This is what goes for science in the Cult of Climastrology
Weather expert: Little climate change effect on Peninsula — so far
University of Washington professor Cliff Mass predicts the state will warm by 3 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.Climate change has had little effect so far on the North Olympic Peninsula, a prominent scientist told a Port Angeles audience this week.
That will change later this century when the impacts of anthropogenic, or human-caused global warming become profound, said Cliff Mass, University of Washington atmospheric sciences professor and Northwest weather expert.
“It’s going to happen and we’ve got to get ready for it,†Mass said in a Wednesday lecture at the Port Angeles library.
Even without any influence of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, Mass said there is “no doubt†that anthropogenic climate change has already hit the Northwest.
Examples of human-caused climate change include irrigation in Eastern Washington, which cooled the area by 1 to 4 degrees, and the growth of cities like Seattle that have warmed low-level temperatures by 2 to 10 degrees because of combustion, the buildings and concrete.
Jets and fossil fuel-burning ships leave trails of clouds that affect the weather.
Those would be examples of UHI/land use, not global. But, in all fairness, if you read the article you will note that Mass does take into consideration natural variation and is less unhinged about CO2 than most. Nor is he a big fan of hyperbole about future doom. Despite stating that we are looking at future doom. Which is what Warmists so often do when their prognostications aren’t working out now.

I’ve noticed they have all gone back to the extreme temperature changes again. Now its 5-12 degrees by the end of the century.
They are in the chicken little mode again. Because no ones calling them on it. I think the right has become weary of climate change.
If the planet warms by 10-12 degrees in one century it will be historic and apocalyptic. Everyone start bottling water and building shelters.
All you guys in the projects….sorry the DEMS dont want to help you….they want you to DIE as they worry about Bangledesh and Tahiti and want to start funneling billions to third world countries while keeping you just barely above water so you keep on voting for Dems.
By the by….this guy is saying Washington will be 5-8 degrees warmer by 2100…..that means at the equator it will be 12-16 degrees which is planet ending.
So in essence…..the earth is done in 2100.
The professor understands that the surface of the Earth is warming from CO2 we’ve added to the atmosphere and the warming will continue. Regional natural variability has not stopped, so some areas of the Earth will warm more than the average, some areas less.
Wow, little guy, gotta admit that’s fucking brilliant!
Future doom at some point is coming – we’re not sure when or how, but it is coming! Don’t bother repenting! There’s nothing you can do! So yeah, why bother studying or going to class then prof? Silly man.
“So far…” Just like “could”, “maybe”, “in the future”- all weasel words of junk science.