Can you guess who Trump says he’s running against in this election cycle? Since the headline already says it is not Hillary, you probably guessed “Republicans,”, which sure seems the case since he and his followers spend a lot of time going after Republican voters and elected officials. Nope
(The Hill) Donald Trump said Saturday that his true opponent in the general election is the media.
“I’m not running against crooked Hillary, I’m running against the crooked media,†Trump said at a rally in Fairfield, Conn. “That’s what I’m running against, I’m not running against crooked Hillary.â€
Trump has repeatedly lashed out at media that he calls “dishonest†over the course of his campaign.
Earlier Saturday, he bashed the New York Times after a report came out in which sources characterized Trump as “sullen†and struggling to recover in light of lagging poll numbers.
He renewed those attacks on the Times at the rally Saturday, saying he’s considering revoking their credentials to cover his rallies.
“I’ll tell you in particular lately we have a newspaper that’s failing badly, its losing a lot of money, its gonna be out of business very soon: the New York Times,†he said.
How soon till we get a meme from Trump supporters that refusing to vote for Trump is a vote for the media? He’s spent a lot of time bashing the media, which has made many very upset. And, let’s face it, the media does support Democrats at roughly a 90% rate. Regardless, this seems rather freeing, since, if I refuse to give my vote to Trump, while also not checking the box for Hillary, the meme about electing Hillary would be moot. I’m electing the media! Which is not actually on the ballot.
This is apparently a case of Trump just being himself. Which may have worked well during the primaries, but won’t work a lick during the general. Of course, during the primaries, he created such division among Republican voters that there are tons who will refuse to vote for him, and that’s on Trump and his supporters.
Interestingly, the “always correct” model predicts a Trump win
Using several standards to make his prediction, Alan Abramowitz’s “Time for Change” model done for the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics “Crystal Ball” shows Trump winning 51.4 percent to 48.6 percent for Hillary Clinton.
“Based on a predicted vote share of 48.6 percent for the incumbent party, these results indicate that Trump should be a clear but not overwhelming favorite to defeat Clinton: There should be about a 66 percent chance of a Republican victory,” Abramowitz added.
Many Trump supporters are crowing about this poll. Of course, many, including Excitable Jim Hoft, conveniently ignore the rest
However, in an unusual move, Abramowitz is throwing his own model under the bus and suggesting that Clinton will win because Trump is so different from past presidential candidates and has such high unfavorability ratings that his election forecast basics can’t be trusted.
“Based on the results of other recent presidential elections, however, as well as Trump’s extraordinary unpopularity, it appears very likely that the Republican vote share will fall several points below what would be expected if the GOP had nominated a mainstream candidate and that candidate had run a reasonably competent campaign. Therefore, despite the prediction of the Time for Change model, Clinton should probably be considered a strong favorite to win the 2016 presidential election as suggested by the results of recent national and state polls,” he concluded on the Crystal Ball site.
We’re talking electoral vote blowout under the bus. Because, Trump is running a campaign
- with no spending on ads less than 90 days from the election
- he has virtually no ground campaign
- he has almost no campaign headquarters (I called the NC number on Friday and Saturday, no answer)
- he’s spending time in deep blue states instead of swing states
- he’s turning GOP states blue
- he’s averse to doing any get out the vote programs
- he spends a lot of time bashing Republicans
- he’s apparently running against the media, not Hillary
You know, there are some #NeverTrump folks in deep blue states like NY and California who don’t feel bad in the least about not voting for the Republican candidate, because they know their vote is meaningless in those states. I’m starting to feel the same way in North Carolina. Trump is finding ways to push people away. Most of his campaign events seem to be all about placating his base. These are insider rallies. And the results will be disastrous in November.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Teach Americans have a wide choice in media. Some choose media with a right slant like Fox News or CNS or WND
BUt most do not choose the media that you believe in using.
The Great Manipulator strikes again. LOL. No candidate in history has had his every word repeated time and again on every cable station. The media love Donald Trump. He’s charismatic, combative, funny and famous. The media love him. The media are the founders of Donald Trump. They created him.
Two mistakes:
Taking something like The Hill at face value.
Not recognizing irony when you hear it.
Of course, he’s running against Crooked Hillary (where’d he come up with that if he wasn’t?), but the media is protecting her so closely, he’s also recognizing in his remarks he has to beat them, too. Every R from Hoover on has been running against the media. This should not come as a shock, but, if you hate the man that much you can’t see straight, I guess it does.
PS IOW, Abramowitz wants Hillary to win, so he says Trump loses because he’s unlike anyone else.
You could say the same about Reagan. People did, in fact.
You talk about Excitable Jim Hoft, but you’re no better.
Like a lot of NeverTrumpers, you hate the guy so much you’d rather have Hillary.
If you get her, you’d better not bitch about it, because you wanted it.
Just a little FIY, Jeff hate everyone, he even hates himself and his own skin. John does not know what planet he is on. I really gets to the point that the average person on this board can write the comments from these two nuts. By the way, know that Jeff funded his education and his business (a corporation which he hates) with taxpayer money via NIH grants. So, nothing that he says have validity.
I’m not sure how this became about me, John. I suspect that all you did was read the headine and think I approve. You’re like an outfielder who keeps catching balls with his noggin.
As far as media, I rarely watch Fox. Nor do I watch abc, cbs, nbc, or cnn. Too much fluff. I actually watch Scarborough in the am.
I do use all of them as news sources. Place WTVD, WRAL, News and Observer, lots of other NC outlets., NY Times, Wash Post, NY Post, Breitbart, Daily Caller, The Blaze, Miami Herald, UK Guardian, UK Daily Mail, UK Telegraph, Climate Progerss, Grist, CBC, Yahoo News, sports stuff. And tons more. I run the gamut of all sides. I bet you can’t even come close the the sources I read. You’re most likely in a Media Matters, daily Kos, Think Progress bubble.
The Trump campaign is like someone who’s angry at his ex-wife, so he goes to his own house, sets it on fire, blames the parents who told him not to marry her, and then relaxes in a room full of loose papers, expecting her to die.
I am firmly in the Never Trump category. The guy is a lunatic moron who is so used to BUYING HIS OWN WAY that any bump in the road is a sure sign that the elections rigged against him. He fully believes that his shit dont smell and that he can do no wrong…..
this I surmise comes from surrounding himself with yes men/women for decades.
So if he were to some how win the White HOuse I surmise it would be every bit the disaster the Obama Administration has been.
Liam, always enjoy your comments so don’t take this the wrong way, but…
Makes sense, I hope…
Obama on the speculation that Trump was a founding member of the Village People:
“I’m not saying that Donald was a leatherboy biker in the 1970s, I’m just asking the question,†said Obama.
“I’m sure, if there’s nothing to these stories, he’ll be able to produce documentary evidence to disprove them.â€
And for those who think Obama DIDN’T found ISIS, here’s the proof:
If it’s on the internet there must be some truth to it.
At the end of the day, the (Alexander) Hamilton Rule keeps coming to mind
Hey, maybe Trump would make a good president. Maybe he would be as disastrous as Hillary and Obama. I’d rather it be their chump being bad than ours. Unfortunately, Trump may kill lots of down ballot Republicans.
@ drowningpuppies
Yeah I know bro. Hillary is the second most Incompetent, unable to rule candidate ever put on the ballot….shes a close second behind the Trumpster.
Unfortunately I do not hate people….I do not hate Hillary enough to vote for Trump no matter what.
They are ALL….EVERYONE OF THEM INCLUDING CRUZ, RUBIO, SANDERS….PELOSI, RYAN…name your politician………Everyone of them are lying scum bag carpetbaggers gone to washington to scam the American tax payers out of their money.
The GOP says vote for me and they will end obama care …..they do nothing.
The left says vote for me and we will end poverty……they do nothing.
LYING scumbags does them no justice….there are no words that can paint an accurate picture of these things we send to D.C.
So no matter who wins in November we are struck with a Biatch/Bastage who will NOT DO A DAMN THING THEY PROMISED TO DO.
Most of his campaign events seem to be all about placating his base. These are insider rallies. And the results will be disastrous in November.
Ive been saying it for awhile now….This is going to be a wave Election for the Democrats…..
Democrats are not all that thrilled by HIllary BUT…..There are so many angry GOP’ers that will probably not even vote that this is gonna be a blood bath for the right.
I think we might even lose the huge majority we have in the HOUSE this time around…..
HIllary will have all three houses…..
But dont fear guys….these politicians will then spend the next 8 years saying everything wrong with America is the GOP’s fault while they have control of all three houses and do almost nothing.
Thats how it works now….these scumbags have realized what a gravy train being in D.C. is all about….they dont want to solve anything…..they want to scam Americans out of their money for ever and ever.
Our system is designed to prevent extremism, but this also makes our system subject to gridlock.
Major policy changes require either cooperation/consensus or having the people elect one party to the House, Senate and White House. Even then, Senate rules require a 60 vote supermajority to move legislation.
Nearly four decades of Reaganomics/Dem/GOP pro-corporatism has resulted in an even greater divide between rich and poor, crumbling infrastructure, debt and loss of manufacturing. Maybe it’s time to try a new approach.
Our biggest challenge is to repair the working classes. My Covian friends suggest cutting their own taxes, deregulating corporations, raising taxes on the poor or taking away the right of the poor to vote are the solutions. It’s hard to imagine how giving more power to the wealthy helps the working classes.
No Representation without Taxation! Inspiring.
Unfortunately, any policy to level the playing field is met with shrieks and wails from the privileged, and it is the privileged who run a plutocracy. Universal healthcare will reduce expenses meaning reduced profits and pay for doctors, administrators, drug companies, hospitals etc. Wail!!! (and millions to Congress to do as the plutocrats wish). Increase the costs of imports by increasing shipping expenses to cover the true environmental costs of burning fuel oil. Wail!!! (and millions to Congress etc).
Who are these “privileged” you keep bemoaning, comrade Jeffery? Are you referring to movie stars, sports personalities and TV people? Do you mean the billionaires and millionaires who support the ultra rich Clinton’s? Or are the privileged all the people who sit home all day making babies by multiple men who take no responsibility for them, collect welfare, public housing, food stamps and dozens of other support services they don’t pay for? Could the privileged be people from other countries with no discernible skills or desire to assimilate but just want the free stuff already mentioned? Maybe the privileged are people who never donned a uniform and fought for America, or who got free college at their neighbors expense or started a business from tax money paid by other “lesser” folks?
You always talk about the “privileged” but aren’t very specific. We know you are racist against white people and deathly in fear of Christianity for some reason. I guess since America was founded and built by white Christians you must hate America too. But that’s obvious by the way you hate everything about it and want it “fundamentally changed” into some sort of socialist shithole. I am really interested in who you think these “privileged” people are. Or are they just anybody you disagree with? You seem to have a very low opinion of anyone who disagrees with you.
The privileged are the political donor class. You know, the 1%ers. Romney, Bush, the Clintons, the Obamas, Trumps, Gates, Buffett, Wall Streeters, CEOs and most corporation execs, heirs and heiresses, the Waltons… the usual suspects. Their tax burdens have dropped dramatically the past few decades and their wealth exploded.
Every policy we enact in America is to their benefit. All we liberals are asking is for a little balance. Romney, Bush, the Clintons, the Obamas, Gates, Buffett, Wall Streeters, CEOs and most corporation execs…
The bottom 50% of earners in the US have a bit over 1% of the wealth. And you want to tax them or yank their right to vote!
Did the super-wealthy get that way only on their hard-work and genius? Only in part. They also have policies that favor their accumulation of wealth. For example, Donald Trump has taken advantage of favorable bankruptcy provisions.
Our immigration, labor, tax, monetary, fiscal and trade policies all turn out to benefit the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Why is that? Because the political donor class controls our plutocracy! And you want to give them more power by snatching voting rights from the poor!
We get that conservatives don’t like non-white, non-christians and blame them for all problems. We get that you don’t want the poorest 50% of Americans to even be able to vote! We get that you think you pay too much in taxes.
Jeffrey wrote:
Did you notice? Most of the people Jeffrey named were people who earned their money themselves, or are but a generation or two removed from that earning.
Yet their tax burdens are still significantly higher than the tax burdens of those who earn less, aren’t they?
Jeffrey’s policy breaks down to one thing: he thinks that he’s Robin Hood, robbing the rich to give to the poor, and he’s copmbitching that he’s not managing to rob enough from the rich!
Jeffrey wrote:
Well, we can see just how well leftist policies have worked! Most of the working class pay little, if any, federal income tax, while the top producers pay plenty, yet the white working class has pretty much deserted the Democrats. The white working class vote is going to Donald Trump, because he’s the one who has actually been addressing their concerns, while the left keep promising to raise taxes, raise energy costs and put in all of those liberal policies that don’t help the working class in the slightest. When it came time to choose between representing the working man or the non-working man, the Democrats chose the latter.
When I combitched about having the indolent collecting the money I’m being paid for every fourth shovel I have to take out from under a conveyor belt tail pulley, Jeffrey’s response was simply that the lazy aren’t getting quite as much of the fruits of my labor as I said; he never challenged the fact that they are still reaping the fruits of some of my labor. When I had to put together eight 100+ lb steel forms this morning, in the 83º heat, Jeffrey’s position is that the malingerers got paid for my putting together only one of them rather than two of them, and that I should somehow be happy about that. The idea that I shouldn’t have to pay for the welfare cheats at all is simply outside of his paradigm.
First of all comrade, the top 1% own 35% of the wealth, not that it matters. Who do you expect to own wealth other than the ones who earn it?
You lie! Again or should I say “as usual”, comrade. I never said “earners” should not vote and of course if one “earns” they should pay taxes.
Again your basic lack of economic knowledge is showing. Bankruptcy laws do not “accumulate wealth” they stop the loss of it. For most people hard work and genius is exactly what creates their wealth. For crony capitalists and their fascist enablers paying off the Clinton Foundation and lining the pockets of corrupt legislator like Barney Frank or Chris Dodd helps them keep out competition.
You see, comrade, taxes are on INCOME not WEALTH. Can you understand the difference? Taxing income stops people from becoming wealthy by reducing the amount of money they have to reinvest in their businesses. Taxes hurt growth by taking money from those who can best utilize it for production and directing it in another direction.
Just so you know in socialist countries the top 1% also control about 35% of the wealth. Now in you ideal communist haven, comrade, the top .0001% own 99.6% of the wealth. The richest people in Cuba are Fidel Raul Castro the only billionaires. The daughter of the leader of Venezuela is the richest person in that country. Guess who has all the wealth in China and N. Korea. Go ahead, guess comrade.
At least in out system if we keep taxes lw enough an average person with an idea, some drive and a little luck can become wealthy witout it being taxed away like you want to.
I noticed you left yourself out of the “privileged” category. Interesting.
Again with that condescending “we” crap like you think you’re privileged or something. Anyway, conservatives don’t dislike groups of people based on superfluous things like their race or religion. We leave that to you leftists since you’re so deft at dividing everybody into groups. But my curiosity is why you hate white people and Christians when they are the very people who founded America. Or is that really what you hate, America?
Comrade Hoagie,
I don’t hate white people or christians, comrade. I just don’t think that whites, christians and straights have more rights or claim to America than other citizens.
Most of my friends, family and colleagues are white and christian. Movement conservatives suck, though, comrade. You and your fellow travelers are a pox on this nation and the world. You are willfully ignorant, mean-spirited and hubristic, comrade.
For years the far-right hid in the shadows (at least in the civilized north), would have their klaverns and Birch meetings in private but would scatter like roaches when the light of reason was switched on. Now with Rush, FOX, Gingrich, the NRA and the Reagan revolution, what was once too vile for the light of day is now discussed as if it’s serious. The result of this is nominating a post-truth strongman, a carnival barker, for president. Even your so-called “normals”, e.g., Paul Ryan, are charlatans, seeking economic guidance from literary fiction.
But your hubris has given America a chance to elect another Dem President, and importantly, a Dem Senate. Another few election cycles and the Tea Party coalition in the House will be routed and men and women of reason will be able once again to get the country back on track.
So no, I do not hate America, whites or christians. I hate you and your ilk for what you’ve done.
First off, comrade Jeffery, you do realize you projected yourself when you said: “You are willfully ignorant, mean-spirited and hubristic, comrade.” So you, not knowing me have decided that I am vile, ignorant, mean spirited and you hate me. Wow. You truly are a douchebag. And you hate me for what I’ve done. Let’s see:
I joined the Army at 18 and volunteered for Vietnam.
I became an Army Sniper, won a Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.
When I returned I completed college in three years by going year round, all while working.
I opened my first restaurant at the age of 26 and over time built 16 more.
I’ve have an estimated 1500 employees.
I’ve helped two go to college, four go to culinary school and financed two to open their own restaurants.
I’m a Mason and volunteer at Shriners Hospital for Children until my health stopped that recently.
My club does Meals on Wheels for elderly shut-ins, holiday baskets and dinners for the poor, food and clothing drives for the same and once a year we have our volunteer doctors spend a week checking anyone who needs help and getting them into clinics or rehabs. I participate in it all with my time and money and organization.
I built three shopping centers.
I helped my wife build two salons.
We are partners in a restaurant chain of 64 locations in S.Korea and Hong Kong.
So you go ahead and hate me and my “ilk” for what we’ve done. Since what we’ve done is defend this country and help build it better unlike you and your comrades that only want to tear it down and turn it into another third world socialist craphole. So yes, you do hate America and whites and are scared to death of Christians. What makes you so pathetic is you can’t even see how hateful and vile you are full of anger, envy covetousness and lust for that of others. You’re a sad walking example of the seven deadly sins.
It would have been interesting commenting with you but I won’t comment with someone who is full of vile hate toward me. No point.
Noted your presence in Korea. That is fantastic. Just got back from there and was really impressed with the country, in fact, I thought it made the US look 3rd world. I found the people to be very nice and the country clean and modern. My wife is nuts over the Korean media and watches it constantly. I am interested in if you have had the same experience.
As to Jeff, he is really sick and best to ignore him.
Jeff does not think of himself as a Robin Hood, it is worse than that. He is the great white bwana. This is actually a psychological illness.
My problem with the comrade is once you admit you’re a hater you lose my respect then once you begin telling me what I believe in I turn the off switch. Then on top he used “your ilk” as if he is better than we are and somehow superior as a species. He’s a hater and I have no time for haters.
I always enjoyed Korea david7134. I like the people, the food and the culture. I don’t go for their media because they have too many soap operas. My wife watches, I don’t.
Agreed. I have no time for unrepentant rich extremists who want to have their own taxes cut while raising taxes on the working poor. And keeping the working poor from voting until they pay more taxes to pay for your tax cuts. Typical far-right extremism.
“I, I, I…” America has done much for you and you don’t recognize or acknowledge it.
Jeffrey wrote:
For what do you believe I need to repent, Jeffrey? Do you believe that I should repent for having worked hard and gotten ahead, even though I am still working class? Do I need to repent for believing that what I earn ought to be mine, and not be given to the slothful who refuse to work?
I have busted my ass for 30 years in this industry, running concrete plants, and now that I’ve made it, financially, you seem to think that I should somehow ‘repent’ my success.
Senate rules require a 60 vote supermajority to move legislation.
Except when it doesnt… in Harry Reid turning it into a majority rules when they had the majority and passed Dodd/Frank and Obamacare because they knew neither would pass with 60 votes other wise.
Again…….lying douchebag politicians who will stop at nothing to scam the American Taxpayers, rich poor and especially the middle class who pay 90 percent of the taxes in this country.
As for the rich its proven if you taxed them at 90 percent and gave them no deductions you would get perhaps 400 billion in taxes….now all we got to do is find the other 2.5 trillion to pay for everything………
Comrade Jeffery is a great orator for the middle class …..too bad most everything he says is skewed, spun and partial truths filled with half lies.