Our First Pokemon GO Related Auto Accident

One has to wonder, how many Pokemon GO players will be Darwin Awards nominees by years end? (Fox News) The incredibly popular Pokemon Go smartphone game nearly claimed its first life Tuesday night after a driver in upstate New York swerved off the road and hit a tree while trying to catch Pokemon, police said. […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post on the ESPYs and BLM.

Pirate's Cove