OK, OK, perhaps the headline is a bit over the top, but, seriously these are the kinds of things the Cult of Climastrology worries about
Why aren’t ships using wind-power to cut their climate footprint?
Industry claims to have no control over its rising emissions, blaming the growth in global trade, but low-carbon alternatives such as wind power do existMS Estraden looks, on first glance, like a normal cargo ship. Just another one of the 50,000 vessels transporting pretty much everything we buy, sell and consume.
But on closer inspection, ship-spotting enthusiasts will notice two large cylinders rising from the deck. These are rotating devices that capture wind and help propel the ship forward. It is technology first trialled back in the 1920s, but only now brought into commercial use.
Why does it have those?
For the past year and a half, the MS Estraden, which belongs to the Dutch-owned shipping company Bore, has been testing out the cylinders on its regular journey between Rotterdam and Teesport, on the north-east coast of the UK. The result: it has cut fuel costs by 6% (pdf).
To save money!
Shipping brings us 90% of everything we buy and consume, yet most of us remain blind to both its role in our lives and its contribution to global climate emissions: currently around 3%. The industry has no targets for reducing emissions; the climate talks in Paris last year were skilfully negotiated with warnings that a cap on emissions for shipping would be a cap on global trade and growth.
On current projections, the sector could be contributing upwards of 6% (pdf) of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
So, of course Warmists want some sort of fee or tax for shipping, as well as spending lots of money to have sails on the ships. Think I’m kidding? Check many of the photos at the story.
Maersk, one of the few shipping companies to set itself targets for reducing emissions, says cost savings rather than consumer demand remains the main driving force. “There is a limit to how far we can go alone,†says John Kornerup Bang, Maersk’s lead adviser on climate change. “We need fair regulation and limits for the industry, otherwise there is a gap between the free ride of those doing nothing and us.â€
In other words, government forcing Everyone to make these changes. Why does the end result of ‘climate change’ policies always result in more government control?

Why does the result of any leftist policy ideas result in more government control? I suggest that’s because the real goal of all leftist policies IS more government control. There is not one single policy I’ve seen at this blog put forth by our resident leftists that does not promote more government control and therefore more FORCE against the individual. Can you name one? And the bigger the government, the better. They don’t want more States Rights, oh no, it’s the all encompassing power of the fed that’s needed for every idea from light bulbs to healthcare.
Why does the result of any rightist policy ideas result in oppression of the weak and minorities? I suggest that’s because the real goal of all rightist policies IS more oppression of the weak and minorities. There is not one single policy I’ve seen at this blog put forth by our resident rightists that does not promote more oppression. Can you name one? And the more oppression, the better. They want more States Rights, it’s the power of the fed reversing their oppression that fires their fear and hatred.
I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything. Get over it!
The AGW and Leftist crowd do NOT WANT TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM…..they want to eliminate Corporations. Period.
There are solutions to CO2.
The first is the selling of co2 to oil fracking and oil well operations who use the sequestered carbon via pipeline and storage tanks to use in place of fracking fluids and water used in drilling wells.
This however would keep the industry alive. Its a no go…..it solves the co2 emissions of most natural gas and coal fired plants….but of course……
Its a solution to the problem and its a no go because it would allow the Fossil fuel industry to remain in place.
Just like Poverty…..They do not want to SOLVE POVERTY….they want to feed it and nurture it and keep their constituents sucking the government tit by offering them a whole bunch of free shit……to then make these people totally dependent upon the Government for their existence.
ITS NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM…..it subsidizing the problem.
This is the reason left and right can never agree on anything…..The right wants to SOLVE emmission problems that would economically benefit everyone not PUNISH. The right wants to Solve the poverty issue by getting everyone able….to a decent job with benefits…..the left wants their constituents to work at McDonalds for 15.00 bucks an hour and still need food stamps, housing, government subsidized medical and dental and childrens programs…..
But OMG the left wants them to have a good wage…..of course they know that when you raise wages prices go up and of course the poor are right back where they started….making 15 instead of 8 but now everything is double in price so they are no better off then they were.
They dont want to solve problems….they want to pretend to HELP….while continuing to nurture the problems they have created to keep their voters voting for (D)’s.
Solving problems makes the (D)’s irrelevant.
No where was this more apparent to me (Not wanting to solve problems) Then in Greece in 2000-2004 when we were in country working on the Olympic infrastructure.
I want bother you with the socialist details but the facilities had to be able to house an estimate 75,000 individuals which included Athletes, Staff, Press, and so on and so forth….this did not include spectators…this was simply people directly involved with the Olympics themselves.
Each individual project would face obstacles and problems that were easily solvable….the Native solution was ALWAYS to HIRE MORE people and pay them ridiculous wages and benefits…..as they milked the system for every thing it was worth.
In the end nearly half the country was working on the Olympics which not a soul in Greece could be convinced that this was eventually going to E N D….and there would be no more gravy train….No more high paying jobs…..and that the country would have to go back to existing on its own productivity.
Leaving Brazil several months ago It was apparent to me that the same scenario was taking place and I would not be surprised at all if their is not a national financial crisis after the games are over.
People are the same all over the world…..The government will NANNY them from cradle to grave…..until they CANT.
So it is in the USA….the nanny state will thrive until it cant….unfortunately for the Jefferies and the Johns of the world they cannot see past the nipple and realize the tit’s running dry……As long as that nipple is shoved in their mouths the worlds just a swell place……
until its not.
Wyoming lawmakers could end up inheriting the wind if they raise the state’s unprecedented tax on breezes.
That’s what the Wyoming Legislature determined four years ago when it became the first state to impose a tax on revenue from wind energy, in a decision that has reaped the state about $15 million. Now the state is considering raising the tax in a maneuver critics say could put the industry in jeopardy.
Now whats curious about this is the furor over the fact that Wyoming is expected to erect all these ginormous towers all over the state and then let them send all their power to California…….FOR FREE.
When every other form of energy is taxed….the EnviroNazis are having a cow over the fact that Wyoming wants to tax the energy produced by Wind Turbines that is then being sent to California because the Californians dont want them in their back yard they want to plant them in the middle of Wyoming FOR FREE.
Its funny how the left want to tax all fossil fuels but not tax clean energy……and then become indignant when a state wants to make some money from the USE OF ITS LAND BY ANOTHER STATE…..craziness from the left and the AGW crowd never ends.
Not a single conservative reading this article has the slightest objection to Maersk taking voluntary action.
That’s where liberals and conservatives differ: conservatives believe that anyone and everyone can take voluntary action, as long as it doesn’t trample on anyone else’s rights, while the left want to force everyone to do things.
Coldists are the new anarchist/libertarians
Government Control ? yeah I would MUCH rather have that than everyone deciding for themselves what they should/shouldn’t be allowed to do.
Civilization itself was founded upon people deciding what laws would govern their behavior or the manner in which they make profits.
Teach please tell us how in the last 7.5 years the warmists under Obama have taken away your precious freedom. Tell us what negative impact it has had.
Ohhh by the by Duke Power has dropped out of the major DC coal lobby. Duke power has said that they expect to do less power generation and concentrate more on transmission as their business model. They see power production as in the future being more decentralized renewable. Guess they must have been drinking our Kool-Aid
The guy texting while driving a tractor-trailer texted:
Allow me to help you here:
ГоÑударÑтвенный контроль? да Ñ Ð±Ñ‹ предпочел , что , чем каждый решив Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑебÑ, что они должны / не должны быть разрешено делать.
It just sounds so much better in the original Russian!
Conservatives/libertarians believe that people ought to be free to do whatever they please, right up to the point at which it infringes upon someone else’s right; then we need government to protect our rights.
Teach please tell us how in the last 7.5 years the warmists under Obama have taken away your precious freedom. Tell us what negative impact it has had.
I gave you an extremely long list a while back…..You ignored it and again repeat your litany that AGW is not impinging on freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
Perhaps you should give us a list of what good the TAXES collected and put into the bottomless pit of our government has done to STOP Global warming.
Ohhh by the by Duke Power has dropped out of the major DC coal lobby. Duke power has said that they expect to do less power generation and concentrate more on transmission as their business model. They see power production as in the future being more decentralized renewable. Guess they must have been drinking our Kool-Aid
LOLOL….WHO CARES?? You are finally making a bit of sense to me…..this is a pissing contest for you…..every time they build a windmill you shout WE WON……
The right does not care…..We do not care who makes the money from power generation…..In fact you will hear in their platform repeatedly……ALL OF THE ABOVE….meaning they are for EVERY source of energy to power our country and this planet……
Only the lobbyists are for Fossil fuels…..but with George Soros passing out millions to his congressional cronies its apparent that many ex-ambivalents have suddenly become inspired true believers in GREEN…….
LOLOLOLOL….the blindness of some people is actually quite disconcerting….the fact you do not even realize your a crony working for leftist billionaires who stand to make perhaps trillions of AGW and GREEN energy.
Well that is frightening to me….but not unexpected…..The reality will come home when the left eliminates FUEL and suddenly theirs no food to feed the people….
I know all your black buddies in the projects can grow a garden in their window boxes paid for by the DNC.