She wants to do to mental health what Obama did to physical health
(Politico) Â Hillary Clinton on Monday released a sweeping agenda to deal with the mental health problem in the United States, including a call to convene a White House conference on the issue during her first year in office.
“Recognizing that nearly a fifth of all adults in the United States — more than 40 million people — are coping with a mental health problem, Hillary’s plan will integrate our mental and physical health care systems,” the Democratic nominee’s campaign said in a statement. “Her goal is that within her time in office, Americans will no longer separate mental health from physical health when it comes to access to care or quality of treatment. Hillary has been talking about mental health policy throughout her campaign, since hearing directly from American parents, students, veterans, nurses, and police officers about how these challenges keep them up at night.”
Clinton’s plan encompasses the integration of mental and physical health care systems, including an expansion of reimbursement structures in Medicare and Medicaid, tasking the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to create and implement the new payment models. Suicide prevention is also a major focus of the plan, with Clinton’s campaign saying she would assign all relevant federal agencies to create a cross-government initiative overseen by the surgeon general. Clinton previously announced her plan to increase funding for community health centers last month, an idea favored by primary rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
In other words, putting all your mental health everything in the hands of the government. Which would also have the power to audit insurers and such to make sure they are doing what government thinks is best. But, hey, don’t worry, government won’t actually do anything with the information they take, and there’s no chance it could be hacked in government hands, you know
The proposal would also seek to provide training to law enforcement officers on how to deal with people with mental health issues, as well as launching a joint initiative between the departments of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services to increase community-based housing.
More and more government. It’s the way liberals roll.

Only 1/5? Then how did Obama get elected?
The Hag (or her subordinates) are a little worried about Huma and her perverted husband…
They can start with Obama’s NPD. It’s incurable, but hey, Hillary is gonna hold a meeting so anything is possible.
Whatever we’re doing right now isn’t working is it? It’s another market failure. If we treat depression, alcoholism, anxiety disorders, ADHD, PTSD, autism early, research shows there are fewer problems down the road.
Republicans oppose mental health initiatives since treatments reduce their voter pool.
LOL. Obama is narcissist, BUT YOU NOMINATED TRUMP! LOL.
Actually no we did not nominate Trump. I didn’t. More Rs voted against the man than voted for him. You do know what a joke the convention was right? How can you be so ignorant?
My wife has been a school teacher for 33 plus years….she has a masters in special education and works with the children that we classify as learning challenged. She often tells me that with each new year she sees children who are in wheel chairs, drooling, hooked up to several bags, tube fed and quite literally on their death bed……But the DOE tells us it is their constitutional right to receive a school education.
One cannot argue with their rights… can only argue with the moral issues at state. Something that the DOE seems to ignore when forcing school systems perpetually short of money to spend inordinate amounts of resources on special ed. teachers who normally are paid more because it is dictated that they have at least a masters degree.
In short…and to the point her contention is ADHD is a quick and easy solution to children out of control due to a family that does not have time to teach their own children how to behave. Autism runs a gamut of severe to almost normal with all stages in between. Downs syndrome is always there…..Women who were drunks or on drugs have children who are mentally destroyed who are incapable of learning much of anything……..
Special training is required to properly restrain these children or you lose your job. If you do it incorrectly then the School district hears from MOMMA……and your fired……So one slip up, one failure to follow the rules established to the letter can end your carrer with these children… what happens is that 6-8 people are in charge of 6-8 children and overseen by a high paid trainned professional.
In the shortest sense of it all my wife often wonders why we live in a society that pushes PILLS FOR EVERYTHING…..5 year olds are on pills…..The parents are often drunks, drug addicts and Rich White people from the million dollar home section of town……But my child has something wrong because he wont pay attention………..I GOT A PILL FOR THAT…..
The nurse has to visit the room a dozen times per day to administer medicines to children that might or might not need that pill……A doctor is summoned to ensure that the bags, IV’s and comfort of the child are properly installed and in full working order……
The School spends a million dollars per year making sure they are following dictated rules to the letter so that momma does not sue the school for failure to properly treat their totally brain dead child with respect.
One has to wonder as my wife often does…..HOW are we helping these children….they learn nothing, we are only their unqualified RN’s and healthcare providers without the requisite medical degrees. In other words….cheap medical help and day care to children unable, incapable of learning.
And Hillary wants to expand the numbers…..PUSH MORE PILLS and make more families dependent upon the state.
Now Im all for helping these families and children in any way possible to ease their burdens….but really… the school districts the right place for this? I would resoundly say no in visiting my wifes work and seeing these children……
NO there has to be a better solution… that does not soak millions out of every school district budget and forces those that can learn and excell to receive less then otherwise because of the inordinate amount spent on just a few children in each school.
PUSH THAT PILL…has become the trademark of the left and ACA…..its ebbed into the DOE now and into the homes and lives of millions of children who most likely only need a proper family guidance rather then a PILL to keep them drooling in classrooms.
We are well on the wrong track in the DOE and its why the right is so against the DOE and all that its trying to do.
And, of course, the HITECH Act, part of the 2009 porkulus bill, mandates that all medical records be digitized, so now the lovely Mrs Clinton would increase people having mental health issues being treated, and therefore, recorded. The next part of this would be having ‘background checks’ scrutinize an individual’s health records, to see if he’s ever visited a head shrinker or marriage counselor.
Conservatives thought that 1984 was supposed to be some sort of literary warning; liberals see it as an action plan.
A big question is: how is Mrs Clinton going to pay for all of this? Private health insurance costs are already rising faster than inflation, Obaminablecare costs have skyrocketed, we are running half-trillion dollar deficits, and now she wants to add more costs to health care?
Re: Mr Thomas comment.
I remember a last day of school athletic event at our local parochial school, where one of the parents turned out to be a public school teacher. Yup, a lot of public school teachers put their own kids in private schools, for some wholly inexplicable reason.
She complained to me about the ‘mainstreaming’ of special education students, noting that much of her class time is taken up by simply controlling or dealing with children who shouldn’t be in normal classes in the first place. These kids learn very, very little, because they are capable of learning very little, but they wind up harming the normal students in class, because the teachers don’t have as much time for the normal kids.
I’m sorry that some children are simply not normal, and not capable of much, but we sure shouldn’t hurt the education of others to take care of such children.
Liam the pill manufacturers OWN the GOP Congress
Where do you think the funding comes from?
Do you think the libs have been in control of Congress since 1994?
Dana rising costs? well since ACA the RATE of increase is at an historical low. Beat that with a stick.
Of course some think that educational funding should be determined not equally but by giving the most to the smartest elite.
My niece in law taught at a public school in NYC She said she spent 2/3 of her time trying to control 10% of the her class. Of course by not subsidizing stay at home moms to care for their young kids we have made this problem worse. But heavens!! we can’t have single moms just staying at home and taking care of their kids, can we? PUT THEM TO WORK !!!
Countries like Sweden (that have higher tax rates) don’t seem to have near the same level of problems, do they?
We can either pay more for early childcare, or, pay much more later in a dysfunctional society
They also fund democrats and or don’t you know that?
Tes, as a matter of fact I do. R or D, they’re libs.
Beat yourself with a stick. I just Googled it and there were so many articles on rising prices I figure you can do your own homework.
True, the rich, white liberals who send their kids to private walled schools believe that. The libs in DC who do the same believe that. The rest of us exploited by the liberal tax laws to pay for teachers unions votes, not so much.
If they are stay at home moms why do they need subsidies to take care of their own kids, their own responsibilities? We have single moms in part because the libs have exploited women to have babies without husbands so the government can be their husband and the babies daddy. Great idea idiot, keep on subsidizing failure and encouraging broken homes to exploit votes.
Countries like Sweden have a population of 9 million people who were homogeneous (until their leftist government let in moslems) and could do that. We have 330 million people of different ethnicities making it impossible to apply a one-size-fits-all solution that you closed minded leftists are so famous for.
We are already paying for “early child care”. What do you think Head Start and hundreds of other state programs are about? At what point do you think these folks need to take care of themselves? Do you think a woman’s job is screw, pop out a baby and then everybody else is supposed to take care of it and her? That’s not solving a problem , it’s enabling one.
You leftists are limited by your inability to see any way to solve a problem that does not involve the government at some level. That’s why you are generally lousy businessmen, you can’t think for yourselves. The exception to the rule being the “plugged in” leftists who have attached themselves to government and thereby themselves become part of the problem. Like your aforementioned drug companies.
My niece in law taught at a public school in NYC She said she spent 2/3 of her time trying to control 10% of the her class. Of course by not subsidizing stay at home moms to care for their young kids we have made this problem worse. But heavens!! we can’t have single moms just staying at home and taking care of their kids, can we? PUT THEM TO WORK !!!
This is perplexing to me. School is mandatory. Staying at home is not a prereq for raising responsible children.
But I guess this comes on the heels of Nancy Pelosi saying you dont need a job just go paint or something and enjoy the Democrats free money(unemployment).
Again this goes back to YOU wanting to give MY money to other people……
See this cuts across the entire spectrum of our nation…..YOU want to subsidized people with my tax dollars without ME HAVING A SAY.
Just as the GOP Wants to build a wall to keep out illegals without the say of about 1/2 the country.
This is where this nation is falling apart…there is no longer consensus building anymore……
A few Thursday afternoon links
Black crime: A tale of two conferences Why Race Relations Got Worse The Freshman Experience: Social Justice Indoctrination and Academic Handholding Minimum Wage Hike Leads to Massive Loss of Restaurant Jobs in D.C. Duh. Hillary Thinks You