I long ago noted that about the only reason I could think of to check the box for Trump as a vote against Hillary is the courts, from the Supreme Court and down. That said, sometimes a candidate is just so utterly awful that one can’t in good conscience vote for that person. However, here’s Hewitt giving it another shot
Once more into the Supreme Court breach
Third time’s a charm.
Or not.
Over the last two weeks I have tried to use this space to persuade #NeverTrumpers that their opposition to Donald Trump, no matter how deeply principled on their part, should yield to the manifest damage that would be done to the rule of law in the United States by even one, much less two or more, appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, should she become President Hillary Clinton.
No need to repeat the arguments. Read them here and here. But one last objection to the “vote Trump to save the Supreme Court” argument needs revisiting because it remains standing in some places, and my colleague in the talk radio world Ben Shapiro gave voice to it again last week in a short but sharp exchange we had on air.
The problem here is that when it comes to Trump, we just do not know. He might attempt to appoint someone as hardcore leftist as his sister. As Patterico notes, would Mitch McConnell really block Trump if this happened?
Really, though, if this is all you can offer as a way of supporting Trump, it’s damned thin. Besides, here’s a fun way to get around a SCOTUS packed with liberals: increase the size of the court. Appoint conservatives. Think that can’t be done? The Constitution makes no mention as to how many justices shall sit on the Court. Regardless, if Hewitt can only offer this, I’ll stick with the Hamilton Rule
If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.
Besides, why is Trump and his team not making this case? Why are they not attempting to solicit the votes of people who normally vote Republican?

I’ve heard of one-issue voters before, but this is the first time I can remember having a one-issue candidate.
Hugh Hewitt has no real basis on which to trust Trump. I completely agree that if all you have is Supreme Court Supreme Court Supreme Court, you have effectively lost the argument. Trump has changed positions on everything else, why wouldn’t he change his position on this too? It’s his nature.
so going with the Hamilton Rule you will vote for Clinton?
Teach it looks like it really isn’t going to matter who you vote for, it is looking like a landslide
Predictwise has gone over 80% for the first time
The last time a POTUS (FDR) tried packing the court his own party refused to go along with it
And Teach looking into your crystal ball, when do you see the GOP being a majority party nationally?
In your lifetime?
Better start breeding
Listen to the speech he gave today (8/15/2016) and tell me again why you wouldn’t vote for Trump. I don’t care how much of a wildcard he is, he loves this country and H. Clinton and her ilk care nothing for the America we love.
Rudy gave quite a speech today:
“Under those eight years, before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office.”
Rudy you kept us safe, except for 9/11, the anthrax attacks, the Beltway snipers, the shoe bomber, etc
Rudy you kept us safe, except for 9/11, the anthrax attacks, the Beltway snipers, the shoe bomber, etc
One cannot argue 9/11. The others were hardly Radical Islam terror attacks that were either stopped before being successful or they had nothing to do with Radical Islam as in the Beltway snipers and the anthrax attack has never been solved and no one claimed responsibility for it……..Most likely again
We have hardly been safe since the Cleric ordered the bombing of the Twin Towers under Clintons watch. Hardly his fault.
Since then the response from the USA has been wrong under Bush and its been wrong under Obama. Both used extremes to get their policy enforced and neither have proven successful.
Mr. Obama has probably killed more people then Bush did………GASP….the media does not report on the 100 people a day the USA drone strikes are killing non stop…..
Of course not….hes a democrat…..he must be protected……Why is the right not protesting in the streets? Oh thats right were too busy WORKING to protest against a government gone mad.
Sorry once again your posts are twisted, spun and packed with half lies and half truths in order to conflate what someone says into something they did not say.
I can remember Hugh Hewitt making the same argument for Bob Dole.
Someone should point out to Hewitt, though, that recent Republican presidents have given us judges like David Souter and Jack Roberts. And so far, the Republican Senate has more or less rubber-stamped any Democratic president’s choices.
Sure, just ignore 9/11 when discussing terrorist attacks on US soil. Anyway, as you claim, 9/11 was Bill Clinton’s fault. Trump’s unhinged surrogate claimed Obama engineered the invasion of Afghanistan. Such is the post-truth, post-reason world modern conservatives inhabit. As Newt said, we can make our own reality, truth is just another commodity.
Why is the right not protesting Obama killing Muslims? Really?
The only complaints I’ve heard about killing Muslims overseas (even radical US citizens) came from the left.
To the right, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. Keep ’em over there so they won’t behead us over here.
Except for 9/11 they kept us safe, LOL. Except for the bullet through his head, your husband is in perfect health, Mrs. Lincoln.
Rudy can’t imply that Obama sympathizes with extremists yet ignore 9/11 and the ill-fated, world changing Iraq invasion. His city was successfully attacked under his watch. He supported the ill-fated invasion engineered by President Bush.
Sure, just ignore 9/11 when discussing terrorist attacks on US soil. Anyway, as you claim, 9/11 was Bill Clinton’s fault.
I DID NOT CLAIM THIS AT ALL. IF you remember their was a bombing of the twin trade towers under Clintons watch in something like 1996. That was what I was refering too….I also said IT WAS NOT HIS FAULT.
I said and I quote……….One cannot argue 9/11.
I said and I quote……….We have hardly been safe since the Cleric ordered the bombing of the Twin Towers under Clintons watch. Hardly his fault.
There was no blame to go around in either 9/11 or the 1996 attack under Clinton…..If anything it was a failure of the FBI, CIA, NSA….its not like the president is patrolling the streets or flying an f-16 to shoot down any incoming terror attack…..The president is not inserting with seals or Green Berets to gather intell.
Once again Jeffery proves he cannot read, does not read anyones post….skims a line or two and then just starts spouting leftist talking points.
The only complaints I’ve heard about killing Muslims overseas (even radical US citizens) came from the left.
Bullshit….this was an organized happening to bring down the Bush Administration an insure the LEFT garnered the white house in 2008. They didnt give a shit about muslims…..that is quite evident in the last 7 plus years under Hillary/Obama.
Drone strikes are happening almost daily for 8 years under Obama….under Bush the front page was filled with RAGE at the innocent muslims being killed by the Butchering soldiers of BUSH….Under Obama………….CRICKETS.
STop spouting your leftist commie talking points…….and join reality….it might do you some good.
Because most people not on the Left don’t even think about the Supreme Court when they vote?