My first thought on this is that she should spread awareness at the Washington Post and advocate, nay, demand that the WP do away with their AC at their corporate building. My second thought is that I’m amused that this sciencey missive is in the Lifestyle section. My third is “bugger off, you annoying little preachy cult member”
I don’t need air conditioning, and neither do you
Our house in Philadelphia was built in the 1920s, when people were tough and resourceful. For most of the year, the house is cool and pleasant, as long as there isn’t a mash-up of continuously scorching days and epic humidity, when the air is putrid, stagnant, and, if it were a color, would definitely be mustard.
Which would be this summer. Which, so far, is the fourth hottest summer on record in the Washington area. Emphasis on so far. NASA reports that July was the Earth’s hottest in recorded history. Cheer up, people say to those of us without air conditioning, September’s coming. Except people forget that most of September is still summer.
So, we’ve established that this is partly a whine about ‘climate change.’ There’s also some whining about other things, like aesthetics.
There are positive aspects of going without. Fewer house guests. More dinner invitations. That humble-bragging business. Showers. I can’t tell you how rewarding showers feel. And ice cream tastes way better.
Whoa, there, sparkella: showers and ice cream are bad for ‘climate change’.
Air conditioning made Americans greedy and silly. Once the country got hooked on central air, strange things materialized: windows that don’t open, the office sweater in August, summer colds, Las Vegas, football in Phoenix.
So, to assuage her Special Snowflake Syndrome, she wants everyone to give up their AC. You know this would be preferable by government fiat.
Living without affords its own strange luxuries. True, life is harder, but also more sensual. Stern loves the freedom that heat bestows to reclaim summer as a slower season. “If you’re living without air conditioning, you can’t do stuff,†she says. “It’s enforced relaxation and stupefaction.â€
See? It’s also the perfect excuse.
It also dovetails nicely into the Warmist notion that Other People shouldn’t travel, because that creates carbon pollution. These people are nuts all around.

The linked article also states that she does have AC in the bedroom.
She also writes: “the 1920s, when people were tough and resourceful.” As opposed to now when her kind whine about micro-aggressions and need “safe spaces” from opposing views and yet feel the need to lecture the rest of us on how to live.
I’ve got an idea….mind your own business.
I too have an idea Hank…… stop telling others what to do
I read the lovely Mrs Heller’s article, and, fortunately, she didn’t actually call for the government to ban or restrict the use of air conditioning. If she wishes to abstain voluntarily, more power to her.
I shall give her credit for leading by example.
You fail to understand John, when Hank says “mind your own business” he’s not telling someone what to do, he’s telling her what NOT to do. It would be a good lesson for all you radical leftists to learn.
You fail to understand, Hoag, that when Hank tells a liberal to mind his own business, he’s basically telling that person not to be a liberal anymore, he’s telling that person to give up his entire reason for living.
No air conditioning? How brave and committed she is(n’t)!
If you want air conditioning that’s fine your choice.
I’ve gotten through 77 years, so far, having never lived in a house or apartment with air conditioning, living in Ohio, Florida, NYC and now, Alaska (yes we do get some 80 and 90 degree weather here on occasion.) and never ever felt the lack of air conditioning was any hardship whatsoever.
John, you’re one deluded dude.
Have someone you know help you to read Hoagie’s comment a few times and see if that helps.
Dana, good point. Didn’t look at it that way but you are correct.
I can remember living without air. It was horrible. You basically had to go home at about 1 pm and lay on the bed and not move till around 4.
Teach, you are far more tolerant than I am. I went to “bugger off, you annoying little preachy cult member†right off at first bat.
Good for you, Jim. You have that right. Now, would you grant the rest of us the right to live cool if we choose without people raggin’ on us? At our own expense, of course.
Teach typed:
So you insult the woman, calling her a name, since you disagree with her, then lie about what she proposed.
Poor form. But typical.
You ridicule climate realists for not “walking the walk”, but when one does you ridicule her, slurring her as a warmist and Snowflake.
You’re like a first wife – never pleased.
Warmist and snowflakes are slurs?
You’re such a pussy, little guy.
Oh, sorry, is that another slur?
I grew up in Kentucky, without AC; our school was built in 1937, and it didn’t have AC, either. Not fun.
The house wee bought in Hampton, Virginia, did have central AC, though not a particularly good system. The house in Hockessin, Delaware, better AC. Our current home, in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, is a 124 year old Victorian, and it doesn’t have AC, though we do have some window units for the bedrooms. We don’t need them most nights, but the heat wave that recently passed saw them used.
We don’t use AC unless it’s uncomfortably hot, but will use it when it’s needed; that’s our choice.
Warmist and snowflakes are slurs?
Why of course. But so then too is commie/communist/socialist. Jeffery prefers to call himself a patriot while he sows his seeds of revolution and encourages black people to kill Cops and the Government to shut down the military and to take away our guns so that the government has very little resistance when they begin the martial law and take over of the America we used to know.
Yes its a slur….its called Saul Alinsky tactics designed to force the opposition to respond to ridiculous charges rather then to stay focused on the task at hand.
Its effective it you let it be.
Teach –
You attacked a woman who is leading by example and encouraging others to do likewise. She did not advocate government action.
Care to explain your poor showing?
You attacked a woman who is leading by example and encouraging others to do likewise. She did not advocate government action.
Linkage…..John used a good example of it a few days back……
The tobacco industry and Fossil fuels linked together doing the same things.
In her case she is linking while not overtly stating….but in the readers minds there is no doubt what she is implying because the AGW EnviroNazi’s have been screaming it for 20 years.
Im all for Green Energy. Use it myself…..However Im also for responsible transition to Green, not the willy nilly approach advocated by most AGW mindless dolts who would shut down Exxon tomorrow if you let them.
Thus the DENIERS are not really DENIERS at all…..they are defenders of our planet from falling into world wide anarchy.
Teach –
Do YOU have anything to say for yourself regarding your scurrilous attack on this woman?
Sounds like you prefer she just be quiet and not make an argument.
Yup. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Stupid ideas should be shot down as stupid.
It would be an argument is she totally gave up AC in her own life. But, she didn’t. Nor is she telling her employer to give it. Typical dumbass Warmist crap.