I know you’re utterly shocked
(UK Express) The US space agency, which uses satellites orbiting the earth to monitor the environment and study climate change, looked at how much the the huge ice sheet was still attached to bed rock underneath.
For the first time, the agency obtained a series of temperatures from the base of the sheet – the second biggest in the world after that in the Antarctic – and found it was up to tens of degrees warmer at the base than the surface.
The Greenland ice sheet is around 1,500 miles north to south and up to 680 miles across.
Scientists found alarmingly high areas of ice at the base of the sheet had melted and come free from the bedrock below.
But they also said it was heat coming out of the bedrock itself which was causing the melting.
Essentially, despite some spin coming from NASA, a lot of melt is occurring due to natural processes. Not because hundreds of thousands took fossil fueled trips to Rio for the Olympics.
Of course, NASA did spin heavily to scaremonger ‘climate change’, because that’s what cults do. I’ll leave you to read the rest of the article

Of course it is “natural” not so many people believe in the supernatural
The Santa Barbara School of Oceanography published a report many years back which has since disappeared from existence…..
“They found that the Greenland Ice sheet only melted by 40 percent of its mass during a time in which the world was a sauna and the co2 was over 4000 ppm.
We are not going to drown no matter how much co2 hits the atmosphere.
You claimed before that entire studies are disappeared. No one keeps a copy?
Just for grins, if the entire Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melted how much would this add to the sea level, if anything?
Just for grins, if the entire Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melted how much would this add to the sea level, if anything?
Just for grins…..IT WONT….it never has, it never will. During the citation of the Santa Barbra report and ring data the earth was in sauna like conditions with over 4000 ppm recorded in much of the ring data collected…..in some coral data during this same time the co2 levels approached 5000 ppm and all of this lasted for approximately 10,000 years. The planet flourished and those species that could adapt did.
during this epoch the Greenland Ice sheet lost 40 percent of her mass…..Antarctica lost nearly 2/3rds of hers…..the seas were the highest ever seen according to the studies done of the big Island of Hawaii cliff markings.
Thru all of that the planet did not disappear……the ice came, the planet froze, the waters receeded and the planet moved in an out of Ice ages for millions of years until we have reached the point we are at today.
Now for the real shits and giggles. Lets assume all the ice did melt…..it would take a temperature probably around 22 degrees C hotter then todays average temperature for 10k to 15k years.
Man would die, animals would die….New life would evolve, new species would evolve and the planet would rid itself of the cancer called Mankind.
I know you think your doing mankind a favor, but look around….do you really think mankind deserves to live?
I don’t. All we do is kill each other….you post on this website all day long trying to stir up shit and piss people off…..your no different then the cancer you want to cut from the planet…..
People have been killing each other since they first appeared on the planet…..Nothing has changed but the WAY we do it….we have tried to be civilized and we have for the most part succeeded and yet we have failed miserably….
Goverments devise ways to kill of entire nations with one canister. We cure diseases only to see new ones appear.
We invent antibiotics only to see the organisms adapt and feed on the antibiotics trying to kill them.
ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE and mankind is hardly the strongest organism on this planet.
In fact Mankind is the most fearful, cowardly, pathetic thing this planet has evolved……
What makes you think we as a species has a right to live? To survive?
Laim typed:
Sounds like you’re a gin and tonic away from a shooting spree.
Sounds like you’re a gin and tonic away from a shooting spree.
Sounds like you missed philosophy classes in college….that is if you ever attended.