The liberal media is Very Concerned about Melania Trump’s immigration records, because there are gaps that are raising questions
Gaps in Melania Trump’s immigration story raise questions
A racy photo shoot is prompting fresh scrutiny of the would-be first lady’s early visits to the United States.
See? Oh, and Politico throws in a bit of “slut shaming”, or at least, that is what it would be called if the target was not a Republican. You can see a wide array for Lefties who are also Very Concerned at the Memeorandum thread. And some are slut shaming, her, too.
Bloomberg calls her a Lucky Immigrant. Mememorandum has more liberals being Concerned.
And then we have Mother Jones
Melania Trump Could Clear Up Her New Immigration Controversy by Releasing Her Visa Records
Is Donald Trump married to a woman who violated US immigration law?
This is all interesting, because none of these lefties were particularly concerned with Hillary’s records, such as her 33,000 deleted emails. They did not want to know a thing about the rest of the emails that weren’t deleted. They were not interested in the story at all. Nor are they interested in the pay for play while she was Secretary of State. Many Bernie Sanders fans wanted her to release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street and other big money companies, but, among the majority of the media and Democrats? Not so much. There are lots of records Hillary needs to release. Last time I checked, Melania wasn’t running for President.

Another day in which Trump’s every move and word will be ridiculously overblown and Hillary’s every crime and lie will be ignored, not only by the media but by the establishment of both parties.
Let’s see. The party bitching about illegals stealing jobs is OK as long as she’s a stripper who ends up marries their candidate. Got it.
Don’t get me wrong. I like strippers. But illegals stripping are taking jobs away from American strippers.
They’re stealing our jobs, our speeches and marrying our
billionairesmillionaires!All joking aside, please enjoy the irony of an anti-immigrant candidate having a wife who violated our immigration laws.
What’s next, Trump will be shown to have hired illegals? Oh, yeah, that.
The law and order candidate is the defendant in multiple lawsuits? Oh.
The family values party nominates a serial philanderer?
An anti-abortion candidate who tried to force one of his ex wives to abort?
At least he doesn’t have all his Trump branded products manufactured overseas! Oh.
What is it again about Trump that makes his so attractive to the far, far-right?
Liberals are big hypocrites-who knew?
You’re the one supporting a characterless, philandering, financially irresponsible (pay your fooking bills, Donnie!), lying, narcissistic, budget busting, thrice married, tax return hiding, communist backing, offshore manufacturing, Planned Parenthood supporting, illegal hiring (and now marrying!) pseudo-X-ian.
What exactly does the far-right stand for anymore other than white privilege, xenophobia, racism and male superiority (with a touch of love for the rich)?
BTW, Donnie’s tax plan would save him millions a year (providing he’s not lied about how much he has, LOL)!
Anyway, you may remember that someone said, that with the start of the campaign proper, the Clinton Machine would leak a steady drip, drip, drip of damaging Trumposity stories.
Every few days a new scandal. And where’s that scoundrel’s tax returns??? Huh?
How do the evangelicals feel about Don not being evangelical and Ivanka rejecting X-ianity to become a Jew? She’s very smart and actually very nice. She examined Christianity and rejected it outright, preferring Judaism. Yikes.
Didn’t you just know that the DNC and Clinton would be conducting oppo research on Donnie and the Shenanigans?
Did you know that Ivanka’s father-in-law, Charles, was convicted of tax evasion, illegal campaign donations and witness tampering in 2004? Her future husband, Jared, then took over the family business.
Someone should ask Donnie if he knows his grandkids names.
Like I said, ridiculously overblown.
That little guy never disappoints.
How about that he doesn’t know what the Nuclear Triad is?
Another example…
Fred Trump and his protege, Donnie Boy, were sued by the DOJ in the 70s for discriminating against Blacks. They settled. Once a white supremacist, always a white supremacist.
What is it about Trump that invigorates the far, far right?
Excuse me, I need to send Hillary Clinton some more money.
Yeah, little guy, send her more money.
Paul Nehlen, whom Donald Trump favors in WI primary over Paul Ryan, just announced he supports deporting all Muslims (ethnic cleansing).
Thanks. I’ll double it.
Hillary and Obama left 30+ people to die.
No need for the little guy to read this, just keep sending money to the Hag…
The conservative wife of a hero killed in Libya is upset with Obama and Secretary Clinton. She’s certainly entitled to be angry at the administration. Who would blame her.
She said Secretary Clinton met her when her husband’s remains were returned, hugged her, expressed her sorrow, sat with her, held her hands but did not say anything about a “video”, contradicting what others have said.
June 28, 2016 – After a two-year investigation, House Republicans release a more than 800-page report that faults the Obama administration for security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans, but contains no revelations likely to further damage Hillary Clinton. The report paints a picture of a perfect storm of bureaucratic inertia, rapidly worsening security in Libya and inadequate resources in the months that led up to the killings of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues on September 11, 2012.
Teach why no link to the “racy” pics? Will you be using any showboating climate change? Maybe showing how the bad warmists are willing to discipline with whips those who deny climate change?
The pics taken while she apparently was on a tourist visa in 1995 are hot girl on girl !!
Libs love that stuff cons, well it DOES seem to clash with family values, doesn’t it
And just for you kinky cons a bonus of BDSM !!
–there goes that lying little guy who exaggerates often insinuating that the father of Tyrone Woods and the mother of Sean Smith are liars
If all you see…
are sheets and pillow cases that need to be washed you may be a warmist!!
J’s posts, translated: I’m desperately trying to make Trump out as bad as Hillary, but I’m failing. Who knew libs were such hypocrites?
“She met with Secretary Clinton…who said nothing about a video….” Wow, she’s an angel for that! Too bad she lied to the press about the video, though.
LOL. We only know tiny tidbits about Trump and he’s already worse than any other public figure evah.
Suddenly, Conservatives Are Very UN-Concerned Over Personal Records!
Suddenly, The Birther King Is Very UN-Concerned Over Personal Records!
It was long ago, but surely you remember that Donald J. Trump demanded President Obama’s long form birth certificate and his college transcripts, innuendoing that The President was born in Kenya and that no one (NO ONE!) remembered him from university! Remember when Don send an army of investigators to Hawaii and found something “very interesting”?
Now you whine when Trump gets caught in another real scandal? Waah, Waah. Irony’s a bitch, and so is Donnie Boy.
So The Trumpler “watched” a secret Iranian military video of the cash being unloaded? Turns out it was not that at all. Sort like him seeing videos of Muslims cheering and celebrating when the WTC was hit.
Donald “Lie a Day” Trump is hard to keep up with!
And no Donald, Secretary Clinton did not “arrange” this, it’s a result of a decades old agreement.
Can’t wait for today’s big lie!
“What is it again about Trump that makes his so attractive to the far, far-right?” Umm, pretty much nothing. Are you paying attention to what the far right has been saying about Trump? The far right backed Cruz and Rubio and Carson and Fiorina. When Trump run, they were and are torn between supporting him as better than Clinton, or voting third party. Go to any conservative blog today and see the agonizing over how to react to Trump.
If you’re going to attack someone, you might make the attack at least tangentially related to something the person has actually said or done.
Teach ? You have nothing to say about an illegal aliens telling orb jobs for Americans?
This is not a case of Americans being unwilling to do that work
Melania stole jobs that should have been done by an American porn star
Just so you know folks….Jeffery and the CLINTON CAMPAIGN is using Saul Alinsky Tactics on you.
* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.†Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)
* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.†If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.†There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.†Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.†Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Jeffery has studied the book well…..Clinton did her Poly Sci paper in college on the then living Saul Alinsky.
Remember what your dealing with when debating Liberal trolls…..they know and understand these tactics very well.
Not a Trump fan; but this keeps his war with Queen Cacklepants in perspective:
I would normally put “the Second Amendment” at the head of the list’ but the Dowager Empress has promised she poses no threat to it–and if you can’t believe “Crazy Eye Killa” Clinton, who can you believe?
Maybe if you just made better arguments…
There’s one very good reason TO vote for Secretary Clinton. Donald J. Trump.
Conservatives have no one to blame but themselves. If they had just put fiscal conservatism ahead of misogyny, racism and xenophobia they’d be in the catbird seat, but Trump played them like a fiddle.
Because of all the stupid and vile nonsense that comes out of Trump’s mouth it would not be hard for someone to convince me that Hillary! even if only for technical abilities would be a better President even though I believe she would be a disaster for America. But, if all these Hillary! zombies are saying and trying to convince me she is not a world class pathological liar and grifter I would have to draw the conclusion the person feeding me that sh!t is peeing on my head and telling me it’s raining and at that point I must ignore anything that person says afterward because they have proved themselves unreliable.
So far the best reason to vote Trump is the steady stream of vile filth that lines up against him. A slew of communists, sexual perverts, thieves and grifters, crooked politicians, narcissistic millionaire bankers and movie stars and anti white racists are not what I want to ally with just to vote against Trump. If just one group of Hillary! supporters were gung ho “I love America” types instead of whiners and complainers about how bad our country is it would be a beacon of hope. But alas, it seems the neo democrat party is the antitheses of the American spirit save perhaps folks like Joe Biden and sadly, he ain’t running.
So you support Trump because most Americans oppose him. Sound reasoning, that.
Sounds as if you hate most of your fellow citizens. Might be time to take a look in the mirror.